Chapter 49 (Laila)

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Note: sorry it's such a short chapter! The past two days have been kind of hectic. Please leave comments! An enjoy :)

The bell for second period rang and I practically flew out of calculus happily, wanting to leave all the confusing complex number questions behind. I practically had a free period because my English teacher had given me a 'catch up' lesson on reading the Aeneid session. Although I felt a bit guilty for not telling her this, I'd already read the book a few times- it was a classic.
Instead Rana, Zahra and Hind wanted to go to the weight training room- which meant exercise. Even though I was not that unfit I hated running. Especially because there was a prickling pain in my head, warning me that dizziness that I was now accustomed to feeling.
Dammit there was even a doctor at home! Why didn't I just get this checked?
"Come on Ronaldina- motivate me"
"Ronaldina?" I raised my eyebrow at Rana.
"Like a female version of Ronaldo" she grinned sheepishly and Zahra and Hind laughed.
"Ooh what about laimessi?"
"Guys stop!" I laughed, blushing furiously.

The weight training room was a long room alongside the gym. It was divided into a girls section and a boys section thankfully, and had a whole range of professional looking machines. I undid my shoes and jumped onto a treadmill
next to four others which my friends would go on. Choosing an easy pace, I jogged comfortably, not taxing myself. My friends chattered on about something, and I listened contentedly, maybe running wasn't such a bad idea!
" do you reckon we'll be allowed to go to the spring ball?" Hind asked.
"Maybe if we go as a collective? It's not like we're taking dates"
We giggled at that, imagine if a Muslim uncle saw that.
"It's after Ramadan right? When does it start again?"
I perked up at the mention of Ramadan- I'd totally forgotten about it! Ramadan had always been the best time of the year for Mama and I.
"Next week"
Next week! This was so awesome.
"Well I asked my mom" Zahra admitted, coming back to the original topic, "she said she'll see- universal answer."
They laughed again but I did not join in. How badly I wanted my own mama back!
Ya Allah protect her...
"Laila, reckon you'll be allowed to go?" Rana asked me, turning her kind brown eyes in my direction. I shrugged, "I'm not sure...but I don't really want to go. I mean, I've never been to those kind of things before and the only time I've dressed up is on eid"
"Aww!" All three of them crooned making me flush slightly.
"Don't worry Laila, you're coming with us! You'll be fine" Hind said reassuringly.
"That's so nice,  JazakAllah-" I froze, sliding off the treadmill.
It's back.
Everything around me muted and the room spun at dizzying speeds. I could see the ground rushing up to me and a slam that jolted me made me realize I must have slammed into it.
"Laila! Oh my Allah!"
I could hear screaming as though from a long way away, and I tried to look for it's source except my head was feeling heavier and heavier. All the resolve in me sagged and collapsed. I plunged into darkness, my cheek against the cold floor.


"Ms Mohammed? Can you hear me?"
I stirred at the sound of a kind woman's voice. It was speaking above the sound of a lot of beeping and all, which was rather annoying.
I opened my eyes, squinting into the soft golden light. Instantly, by the white of the walls I could tell I'd landed myself in the hospital. A pretty nurse was looking after, probably in her mid twenties with curly bronze hair and pale skin.
"Good evening Ms Mohammed, my name is Elise"
"What am I doing here?" I asked, my words slow coming.
"What do you remember darling?" Elise asked, looking concerned.
I racked my brains, which was difficult as it was half dead in my state of lazy stupor.
"I- my friends and I were in the...gym? Weight training room." I talked it out, "I was on a treadmill..."
"Yes, yes?" The nurse nodded encouragingly.
"We were talking, then I started feeling dizzy and then-?"
"You fainted" she finished, tapping her clipboard, "Ms. Mohammed, doctor Greene is fairly certain this has happened before"
"Not the fainting" I answered truthfully, "but certainly the dizziness and head pain. It's been a while since though"
She nodded and asked me a few more questions which I answered, then made to leave.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention" she turned back, "your friends searched for an emergency contact and called him as soon as the ambulance arrived. He's waiting outside now, should I send him in?"
I gulped. My emergency contact was Bilal, and I'd begged and begged him this morning to allow me to go to school. He'd threatened if anything went amiss he'd personally make sure I didn't return, going so far as to ensure several undercover guards around the school.
I was so screwed.
"Erm I think I might rest a bit more actually..." I squeaked.
"Are you sure dear? He was very upset perhaps I should tell him you're awake at least-"
"That won't be necessary" a cool, cold voice floated in from the doorway. I swallowed, recognizing it before I saw him.
It was Badr.

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