Chapter 79

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Note: hey guys sorry for the wait! I was overseas and have just returned home Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much for your patience ❤️. ideally I had planned on finishing GKBK by the end of 2015 but that wasn't possible. Just a little longer! Please vote, comment, SHARE! Unedited.

Lucian Evandale (A few hours earlier):

The sound of pounding feet matched the throbbing pulse of his heart. The Buria were readily assembling themselves for something that Lucian considered would be a major battle, perhaps even a final battle, between Buria and Cedochi in his opinion. Whoever got their hands on Laila Muhammed was the winner, and as far as he was concerned, he would be on the winning side. Resources he had, never utilized to their full potential but things were different.

He could feel it.

Before him vans were being loaded with his men as they assembled themselves in their gear and rank. A small army which had expanded in numbers by his quiet doing, after all- the Cedochi always weld their advantage over them by their sheer numbers and "professionalism", but there lay their mistake- their underestimation of his people, of him, was going to cost them severely. His lips quirked slightly as he felt his son's presence as the boy approached him, glad to hear confidence in his gait instead of that uncertain step. That was good. What he had in store for him was going to need such confidence.
"Ethan" he acknowledged, glancing behind himself at his son. The boy was handsome no doubt, much like his father, and had dressed himself in new gear, the black of it gleaming in the evening light. His hair was neatly combed, and slight purple shadows were evident under his eyes. Of course they were, Lucian smirked, after all, he'd made sure his son would take responsibility of something and had appointed him to ensure all routes to their destinations would have Buria security in such a way that would go unnoticed by the Cedochi. An impossible task, but he expected his son to make it possible, just as he'd made his own status today possible.
"Father" Ethan replied quietly, his gaze fixated on the men readying themselves. He had become a lot more reserved and obedient ever since Harrison's capture. They still had no leads on his whereabouts, only that Badr had not killed him but was keeping him locked up somewhere. He took a deep breath through his nose thinking of the Lebanese monster, the one who managed to best his men every single time. But this time Lucian himself was stepping into the case and nothing could go wrong on his watch- he was up here for a reason. His track record was flawless.
"Ethan, don't you think it's time you met someone...instrumental to this plan?"
Ethan's gaze flickered over to him, blank, uninterested. Lucian suppressed a scowl. He would change that very quickly.
"If you think so" he replied.
"Why here she comes!" Lucian exclaimed as he caught sight of the petite figure heading toward them in the crowd. Ethan followed his line of sight and suddenly his eyes widened, his expression one of utter shock and surprise.
"Ellie" he breathed, looking between his father and her. Lucian examined his nails in an offhand fashion, determined not to let his glee show.
"Well Ethan my son," he fake sighed, "It so turns out that your dear Ellie is an exceptional undercover Buria agent- in fact, after Badr attacked you she was the one who gave him poison right under his very nose...although by pure incident it was consumed by Ms. Muhammed"
Ellie seemed not to have noticed yet that Ethan was present- Lucian may have left out the tiny detail that her secret was no exposed to his son. He knew Ethan- he would take the betrayal to heart...regardless of the fact she'd only intended to take his revenge personally.
She looked up at him as she approached, those pretty amber eyes that were today lined thickly with black eyeliner and gave him a small, secretive smile. Then they moved to the boy next to him and that smile disappeared as she stopped in her tracks, her expression giving away her sense of inner panic. Ethan slowly moved from his side and approached her, his gait confident and purposeful like that of a predator.
"This is going to be entertaining" Lucian muttered to no one in particular, watching the scene with delight.
"Ethan-" Ellie began, moving toward him desperately. Ethan took an obvious step back from her advance, his face expressionless but his eyes angry.
"Hey baby don't do that!" she cried, reaching for him, "I was going to tell you- I really was-"
"When?" Ethan interrupted in a voice that was barely audible. She faltered slightly and that was all he needed.
"I didn't trust anyone in my life except for you" he told her venomously, "I thought at least there was one person who I could rely on, who I could turn to when I wanted to get away from all this-" he gestured to the proceedings happening around them, "-I was happy knowing there was something pure, something good with me, but you've- you've betrayed me- how can you be pure?"
Tears filled in Ellie's eyes but she blinked them away, her cheeks flushing in anger, "You're being unbelievable" she hissed, "I was there the whole time for you- or did you forget? When you were having a rampage I calmed you down. When you were sick it was me who always checked on you. When you didn't hand in your homework on time or weren't in class I covered for you. And- and when you almost died I was the one who risked everything to bring that idiot Badr down-"
"JUST SHUT UP! LOOK HOW MANY FUCKS I GIVE! YOU-LIED-TO-ME" Ethan exploded then he took a deep breath and turned away from her, "I don't want to see your face right now. Just- just get out of here"
"uh uh uh kids" Lucian shook his head as he sauntered down to them, "I hate to interrupt but we have a Lebanese to kill, a girl to kidnap and Harrison to rescue remember?"

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