Chapter 14 (Badr)

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I decided I liked Laila better when she was asleep. For one thing, she looked peaceful and calm in slumber, with her long lashes casting shadows down on her cheeks and her brow devoid of those dents that appeared with anger. I'd been watching her ever since the doctors had cleaned her up, bandaged her anywhere she needed it and given her a sleeping pill. I could have stood outside yeah, but that wasn't exactly fun, besides- the doctors had taken off her scarf and I couldn't resist but look inside the room.
It was long, her hair, waist length when bound back plaited, a very dark brown-almost black color. It was silky and smooth looking and I wanted badly to touch it but for some reason that felt like crossing a line even if she didn't know.
Then she'd woken up, completely missing him as she looked around- something I wasn't exactly used to. But then she'd started crying and I hadn't felt very comfortable or at ease at all. I didn't like it when people cried and barely ever did it myself. But when Laila cried I really didn't like it. So I'd announced my presence in the most irritating way possible as anger usually cut off the tears in my observation. And okay, I admitted to myself, when I continued annoying her I'd found it kind of hilarious how her eyes widened in anger and she looked ready to just about murder me.
Especially with that thing about the shirt.
I grinned now thinking back to it. I hadn't changed her shirt at all, the nurse had. But they'd wanted something clean to put on her and I'd had a spare t-shirt in my car. I was so generous. Any other girl would have been head over heels at wearing my clothes, but Laila? Laila was sure to burn it when she got the chance.
And the thought didn't make me angry at all.
It made me smile.

I waited now, outside her room, straining my ears for any pockets of conversation. I couldn't hear anything beyond a murmur of voices and gave up soon. Family talk. I got it.
Twenty minutes later amu Faris stepped out of the room briskly and I fell into step with him. He looked happier, brighter, and I wondered involuntarily if that's how Baba would feel when he got to see me in a few months, after a whole 15 years.
"Ah Badr" he said with a small smile, noticing me, "you are still here my boy? You should take rest. I've got more men here for security at the time being"
"Sir, how is your wife?" I asked bluntly, mainly because I was sure now she was not dead as I'd thought. Which meant I hadn't failed. Which meant I was still perfect.
Amu Faris studied me thoughtfully for a moment, "Badr, I hope you were not blaming yourself"
I didn't reply but for some reason a surge of relief filled me.
"There is nothing you could have done" he continued, "but by intercepting the ambulance and bringing it to the private medical facility you did an ingenious act. Ruba will be alright inshaAllah"
"That is great news sir"
He smiled crookedly, "I am going to take care of some work, I suggest you stay the night here in case we need you. Third floor, guest room-" he ran a hand through his hair, "please make sure you don't give Laila a fright. I forgot to mention to her you would be staying"
"Oh no worries"
"I don't have to say this but as a father I will, I don't want to hear of anything untoward"
I bowed my head, hiding my smile, "of course not sir"
"Thank you"

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