Chapter 63 (Bilal & Badr)

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Note: I really excited for the next chapter!! All introductions are finished now and I hope you enjoy Bilal's!! I loved your comments for the precious chapter thank you so much! Please vote and comment here too and could someone tell me how to say ''my son" in Arabic? JazakAllah Khair! Unedited

Bilal inhaled deeply. The cool, calm marble felt comforting under his feet as he stood before the entrance to Amu Faris' house. The breeze caressed his face as though it were comforting him before he faced the reality of who was behind that door. Behind him the inky blue sky was scattered with stars that twinkled down at him in amusement. What is there to fear? He thought, bouncing on the balls of his feet, Baba is back. There is only room for celebration...

15 years.

15 long years he'd been waiting for his Baba.

And now he was home.

Bilal unlocked the door and opened it quietly. It was five am and the house would be asleep. He hadn't told Chloe about his Baba's return...he didn't know why. He'd left her as she slept, leaving a message on her phone to tell her something had come up. She understand- having to leave at these kinds of hours was not something either of them were new to.

Inside it was dimly lit, the small lights at the bottom of the wall glowing serenely. He carefully removed his shoes and placed them to the side, letting his feet sink into the carpet as he made his way to the living area. Every since Yassin and Badr had been wounded and he'd brought down mattresses there they'd remained. He liked it when all three of them were in place, it felt as if their brotherhood was stronger, and not each to their own. It also gave them each other to talk to and for Bilal to pick up on anything suspicious with either of his little brothers. It didn't seem as though Badr had much more going on then what he already did in his life, more importantly he was so obsessed with his current assignment, Laila, which kept him well away from Fankour most of the time. Yassin had never been a problem- he was safe out of field, and there was little to worry about with him especially when either he or Badr were in town. It was not that Yassin was in any less danger from Cedochi's enemies, if anything he was more- they just didn't know what he looked like. But now he had a very obvious crush on a girl. A Muslim girl.
There wasn't anything wrong with Muslim girls except for the fact that they radiated goodness and people like Yassin were the image of evil in their minds. Sweet my nature, devil by profession. They would not be so appreciative of the art of being able to hold power over others from the clicks of buttons. They wanted to save you from hell but for those who'd signed their soul to Cedochi there was nowhere else to go.

In the living room in front of the TV, sprawled on their stomachs his brothers slept, their covers everywhere. To his surprise Laila was fast asleep on a sofa as well, curled up in a ball. Her hijab was on, perhaps she fell asleep by accident. He was about to head up to change when he suddenly froze.
Someone turned the tap on upstairs.
Bilal was immediately on alert, his hand flying to his dart gun. Someone moved to his right, and he sighed in relief to see it was Badr.
His eyes snapped open and he was up, exchanging glances with Bilal as they listened to the noise. Then Badr relaxed visible.
"It's him" he whispered, "Yassin got him a room upstairs"
"Has- has he met you-?"
Badr shook his head, "I came pretty late"
"I'm going to meet him now" Bilal told him firmly, more convincing himself then anything. Badr nodded, then after a moment of hesitation-
"I'll come with"

Wordlessly they made their way upstairs and outside the room that was Baba's. Bilal didn't allow himself to think further, knocking the door immediately. The both waited in silence, hyper aware of the sound of footsteps leading to the door.
The handsome mahogany was suddenly pulled in and in the framework he stood in flesh.
He was tall and must have been very handsome in his days. His hair was black and greying, cut military style. The skin was tanned in the sun and a black beard stood in stark contrast to it. His face was noble and striking, intimidating, but his eyes were kind, crinkling around the edges, under thick brows. They were black or dark green, no one could ever tell.
The only thing that had changed about Baba was his greying hair, otherwise the same strength radiated off him, the same wise atmosphere. And yet, seeing him dressed in a new black thobe and his arms wet, something told Bilal much had also changed.
His eyes widened a fraction seeing Bilal, as if he couldn't believe it. Bilal swallowed, trying to form words. This was the moment he'd been dreaming off and now it was here, and it felt like his heart was shattering and mending at the same time.
"Baba" he breathed. His father made a small choking sound and pulled him into his embrace, his hands shaking slightly.
"Bilal...ya Bilal..." He gasped, "look how big and strong you are"
"I- I'm-" Bilal tried to string words together but they didn't come. He buried his face in Baba's shoulder instead, his eyes burning.
Behind him Badr stood awkwardly, hands in his pockets, hair a mess. He looked highly uncomfortable, and Bilal remembered that Baba's return did not hit him so hard because he could probably not even remember his presence.
Baba pulled away and beckoned to Badr, who stepped forward cautiously, his expression on the verge of suspicion.
"Badr" Baba said, running his hand over Badr's hair, "you were so, so small" he smiled at him with so much love that Badr's expression transformed into one of surprise and he took a step back. Bilal smiled too, it was time his little brother got his share of their father's love and affection too.
"Welcome back B-baba" Badr said, speaking for the first time. His voice sounded forced steady, but his eyes gave him away. He was at a complete loss as to how to react.
"What are you doing awake Baba?" Bilal asked, "it's five fifteen"
"It is time for Fajr" Baba replied with a rueful smile, "time to pray"
"Oh" was all he could say.
"You have just come home?"
"Take some rest son, we will have a lot to talk about in the morning"
"No" Bilal replied desperately, "no, this is the first time after- after fifteen years-"
He was pulled into another hug as his father told him in his old powerful voice, "for me it is as though prison was a few hours, and I have come home to see life has flipped around. I'm not going anywhere habibi, not now, not ever"
"Relax Bilal" Badr added, "You should catch up on sleep besides-" a ghost of a smile reached his face, "no one can touch Baba while I'm here"
"Ya Badr!" Baba exclaimed with a laugh, "no one wants anything to do with this old man"
"Trust me" Bilal said, exchanging glances with Badr, "they will"
"Ya Allah look at the time" Baba exclaimed, "time is running out"
"We'll see you soon" Bilal promised. Badr nodded. They made to leave but Badr was stopped.
"One moment habibi"
Bilal left them, wondering what it could be. An excited buzz was in his ears, Baba was here! How much better could it get?!

I knew what was coming before Baba even stopped me. I wasn't prepared for it at all however, and uneasiness engulfed me. This was one thing I could not give him, but the only thing he wanted of me.
"Badr" he gazed adoringly at me, as if he couldn't get enough pride and love by the sight of me. I basked in it, I loved that feeling, and in the ten minutes I'd been around my father I'd gotten so much of it.
"This was the best surprise I could get" I told him, making him beam. That was not a hundred percent true, but I wanted him to feel I was more glad then I looked.
"Ya Badr you have never known me and yet..."
"Bilal and Yassin always talked about you"
That was true.
"Badr I have something to ask of you"
I said nothing, watching him silently.
"Take me to Hikmah?" Baba asked gently, "I must see her. It has been too long, far too long"
I did not reply, already taking a step back and them another. His face fell as his eyes noticed the gesture.
"I know you were trying to keep her safe" he continued a little took me off guard, he knows? "And no doubt you have done your job well. But I am here now, she needs me and I need her. Please Badr"
I shake my head, more to myself then my father. You can't. You can't ever do that. It would kill him to see...
But I was off, down the stairs, away from my father's bright eyes.

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