Chapter 41 (Badr & Ethan)

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Note: this chapter is split into two perspectives! A short Badr part and the Ethan. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment all of you and let me know what you think! If you want me to change something or have a really good idea private message :)


Bullets thudded against my chest,
effectively burying themselves in my bullet proof vest.

What a fool.

I pretended to crumble to the ground, clutching my chest and landing on my stomach. I could feel some of them had made it to scrape my skin but nothing hurt too much. I wanted to laugh- how stupid was this kid? He definitely didn't look like one to walk around with a gun however.
I heard him cautiously make his way forward, his sneakers grinding the cold Lino floor. My eyes were shut but I could feel his gaze all over me. He was probably wondering why blood wasn't seeping from the wounds, if he had any idea how guns worked.
I'll answer your question kiddo, just come a little closer.
He crouched down, his breathing coming out in long shallow rasps. He was nervous an gleeful about my fall, so I assumed he knew who I was.

Did he really think Badr AbdulQadir would be so easy to kill?
What a fool, I thought again.
His cold fingers touched my chin and moved my head so he could see it clearly.

My eyes snapped open and he swore, flinging himself back. I grinned and pushed myself off the ground, rising to my full height, watching his eyes widen with fear.
His face was covered mostly with a grey knit muffler and all I could see were light blue eyes, their pupils very small.
"As I was saying" I said coolly, unzipping my jacket to expose the vest, "it's disrespectful to hang out in the girls changing rooms" he said nothing, seeming absolutely frozen. My grin disappeared.
"It's even more disrespectful to think you could raise your gun on me" I growled, energy rippling through my body. I was ready to punish this guy big time. I took a step forward and he snapped into motion, taking off down the corridor. I pulled out my revolver and fired, but the kid had already turned the corner.
Little bastard.
I undid my vest and threw it behind me to lighten the load, then took of after him.
I was going to kill this-
On what basis do you think you can decide who should live and who should die?!

Shut up Laila, my mind growled. I didn't care what I had to do- I would kill him and it would be painful.


Ethan ran as he'd never run before. His heart beat very fast as he dashed through the gym and flung himself into the next corridor. He could hear Badr in hot pursuit, and sweat broke onto his back.
He was so screwed.
Why didn't I shoot him in the head for good measure? He thought again, now backing into the science forum.
Badr appeared in the doorway, his eyes cold as he scanned the room. Ethan pushed back against the double doors and fell into yet another corridor. The glass shattered as bullets were fired at it and he barely had time to scramble way before Badr leapt through the mess, his face a storm of anger.

God help me Ethan thought. He was quickly running out of time and the only unlocked exit was through the changing rooms.
He had to get back there.
Wracking his brains he remembered suddenly that if he could get to the English resource room there was a door inside it which led straight to the corridor that would take him to the rooms. That room wasn't too far away, in fact it was just a corner away.
He pulled out his gun for good measure and back tracked, wondering why the place was so silent. Badr was no where to be seen, but he knew not to trust that seeming absence- the guy moved with agility that was not human. He truly now understood why his Conolly had called him "bloody best man". Hell he was crazy. He had the confidence that he would get his job done and he did.

Currently his job was to kill Ethan.

I need a miracle.

And indeed an idea slowly formed in his head.

I sat on the bench in the girls changing room, trying to ignore the fact I was eating up my own line. The scent of sweet perfume lingered in the place, and duffel bags and clothing were tucked on to the benches. Water seeped from a shower cubical at the end, pooling around the place.

I'd figured the only reason why the boy had not managed to get outside the building was because the one and only unlocked exit was in this place.

So here I waited.

My gun was reloaded, secure in my hands. I felt calm. I was certain he was going to waltz right to his death and that reassured me. So far I could hear nothing, no doors opening, no footsteps. Try as he might, those sneakers were going to be the end of him.

I had to give him some credit. He was uncannily smart, because he was still alive. He hadn't  made a single wrong turn so he clearly knew the place inside out. He's a student here, I realized. Did that meant Laila had been in danger the whole time anyway? I figured she would not take kindly to the fact I was going to pull her out of school. As depressing as it make sound, she was safest in the house where I could keep watch 24/7.
Another thought had crossed my mind but I expelled it immediately. Was this guy the Green Snake? No...I was certain he was not, but I could see a link. They seemed to be a little smarter then the usual Buria. As to how I thought this guy was a Buria kid I didn't know, it was just a gut feeling. But it also meant I had one more idiot to worry about, one that I was going to get rid of very soon.

Footsteps sounded in the corridor and I tensed. Here was the moment fast approaching. I watched the door intently, acutely aware of everything and anything around me.

Footsteps came closer.

I stood up.

The boy walked inside, looking frantically behind him. In his hands were lighted matches, the flame flickering around. I raised my arm and pointed the revolver at him, cocking my head.
"Last words?"
His head whipped around and he stared at me, in shock but not in fear.
"Yeah" he growled, lips moving behind the muffler, "Burn"

He dropped the matches and we both watched their descent which seemed to be in slow motion.

The flame touched the water.

The whole place erupted in flames.

I was blasted backwards with the force of the inferno and my head slammed against the wall. Black spots appeared in my vision, and my head spun. I fired without seeing, but heard no scream of pain.
Blackness clouded my head and I sank to the ground, my back scraping against the wall.
I'm sorry Amu
I've failed you again.
I've failed myself.
That was the last thing I thought before I sank into the blackness completely, my breath leaving my body with a soft sigh.

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