Chapter 71 The Ramadan Dinner Parties

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Note: this chapter is dedicated to meltinthemouth ! She is a truly awesome reader to have :) I'm really confused about this whole comments issue? I can see that you have commented via email but not on the actual app :/ thank you for them though, I'm sorry I can't reply like I used to but I do enjoy reading them! Unedited.

Day 18 of Ramadan: Niha's Iftar

Niha was up before anyone else in the Taufeeq household. Their big Iftar was taking place today at a community hall because there were way too many people, and there was no question of rest until after Maghrib. There were samosas, spring rolls, pakodis and so many more things to make just for the Iftar- dinner was another story. After Sehri, reading some Quran and praying Fajr she immediately set to work alongside her mom and sister.
"Why someone is rather enthusiastic today" her mother smiled as she happily peeled boiled potatoes, "is there something you want to tell me?"
Niha blushed slightly. She'd been trying hard not to think about him but had failed miserably and all in all her excitement for his coming tonight was growing by the minute. How did she know for certain he was coming? He'd texted her.
They hadn't talked properly since Ramadan began and that was probably because they were both so busy. There were Iftars all the time in the Bengali community and barely any time amidst school work and worship to talk. She felt better about that- talking to the opposite gender was not something she considered right so it was best if she didn't initiate the conversation. Still, one glance from Yassin almost totally crumpled her defenses and she'd been in a strange state of happiness over the last few days, always replaying the scene in her head. There was something in those beautiful green-black eyes that was so alluring and held so much depth. It was almost as if he was trying to tell her something.
"Niha?" Her mom snapped her fingers in front of her, "don't mutilate the aloo!"
Niha gasped, realizing she'd been peeling in the same spot for a few minutes and had instead dug a nice chunk out of it.
"Sorry mama!"

Once the Samosa filling was done and filled into the pastry, the Taufeeq sisters were allowed a small break. Niha headed upstairs to her bedroom to look for what to wear for Laila's football game that was supposed to happen today and for the night.
"Mama who have we invited?" She asked, calling down the stairs. Her mom's face appeared around the corner.
"Let's see," she thought for a moment, "your uncles and aunties and their families obviously, Mr. and Mrs. Bin, your friend Laila and her family, your father's hospital team..." She rattled a few more people off and Niha groaned inwardly. There were going to be so many people it wasn't funny. Not to mention half the Bengali population on earth.
She opened up her cupboard and looked through her wild assortment of suits from their recent trip to Bangladesh. Which one would be fit for the occasion? Involuntarily her mind wandered back to a fact Laila had shared about Yassin a while back.
"His favorite color combination is blue and gold"
"What? Really!"
"Yeah... All his desktop's are the same color scheme"
"That's like the colors of Ravenclaw right?"
"Blue and bronze- mind, he'd be a hufflepuff"

Blue and gold it would have to be.

Before Niha could even contemplate on what to wear for the game, her phone vibrated with a new text. Heart pounding, she picked it up, almost dropping it when she say Yassin's name flash on the screen.

Hey Niha. Laila's not playing today because she feels pretty sick :(

Aw man! She wondered what could have happened- Laila almost never ever missed practice or a game if she could help it. But then again over the past few weeks she'd been looking really tired and drained all the time, something her father would call lack of iron. Frowning, she replied:

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