100K READS!!

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100, 000 

(^what even!!!)

Honestly you guys I don't even know what to say I wasn't expecting this when I first started writing! Thank you SO SO SO much for reading my book and voting and sharing it and commenting- you were just as much a part of the journey as I was. 

Good Kid Bad Kid was one of the only book I ever started and finished. And that was only because I had all of you guys urging me on to keep going and keep working on it. I've learnt so much and I'm so grateful for every single one of you.

I've been rereading the book and the comments and I never truly appreciated how positive you all were until now. There are plenty of books on here with criticism, yet you all always were in for the ride no matter what happened to the characters. Thank you SO much for your patience, for putting up with my spelling and grammar and general mistakes and for always making me feel like I was making people happy or that my work was the highlight of their day. I love you all so much, may Allah swt bless you and protect you all <3 

Another thing- I've been feeling quite up and down lately and at times it feels like the reality of life is really hitting me in waves. Today I was so upset about something but this honestly cheered me up :) So thank you, may Allah swt reward you all for making me happy. 

Keep being awesome, keep making other writers smile and honestly- write! If you ever want me to check out or share one of your books lemme know, and I will do so. 

If you're keen on more stuff then my other two books are ongoing. But I understand if those aren't your jam because they're really quite different and even very challenging for myself :) 

JazakAllahu Khairan and thank you so much once again, stay blessed. 

- Love, highdisdain. 

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