Chapter 59 (Bilal)

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Note: this is just a really short chapter but it will interest you hopefully especially the ending:))

"Why didn't you tell me about this?!"

Bilal sighed, running a hand over his face tiredly. He was bare chested with a towel around his neck having just showered. They were at Chloe's place, which was smaller than his own, much smaller- considering only she lived there. It was pristine where it hadn't been touched: the kitchen, the guest room and bathroom. Her own room was a nightmare of clothes and make up but he found that cute- it showed her stress every time he was about to visit, she always wanted to look her best. Presently she was standing with her hands on her hips, dressed in a fitting dark purple knee dress with her hair bound up. Her makeup was spectacular; eyebrows arched, eyes glowing amidst the smoky look, berry lips which curved and killed any resistance a man could have.
"Well?" She demanded, glowering. He stretched and rubbed the towel through his wet hair, watching her silently.
"It was kind of last minute" Bilal said finally, "and I didn't think it was worth calling you for- just child's play"
"Really" she arched an eyebrow, "child's play made it to the news!"
"Give it a break Chloe" he sighed, standing up and taking her hand in his palms, "I would have called you if I thought it was worth your time. What a shame it would be to have to change out of that gorgeous dress for some low life Buria?"
That seemed to subdue her anger and her expression softened, her cheeks coloring softly.
"You're right" she replied reluctantly, leaning into him, "do you still want to go out tonight?"
Bilal laughed, "of course! Let me get ready hon"
"Sweetheart" he continued mockingly in a sweet voice, "cupcake, cherry blossom-"
"Ohmigod stop!" She chucked a cushion at him which he caught, laughter rumbling inside him.

Once ready, dressed in a  navy blue suit with white shirt and matching tie, Bilal and Chloe left for the Hilton Hotel where he'd booked a table for two. He was happy they were finally able to have some quality time together- he loved to get her all dressed up and excited for a posh night out- a bit of a change from stilettos, black leather and guns. They both made no effort to conceal their Cedochi tattoos as they held hands. They were proud of who they were.

Bilal and Chloe had met three years ago when they'd both been dispatched to Oceania for an important cargo mission. The biggest Cedochi gun supply was being sent to Cairo, which was in high danger of interception. They'd worked together seamlessly, moved as though they were made for each other every time there was an attack, and the way they'd gotten the job done became legendary. Soon after that Derek had subtly hinted at a romantic side to that, and Bilal finding that indeed Chloe seemed to fit with him better then any other woman he'd ever come across had complied.

He regretted not one second of it.

They made it to the restaurant of the hotel, a place filled with people on the weekend night. Women in beautiful dresses milled around the place, there arms proudly supported by men in sharp suits. Bilal and Chloe were no exception, completely and utterly confident in their stance. A tall blond woman in a trailing pale green gown swept past, her blue eyes lingering on Bilal for a few fleeting seconds. Chloe noticed and she gripped his arm tighter.
"I hate her" she hissed. Bilal laughed, earning stares. Chloe smiled embarrassedly, her cheeks coloring ever so slightly.
"But her dress was gorgeous" she muttered.
"I'll buy one that's better" he told her with a roguish grin, "happy?"
Chloe shook her head with a small smile, "it's okay Bilal- I'd rather you but me a nice pair of Italian revolvers"
He rolled his eyes, "always about the guns"
"Would you like to dance?"
"Of course"
Chloe looked around, "let me just fix my makeup"
"Oh my god-" Bilal began in exasperation but Chloe had already glided across the place and disappeared into the ladies rest room. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he answered it immediately seeing who it was.
"Yes, Ellias"
"Mr AbdulQadir I have great news for you"
"What is that?" Bilal asked, his heart leaping.
The words that came out of Ellias' mouth next made his heart stop for a few seconds.

The world began to spin very fast.

Everything muted.

The phone slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor with a clatter.

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