Chapter 76 Pre-engagement

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I COULDN'T HELP IT! So I know I haven't updated in a while and that's because everything is sooooo busy. This was going to be part of a huge chapter but oh well! Comment, vote, share and enjoy! Oh and pleeeeaaaseee check out my new book idea Amatullah!!


"Yes sir. Our sources have confirmed it- the poison was given to the wrong person"
"Who is it then?"
"You're not going to like this sir but....Laila Mohammed"
"What?! How?"
Lucian Evandale flew up from his office chair, nostrils flaring in anger. Ethan winced, shit's going down...
"W-we d-don't know sir" the missive cowered before his father's evident rage.
"Fuck" Lucian ran his hand through his neatly brushed hair in frustration. Ethan stood up as well, sensing he better come up with something fast to stall the oncoming storm. Most likely resulting in a dead missive.
"Father" he began quickly, "we just need to deliver the message to Badr- he won't let her die surely?"
His father looked at him strangely, as if he was actually contemplating it, so Ethan continued; "that way he will deliver her straight to us- we don't have to waste time and resources on them"
"You're right" he breathed, "you my son, are a genius!"
Ethan said nothing but his heart surged with pride. Finally a praise.
Lucian began rummaging through his files quickly, papers flying everywhere in his strange hysterical frenzy, not caring that he was turning his office upside down.
"Where is it..." He muttered, emptying his drawer. Finally he found it.
It was a business card that was stapled to a few papers. Lucian slammed it down on his desk in triumph.
"Look here Ethan" he ordered, tapping it with his finger, "this is Doctor Raguveran. He is the AbdulQadir family's personal doctor. If we want to send the message to them it will be through him"
"I see" Ethan replied although he wasn't sure what his father was cooking up in his head.
Whatever it couldn't be good for Badr.


I blinked as my alarm went off for fajr, already wide awake.
Sleep was hard to come by when the closest thing to a best friend was mad at you.
A sense of despair settled in me as I checked my phone for the hundredth time only to see Niha had seen my messages and had not replied. What did I do? I thought again tiredly. It wasn't like Niha to completely ignore me...she was too nice for that. Or so I'd thought.

Sighing, I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom, a familiar wave of fatigue and nausea hitting me. It was routine now. I'd forgotten what it even felt like to be healthy and fit. Football was out of the question- training was out of the question if I could barely make it downstairs without taking a break. It made me panic at regular intervals. I felt sick, as if there was something venomous inside me, eating away my defenses.
With shaky, mehandi stained hands I made wudhu and prayed, then stayed dwindling on the janemaaz (prayer mat) a little longer. I made dua for my mom and for everything to go well today at Bilal's party, and for Allah to protect my family which now included the AbdulQadirs. Lowering my hands with "ameen" I suddenly noticed something sparkling in the lamplight, carefully placed on my left sidetable. Standing up warily, I realized it was a package wrapped neatly in shimmering red wrapping paper with a silver ribbon and a small card attached. Heart hammering, I picked it up, wondering where it came from and who put it here. The card had a simple message printed on it:

This is for tonight. I picked it myself so I hope you like it. Consider it your eid present. You wearing it will be mine.

My heart skipped a few beats as I realized who the gift was from. A blush crept up my cheeks and my lips curved into an involuntary smile.

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