Author's note God help the people we failed

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Assalamulaikum everyone.

This is just a little rant on my part for the refugees that are facing such hardship.

I feel like we, as Muslims, have failed them.

We failed them while they screamed for help under Assad's regime, under ISIS, under the terrorism of American soldiers in Iraq, under the oppression of Israel, under the anti-Muslim violence in the west.
We failed them when they pleaded for basic necessities like food and water and donations, be it even a dollar.
We failed them when we stood up to pray and didn't bother making dua for them, when we walk and talk and laugh and joke and forget, continuously forget of their hardship and the fact that they are a part of the Muslim body, crippled and broken and yet we pretend as though this problem does not exist?

Open your eyes.

Look around.

We are surrounded by people who don't care about us or our faith, who are happily watching us destroy ourselves. Don't give yourself crap thinking well what can I do, because there are hundreds of charitable organizations, protests, rallies...five times a day you have the opportunity to converse to Allah and you forget to mention your own brothers and sisters are dying?

Brothers and sisters.
Get it in your head.
Brothers and sisters.
They matter.

Today there are thousands of refugees who have fled Syria and other arab nations. They arrive in inflatable boats and cram many more people aboard then it is safe, and they risk the seas with barely any food or water with one thought: away.
If you've looked at the ocean, and I'm sure many of us have, look at the way the waves slam against the rocks. Look at the way the water roars all twenty four hours of the day, how thing wash up dead or dying- not mattering because they are not human. It takes guts to step into that let me tell you, especially with children- infants even- abroad. They never wanted to leave their homes, but the fact is as clear as anything- they simply have no choice. Their hope is that the rest of the world might show them some sympathy, might give them a chance to start anew.
Clearly not happening.

But the more important question is why are we doing? What reason do we have to cause the European leaders of denying these people when we have denied them ourselves? And this is a point they hold us to- where are we??? What are we doing??? We number in billions. Billions. Can you imagine what a slap in the face that is for our people, to learn how numerous we are and we still did nothing?

And people don't forget Allah.
You and I have to stand before Him and we will have to answer to this.

I'm not pinpointing anyone this is just about our ummah in general.

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