Chapter 5 (Faris Bin Waleed)

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For the first time in a very long time Faris Bin Waleed felt as though the ground beneath him had fallen.

She was here.

She'd come back home.

Had she come for him? 

He instantly dismissed the thought. Sixteen years was not enough to cool down Ruba's anger. He remembered the night she'd left as clear as though it were yesterday, but immediately cast his thoughts elsewhere. He wondered how his daughter looked like now, little Laila, only a year old when her mother had taken her away from his life. He'd missed her terribly and still did, with not a single photograph to remember what she looked like, not a single object connected her to him. 

He wanted desperately to see them. They were so, so close and yet so far away. He'd spent years and a lot of money looking for them but eventually given up after seven or eight years. He'd lost hope they would ever come back into his life and yet here they were, alive and well, and Ruba was sitting in the Genesis headquarters. No doubt she was there to get a job.

He would make sure she got it.

Pressing the button on his telephone he waited for his secretary to show up. She hurried into his office moments later, a pile of paper in her hands.
"Yes sir?" She asked.
"I need you to call my friend at Genesis" he ordered. By friend he meant the CEO of the place, "there's a woman who has just come in with a job application. Her name is Ruba Mohammed. See to it she gets what she applied for"
"Yes sir, is there anything else?"
"No thank you, Helen"
With a sigh he leaned back and murmured a quick prayer of thanks to Allah. It was then that it quickly dawned on him that if his men had spotted Ruba, no doubt the Buria had too. He unlocked his top draw and pulled out a private cell. Without a second thought his fingers dialed the number of the most capable Cedochi he knew.
"Assalamualikum sir"
"Badr" he said, "I am dispatching you to your next project"
After the details had been discussed Faris cut the line, feeling tired but satisfied. He didn't trust any youngsters but the children of his best friend, and of them he knew Badr was the best of the best.

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