Chapter 84 (Badr, Laila, Bilal & Ethan)

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Note: BET YOU DIDN'T EXPECT ME TO UPDATE SO SOOON!!!!! But this is my thanks for being such a great family, for repeatedly bringing this book to the top 5 of Teen Fiction (#3 rn!) and for everything! This is my best chapter so far, so I expect LOTS OF COMMENTS, VOTES AND SHARING! Please do comment tho I want to see your reactions :) So here goes! 


I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding when I made it past the doors. Harrison's little stunt had called all Buria within a hearing radius to prevent the supposed Cedochi from invading while I'd used those few seconds to slip inside. Really they should have left at least one guy to guard-
"Badr watch out!" Yassin hissed into my earpiece.

"What the-" a surprised voice behind me exclaimed before I preformed a backwards flip and kicked him squarely in the chest. The guy went reeling back, eyes widening from impact. I didn't let his hand reach the rifle slung across his chest, easily catching it and twisting it painfully. He screamed in agony but I grit my teeth and knocked his head against the wall, not hard enough to do any real damage but certainly hard enough to knock him out.
Damn it I cursed, looking around for a place to hide him before the others came back. Luckily not far off was an abandoned looking storage room with enough dust that it coated every visible layer. I pushed him inside the crammed space and pulled some boxes around to cover him from sight.

Shaking my head to clear the adrenalin I quickly sped through the corridors, Yassin being my eyes. He was watching the adrenalin from home with Niha's company- the screens were too many for one man to keep an eye on...and maybe he just wanted to protect her himself, but she wouldn't know that. I cleared my head of those thoughts- my brother and I would have to sort out our love lives after all this.

"Badr, there's security from here on everywhere- they're going to notice you" Yassin said nervously, "Niha- check the elevator?"
"The entrance on the second level is guarded Yassin" she replied worriedly. I grinned to myself but before I could speak my brother did.
"I know that look Badr" he said suspiciously, and I could imagine his eyes narrowing, "what are you going to do?"
"What I do best" I replied in a nonchalant whisper.
"Wreak havoc?" Niha humoured bravely. I winked, knowing she could see me from the cameras.

Breaking into a jog, I pulled up my famous black cloth to cover my face up to the bridge of my nose, and pulled out the mini explosives I'd stashed in my jacket. I only needed one to do the trick.

I pulled the pin from one by my teeth as I sped up to a run, ignoring the surprised shouts from a couple of Buria exiting a room. I skidded around the corner and lobbed the explosive at the far end of the hall where a few vehicles were stashed, watching the black device fly through the still air before it would land and blow this room apart. Smirking, I quickly ran back to the corridor, hyperaware of the warning shouts ringing through the ground level.
"Coming your way!" Yassin yelled suddenly.

I threw myself into one of the many rooms just as black boots appeared on the other end of the corridor, plastering myself to the wall, listening keenly. The odds of them seeing me were about fifty fifty, but I was sure I could take them-


The ground shook with the force of the explosion. Whatever was in the room tumbled to the ground and I just managed to fling myself out of the door before something could block it from me.

I found myself right in front of a group of shell-shocked Buria. I must have blown up a cable because the entire corridor was blackened by lack of light and they seemed to have not sensed I was there.
"Shit! What the fuck was that?!" Someone exclaimed in panic.
"This is not good" another was muttering, "we're dead meat- did you hear me? D-E-A-D"
"Shut up bitches" Harrison's quiet voice effectively met an awed silence, "We need to see the damage, and more importantly- make sure the bastard who did this does not make it out alive"
I grinned to myself as I slipped past them- whether Harrison was on my side or not, he was doing a damn good job.

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