Chapter 53 (Badr)

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Note: sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Barcelona won 4-0 which meant I was able to rest in peace. Messi was one of a kind, short, sleek, yet commanding the ball with thunder. And paired with Neymar? Unstoppable. Laila thought he was good but not as good as Ronaldo which made both Bilal and I scoff.
"What?!" She demanded, flushing slightly, "actually nevermind, you'll see in a few weeks anyway"
"The bets on" I grinned, "if we win you will do anything I say for...a week, if Real Madrid somehow manages to win I'll do anything you say"
Bilal and Yassin crowed their approval in the background but Laila just arched an eyebrow, "sure. But you better prepare yourself to do anything I say" she smirked.
"Oh?" I resisted the urge to smile, "and what might that entail Ms Mohammed Junior?"
I had the pleasure of seeing a pretty blush creep up her cheeks at her nickname but she replied in an offhand tone; "you know, shaving your head, making dinner for us, taking me shopping, oh yeah and-"
"Really?" I interrupted, "really Laila? You get this-" I gestured to my body, "for a whole week and all you want me to do is shave my head and make dinner?!"
She reddened, "Badr!"
With that she gathered her stuff and stomped upstairs, looking thoroughly embarrassed. I watched in maybe those kinds of jokes didn't work around Laila. Bilal snickered and Yassin rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"Really Badr?" He mimicked my tone.
"Hey" I directed at him, "you've got stuff to spill bro- what's up with Niha?"
Yassin's ears turned red again, "what's up? Nothing's up man all I did was message her that's it."
"Yeah but why?" Bilal was deadpan. I knew he was kind of playing with him but there was some seriousness within his tone too.
Yassin scrunched his hair as he ran his fingers through it, as though he were seriously contemplating the question.
"I'm not sure" he confessed finally, "I just really wanted to talk to her. I've never met someone who could be genuinely kind from the inside and to anyone and everyone...before Laila came into our lives we never had any interaction with people like that- our worlds are so far apart."
"Wow" I remarked after a moment of silence, "you've got it bad bro"
Yassin shook his head ruefully, "you're going too fast- we've met like twice in my life"
"Yassin" Bilal sighed, "you need to be careful. Not only is she innocent and put in danger because of your feelings, she's also Muslim...and I'm sure you know what I mean by that. If she ever knew..."
"Hold up" I said in Yassin's defense, "look at Laila, she's Muslim and innocent and knows exactly what we do- do you see her pointing the finger at us? She gets it Bilal, and even if she doesn't she'd never jump to conclusions that fast. We do what we have to do and I have no regrets about it"
"This isn't about you Badr, this is about Yassin. Laila doesn't need to worry about that because she has no remotely possible romantic interests in us and knows she has no say in us being here. Her father trusts us therefore so does she, but Niha? What reason can you give her to trust you? She was almost killed the other day and it was because of us- yet she thinks you saved her life. You're right Yassin, we do live in two different worlds and these girls don't belong in it"
Both Yassin and I were silent, gazing at our older brother but lost in our own thoughts. His words about Laila having no say of our presence here rang in my mind. What would she think of me otherwise? I wondered, would she hate me? Disapprove? I remembered her fear at seeing the gun in my hand, the shock when I'd shot that Buria bastard at Fankour. Those big brown eyes weren't made to see such things but my own were slowly opening up to the parts of her world that I'd never chanced to see. She has no remotely possible romantic interests in us... Well, when I was around who else could she have a romantic interest in? I grinned to myself, imagining her reaction if I said that.
But on a more serious note, I wanted to know suddenly. A burning desire enveloped me- who was Laila's type? A timid Muslim boy who spent half his life at the mosque? A total nerd? A footballer? A combination of all three? I slowly drifted off to sleep my last subconscious thought being: whoever it is, I am better.


The next morning my alarm sounded next to me and jolted me out of the sweetness of sleep. Scrabbling around for my phone I finally managed to shut the damn blaring thing.
"Badr what the fuck?" Bilal groaned, yawning and stretching his sculpted arms, "what's the time?"
"Eight" I replied, half heartedly throwing off my covers. Bilal glared at me with slightly red eyes.
"What?" I exclaimed, holding my hands up in surrender.
"Does it look like I want to rise before the fucking sun?"
"The sun rises at 6:47 am" Laila interrupted, emerging from the kitchen with a lunch box in hand, "I would know, seeing as it's time for Fajr- which is compulsory on you" she added slightly angrily. Bilal stuffed his head under his pillow, "save it woman" he mocked. I grinned but immediately straightened my expression when she glared at me.
She was dressed in her favorite number 7 Real Madrid shirt on white jeans with black shoes and hijab. She looked so cute it almost hurt. I was sure most kids at the high school found her absolutely adorable. What were they going to think of her 'cousin' eh? I took a closer look at her face and frowned. There were faint shadows under her eyes and she looked almost frail to me, as though she was only standing and moving around because she had to.
"Laila do you feel okay?" I asked her seriously. She seemed lightly taken aback by the question but answered with little hesitancy.
"I just couldn't sleep that much so my head is hurting. I'll be fine though inshaAllah, no more tests till next week!"
Tests...I thought miserably. There were going to be a lot of those if I remembered high school correctly.
"If you say so" I replied sullenly and forced myself to go up to my room to change.

In the next twenty minutes I picked out a decent schoolboy set of clothes from the wardrobe amu Faris had arranged for the me. I'd never touched these clothes until now because they didn't exactly match my usual dress code.

Shaving away stubble until my jaw was smooth, I took a shower and when I'd changed my appearance startled me slightly.
I look like a princeling.
Almost angelic, which made me want to regrow my stubble and don all the black clothes I owned. But on the other hand I was almost in unrecognizable once I'd attempted to take my messy hair.

"Where are you going?" Yassin called after me as I snatched my keys off the table and hurried out the door.
"Something came up! I won't be back until 3" I threw over my shoulder.

Once out on the road in my convertible, I decided to stop by at a stationary shop and buy a load of note taking books, a pencil case with pens and all already inside it, and a calculator. After that it was straight road to my new half life- New Forest High School.

I parked my car and stepped out onto the concrete, very aware of the eyes on me. Perhaps tomorrow I should leave the BMW at home...but it wasn't just the car they were staring at, it was me too.
Ahh...I am the 'new kid' after all...
I stopped to ask a junior girl where the administration office was and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"R-right t-there" she squeaked, pointing to a large building across the pruned lawn.
"Thank you"
"It's okay!"

The office ladies loved me. As soon as I walked through the doors I could almost hear their thoughts, my what a handsome young lad! He looks like a topper Margret...
Flashing an award winning smile as I approached the front desk, I waited patiently as the guy before me sorted out his problem.
"You must be Youseff!" The woman at the desk exclaimed.
"Indeed I am" I replied with a grin. Youseff seemed like a harmless name, besides I was sure Badr was rather unforgettable, "I registered last night?"
"Ahh yes" she replied, typing something in her computer, "well Youseff bells about to ring so we'll get your timetable sorted shall we?"
"Of course"
"So, what subjects would you like to take?"
"Physics" I replied instantly. After a moment of silence she raised an eyebrow at me.
"And?" She urged, "you have four more places"
"Oh" I hadn't thought of that, "calculus, something PE based? Er..chemistry..."
"And English" she finished, "that is compulsory."
I groaned inwardly. Where was I going to use Shakespeare in my life? Quote a line before I shot someone? I suddenly remembered 'the power of triangles. Yeah Badr- triangles'.
"Does something amuse you here?" The lady making my timetable asked sternly as I grinned to myself.
"Not at all Miss...Selby, I am just happy to be here all of a sudden"
"In that case Youseff, I think you will enjoy it here"
"I think so too" I replied, laughing inwardly. This was going to be...quite an adventure.

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