Chapter 57 (Badr & Ethan)

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Note: okay so this is a rather intense chapter and was a little hard to write! I may make changed to it to perfect it but publishing it now :) Unedited. Please leave comments and vote!! I hope you are excited as I am :)

The wind roared around me as I sped off the highway, my knuckles white on the handles of the motorbike. Above me the heavy clouds thundered and glowed from within as lightening whipped the sky. 
Bilal was close behind me on an identical vehicle, both of us in perfect sync in our movements. Taking the BMW would have firstly announced our presence for any Buria sentries and also kept us lagging in traffic. Besides motorbikes allowed for illegal maneuvering.

I was hardly geared up, having only allowing myself to throw on my black half sleeved shirt, jacket and pants. But I was carrying with me more weapons then I usually brought; two revolvers, a larger gun and a few small explosives. I was going to make sure today was the day where Buria would be scared shitless, where they would wish they were never ever born.

I could still hear the chilling howl of pain that had sounded through the line when I'd called Jax. Somehow I knew this was serious. Besides, the imports from Russia stocked up a substantial portion of Cedochi equipment and trade for New Forest, which was its capital. If Buria got their hands on any of the stuff it would be...very annoying. Not to mention the utter disgrace.

We arrived at the port and jogged our way through the series of archways that opened up to the semi-circle bay of land where our imports arrived. It was a semi-private area of the dock- not many people tended to come here because Cedochi guards looked intimidating enough.
"Try not to lose it" Bilal muttered as the final archway came into view, opening up to the scene below. I rolled my eyes, "Bilal-" but the scene below stopped my words.
All I could see at first was the beauty of orange fire on an indigo backdrop of night sky. It was spread in some places, like careless smudges and smears on a canvas.

Then I noticed what was actually happening.

The ship was thankfully well out of range, its lights glaring in all directions. I could see men lined up on its deck from here, watching what was happening ashore with grim faces. Cedochi and Buria fought intensely betwixt the fire, guns going off, people falling. Many of them were engaged in hand to hand combat- by now the bullets had been mostly exhausted it seemed, but no one was going to call it quits. A sense of bloodlust grew within me, and my chest thrummed with energy and excitement. I was going to get some real exercise today, and Buria were going to fall very fast and very quick.
"Looks pretty serious" Bilal observed, unhanging his larger, almost rifle like weapon over his neck, "it's a wonder the police or reporters aren't here yet"
"Its good. Easy pickings today" I jerked my head at the scene, "it almost looks like Buria are holding their ground. They're getting better aren't they brother?"
Bilal met my gaze and grinned with a glint in his eyes, "Better put them back in their place"
I nodded and quickly descended down, making no effort to hide myself. I wanted them to know Badr AbdulQadir was here, and he was not going to let them live.



Ethan fired at a nearby advancing Cedochi, who did not even flinch as the bullet whizzed past him. He was tall and carelessly handsome but his eyes were red and his fists clenched. Ethan stood his ground, raising his gun to fire again.
Cursing, he backed away, dropping the now empty and useless pistol. He didn't know how many he'd shot at but this was the time he needed it most. The guy looked like one of those higher up Cedochi like Badr- his way of moving was identical to the Lebanese monster's.
"Where will you go?" He sneered with a slight Russian accent, "up to heaven or down to hell?"
"Neither" Ethan muttered, taking a fighting stance. All those martial arts lessons were not for nothing after all- Lucian Hallows had been preparing his son for this moment.
The tall Cedochi raised his eyebrows in amusement and Ethan beckoned with his hand, his heart beating very fast, adrenalin coursing through him. The guy observed him for a few moments, then took up a stance also, his blood shot eyes narrowed.
They circled each other and it was the guy who made the first move, lunging out unexpectedly, and would have landed a very heavy blow to Ethan had he not managed to deflect it at the last minute.
From there it was fully fledged, each ready to kill. The Russian guy moved with deadly grace, his moves calculated dispute his unhinged appearance. Ethan remained on the defensive, not willing to let there be any opening. But within five minutes it was the Cedochi who had a split lip and Ethan who was aching all over feeling bruises bloom on his chest and legs. Do not underestimate Cedochi... Harrison's advice echoed in his head and he snarled in a renewed effort to overcome the guy. He slammed his palm in his chest, rock hard torso underneath, and lifted his knee but was blocked by a quick maneuver on the russian's part which locked Ethan's head in his embrace, tight and unmoving.
"Give up" he hissed, his breath hot against Ethan's neck, "I haven't even given you half of what I can do- that's saved for someone...special"
His voice sent chills down his back but he was not going to succumb to him. He bit hard into his forearm, his teeth sinking into bare skin. The guy roared in anger, pushing him away. Ethan scrambled to his feet and took off, flying between the neatly stacked storage boxes, his feet pounding against the concrete. It was dark but everything was under some illumination by the fires which their Buria guys had set via small explosives. They would die out soon, but smoke still clogged the air and everything smelt of blood, sweat and smoke. The noise muffled any sound of footsteps behind him so he didn't know if the now very pissed off Russian guy was behind him or not.
"Badr!" Someone shouted nearby and a chill ran through Ethan. He rolled up behind an abandoned van and peered over it, hoping very badly that he hadn't heard that particular name.
At first there was no evidence of Badr. Buria were in the process of retreat but many of them were here and fewer Cedochi, which gave them the upper hand. He saw a large chested man who had features which resembled Badr, watching the scene from his elevated position on a large artistic sculpture of a boat. He would occasionally shoot, relieving pressure off a Cedochi here or there, but otherwise he was calmly assessing the situation. That could mean only one thing- he was certain this was coming to an end.

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