Chapter 69 (Bilal, Badr & Laila)

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Note: hi guys! Unfortunately I can't actually see your comments on here for some reason but have seen them through email. Thank you for them and I am sorry I can't reply! Here is the next chapter! I should inform you all we are in the third quarter of the book as it is time to start wrapping up loose ends :) unedited.

Bilal knew what he had to do.

After talking to Christina on the phone, Bilal was euphoric, ready to get married right now. Their conversation over Vitaly's phone replayed in his mind for the hundredth time, making him more and more excited.

"Aw Bilal you're so sweet!" Christina squealed on the other end of the phone, "I would fucking die if Vit proposed but I know he won't"
"Wait- so- you would want to get married?" Bilal asked incredulously, not quiet believing his ears.
"Honestly I would. And you and Chloe have been together for so long! Why wouldn't you?"
"I'm not sure if she wants to" he admitted.
"Bro" Vitaly's bored voice floated through the line, "throw a big party, buy her a designer dress and antique guns or something- she won't say no after that"
"She's not that shallow" Bilal snapped angrily.
"Whatever you say. I'm telling you though, that will win her"
"Oh shut up Vit" Christina said playfully and he could imagine her slapping his arm, "Bilal that's a sweet thing to do, and besides it's nice to gve presents that she likes it doesn't mean she's shallow!"
"Oh for fucks sake Bilal" she groaned, "just do it"
"I think I will" he said quietly, feeling giddy with excitement.
Christina squealed and he cut the line- her euphoria was infectious.

Now Bilal paced up and down the living room in front of Yassin who was hunched over a notebook, restless.
"Flowers" he muttered, "lots of them. Everywhere. White and red-I want it to be classy-"
"Slow down bro" Yassin, scrawling stuff down, "where do you want to hold it?"
"The Langham" Bilal replied, "she loves it there. I'll book a event hall"
"Are you sure you're not rushing this? I mean Baba only mentioned-"
"No" Bilal cut across him, "I've wanted this for a while"
"Shut up" he growled even though he had to turn away because he was smiling, "call Ricardo afterwards. He's the best interior designer in the city we'll need to book him ASAP"
"Sure boss"
"For guests write down everyone in her division- all the girls, Christina, her mom and dad-"
"Bro can we even it out with a male population"
He glowered at his younger brother who held his hands up in surrender.
"What is going on boys?" Baba walked through and took a seat next to Yassin. Bilal beamed at him.
"I'm proposing to Chloe"

I flexed my shoulders, feeling the strain on my almost fully healed stitches. I hoped I didn't tear any out today otherwise Bilal would have a fit. As it was he was so confused over his love life. I tried not to snigger.
"You find this funny or something?" Curtain or whatever snapped, rolling up his sleeves, "look around Yusef you're totally surrounded"
I didn't bother to think up a smartass answer, just waited for them to make their move. I was tired of having to prove myself to immature imbeciles. They wanted to test me? So be it. I was waiting right here, come and try yourself if you wish.
They began to close in and I started feeling slightly claustrophobic. The changing rooms were small and divided with benches and posts, while parallel walls were not more than eight meters apart. I wanted open ground where I could watch them run away in fear, or I could back away from the crime scene easily, but there was none of that. I'd have to teach them a lesson here and now- and no one was going anywhere.
Brandon made the first move, taking a sloppy stance and packing a punch at me with his massive fist. I caught it in my palm and slammed him back with a Kung fu move I'd learnt ages ago. Strength comes from your stance I could almost hear Derek say, you can maximize the power of each hit if you stand right. Energy is misused if you're rigid and try to pack too much unnecessary force.
That was exactly what idiots like four school children and Buria did. How nice would it be to have a worthy opponent...
After I sent Brandon spinning headlong into a bench, the others sprang on me like rabid dogs. I was not in the mood to let them irritate the scars on my chest so I snaked away before catching Curtain or whatever and Jules from the back of their shirts and smashing their heads together. Jules swore violently while the other moaned in pain, a beautiful purple bruise already blooming on his forehead.
"You fucking asshole-"
"Oh shut up"
I grabbed Jules and pushed him into the other guy, watching them stumble before making my move so that they were both eliminated threats. I deftly caught the foot of the other guy's incoherent kick aimed at my face and pulled him toward me, easily slamming him down on the cold floor.
I could hear footsteps and Coach's voice booming through the corridor.
I quickly realized I had to actually appear somewhat hurt, so when a staggering Brandon tried landing a blow on me I let him, faking a yelp of pain as his fist collided with my jaw. He hit me one more time, in the stomach, which I used as an excuse to slide onto the floor in a ball of agony.
"What the-" Brandon exclaimed.
The door flew open and I kept my eyes shut otherwise I'd start laughing.
"BRANDON HEALEY WOULD YOU CARE TO EXPLAIN WHAT THAT WAS? report to the headmaster's office immediately!"
"Shut up! And you too Curtis, Jules and Tyrone. I can't believe this "
Oh...not Curtain I supposed.
The coach kneeled down next to me and gently tugged at my shoulders,
"Yusef son, can you walk?"
I winced and nodded, slowly getting up. The boys glared at me, some through swelling eyes.
"How did this happen?" The Coach asked in a quieter tone, motioning to the scene.
"I was going to get changed" I rasped, "then this guy, Curtis, comes out of nowhere and throws my bag-" I motioned to all my stuff lying around, "then they locked the door and tried to beat me up"
The coach stared thoughtfully at the state of my attackers. I realized that it probably looked unbelievable that they'd tried to attack me seeing as they looked worse off.
"I'm a black belt" I explained to him, "and I know a fair bit about Kung fu and other arts as well"
He nodded thoughtfully, "I'd like to see some of that. I'm sorry Yusef but you need to go to Mr Crawford's office as well- he'll decide what to do with these"
"Sure thing sir"
I loped out behind them, tugging a shirt over my head before girls started fainting left and right. Outside I passed a small crowd from gym class as well as a worried looking Talha. He mouthed something but I didn't get it, and before I could go to him Coach had decided to escort us.

I was feeling sick. My head spun and felt heavy. My stomach was in turmoil, and my eyes drooped shut at every available opportunity. More than that I felt tired and worn, as if my body was sick of dealing with this. Was it my Roza? It couldn't be! I'd fasted before Ramadan and was fine.
I was just making my way to History when Talha jogged up to me, looking out of breath. 
"Laila-" he gasped, "Yusef-he-"
"What did he do now?" I groaned, ya Allah why can't he just let one week pass without something crazy happening?
"Principal's office-"
I needed to hear no more as I took off down the labyrinth of corridors to Mr Crawford's office. Badr was so dead if I got my hands on him. It hadn't even be a month and he'd landed himself in trouble- how hard could it be stay out of it?!
Relax Laila you're fasting, remain calm.
I power walked into administration and quickly find the corridor with all the Heads' offices.

There he was. I could see him sitting full of arrogance with one leg crossed over the other in a careless manner, hair all over the place and shirt crumpled.
Now that looked like the Badr I knew.
"Badr!" I hissed, quickly walking up to him. He looked up and smiled slightly, clearly exposing a purple streak on his jaw.
"What happened to you?" I asked, temporarily forgetting how angry I was. He shrugged, "don't worry about me- worry about them" he jerked his head at Mr Crawford's office.
Through the rectangular window in the door I could see four very bruised and bloody boys, one of them peering at the headmaster through slitted eyes because both had swollen up.
"Astaghfurillah" I muttered, then rounded on him, "How could you?! It hasn't even been- what three weeks?! How did this even-"
"Laila" he stopped me, standing up as well, "they-" he pointed at the guys, "attacked me-" pointed at himself, "I was going to change for rec and suddenly I'm surrounded. I'm not a fan of getting beat up you know, so I taught them not to mess with the wrong guy. Anything wrong with that?"
The last part ended softly and I had a mad desire to softly touch his bruise, run my hands through his hair. He was standing too close so I took a step back and cleared my throat, trying to concentrate.
"So you didn't cause this?"
"Nope" he smirked.
" are you going to explain four against one to Mr Crawford?"
"Already have" he grinned, "martial arts gold medalist- kick boxing champion...I could even prove it"
"I'm sure you can" I muttered, embarassed.
He just continued to look smug and bore me down with his gaze. After a minute of this I exploded.
"What?! I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions!"
"That's more like it" he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and left, a blush growing on my cheeks. For some reason, thinking about Badr coming out on top in such an unfair fight was undeniably attractive.

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