Chapter 78

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Note: Ooooh I bet yall didn't think I'd update so soon huh? Thank you so much for telling me where you guys were from and all it was very interesting! I myself live in New Zealand and am from India! Currently we are at #1 in Teen Fiction which is still amazing for me! Hell, I have no idea how we made it but we did and I can't thank this family enough for that! Enjoy this chapter...its gonna get intense! Also it has been brought to my attention that there is some other book with a similar plot and I'm going to tell you that I really don't mind. I do not think the idea of two gangs and a girl in between is uncommon, and while my own is purely of my own invention, I do not think a similar plot is intentional. No hate on me or the other person please, that would be rather annoying. Thank you so much once again readers! And if there's any terms any one doesn't understand don't hesitate to ask!! Please comment and vote and share and ENJOY!


I couldn't stop smiling,

Bilal and Chloe were so cute!That fluffy feeling inside me was only growing inside me as I replayed that moment in my head again and again. We were on our way home now- it was 1 am, just Badr, Yassin and I. Bilal had gone with Chloe to her apartment and Amu Jamaal to Evantide. The thought made me happy, everything about today was making me happy! I looked up to see Badr's eyes flicker away from my face in the rear view mirror, and a my heart took a strange leap, a pleasant nervousness in my stomach. I was flattered at the way he gave me importance, but more importantly at the way we now trusted each other so much more. We could read each other,and we knew when the other was down. Right now I suspected something churning through his head, something that had been omniscient throughout the night...but also something he either wouldn't or couldn't tell me. I tried not to be too worried about it though...after all, if it were life threatening Badr would have by now taken me to a remote wooden house in the middle of nowhere for my protection with an army of Cedochi and still sleep with one eye open. I laughed inwardly thinking about that.

We reached home and I quickly went straight to my room, wanting nothing more than to change into my pajamas and go to sleep. I was simply exhausted, my head ridiculously heavy. I forced myself to change and then headed into the bathroom to make wudhu. Somehow there was water on the floor which I didn't see, making me slip crazily and land on the cold tiles floor with a painful thump, my cheek hitting the floor hard. Blinking away stars I lifted myself up, annoyed and tired and on the verge of reactionary tears. I let them spill for some reason,even though I wasn't sad about it- I guess my face was just super sensitive.Sure enough, a greenish tinge had appeared on my upper right cheek.

After praying I headed downstairs to tell the crew I was going to sleep in my room, when I noticed Yassin and Badr in an intense hushed conversation which I couldn't hear, both looking deadly serious.
"Hey" I called as I approached them, "are you guys okay?"
"Yeah we-" Badr began as he turned to face me. Suddenly he'd crossed the distance between us and his thumb was hovering above my new bruise, his eyes looking angrily worried but his expression soft.
"How did this happen?" He murmured, his eyes meeting mine. I was momentarily tongue-tied, close to losing myself in their depths.
"N-nothing, I just slipped in the bathroom just now"
"How do you feel?"
"Relax Badr, I'm fine" I moved away from him, slightly annoyed that's all that was on his mind- whether I was okay or not. Of course I was okay! Why wouldn't I be okay? I wasn't so fragile as he clearly thought I was. His eyes carefully observed me, almost as if they were looking for something. I didn't know why he was behaving this was almost as if there was something-
"there's something wrong with me" I concluded, looking up at him and then at Yassin, "right?"
Yassin exchanged a glance with Badr who shook his head, "of course not" he replied smoothly, "Why would there be?"
"That's what I want to ask you" I raised an eyebrow, internally panicking at the gut feeling that told me he was lying.
"Relax Laila," he mimicked, then sighed when he realized I was not in the mood for banter. "There's nothing least nothing will be wrong. Just make sure you rest now okay?"
I glanced between the two of them again before nodding slowly, "Of course" and walked away, completely and utterly convinced now that there was something wrong with me.    

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