Chapter 38 (Unknown)

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Note: unknown is the girl who gave Badr poison. Pleaaaaseeee let me know what you think will happen or what you thought of the chapter in the comments! Eh sorry about ch pic swearing

Meet me upstairs as soon as you're free. We need to talk.

I flipped my phone shut and swung my feet out of bed, grabbing my dress robes. Should I apply a bit of makeup? I didn't think so. The Green Snake didn't care for looks. I smiled to myself, a bubbly happy feeling growing inside me. It was so easy to be happy nowadays, now that he was back.

Tiptoeing up the stairs, I made it to the terrace successfully without waking any one up.

There, at the far end he stood. Not much taller than me, but clad in head to foot in black. He wore a hood over his head and his back was to me, although I had no doubt he knew I was here.
"I thought you'd never come back here" I told him, moving in to stand next to him and sharing the view.
"I wasn't going to" he replied in his low, raspy voice, "but I have a job for you and it's quiet simple"
"Woah there" I held up a perfectly manicured hand, "I didn't know you could give me orders now- I thought we were friends" I was mocking him, but he took it seriously.
"We are friends. You're the only person who knows who I am. I didn't even tell him. "
"Are you? I hear people call you the Green Snake now..."
He turned to face me, and I was again repulsed by what I saw but did not let it show. His face was so badly marred that there was a twisted expression of a snarl etched their permanently. Those green eyes were no longer cool and calculating as they had once been, but filled with fire, the black pupils small.
"You can call me that too. It's my identity now"
"Uh uh" I shook my head and my ponytail swayed behind me, "I'm still going to call you-"
"Shhh" he pressed two fingers to my lips and I took an involuntary step back at his touch.
"Point taken" I laughed, although my heart beat very fast. His hand dropped to his side.
"I know" he muttered.
I wanted to hold him close and tell him I wished he could also find happiness with someone, somewhere, at least give them a chance. But he was far beyond the point of accepting he had time for romance.
"What was it you wanted me to do?" I asked lightly.
"I want you to make sure the girl is always within your sight. Signal to me as soon as you can get her alone anywhere"
"You'll be there then" I gathered.
"It could be a stupid move. Don't you think that hottie Badr will be there too?"
A ghost of a smile touched his face, "he won't be there. He's on the other side of town and he's after me but he has no idea where to start his search"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive. Besides, if he does come after me I think I'll take him on, teach him a lesson. Last time I couldn't, but this time I will"
"I'll do my part" I agreed, "but please don't do anything to his face! It's so attractive Ohmigod"
"What about my face?" He growled, bearing down on me, his face inches away from mine, "what about whenever I look in the mirror and have to face this disgusting thing?" He pointed to his face, "Badr AbdulQadir will pay for what he did to me, and one of those payments will be my artwork on his face"

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