Chapter 40 (Ethan)

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Note: unedited. There may be some major changes but for the mean time enjoy! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS I AM DYING TO KNOW YOUR REACTIONS AND YOUR THOUGHTS!


The whistle blew.
The game began.
Ethan watched from his place at the very corner of the bleachers, his eyes fixated on Laila, who snapped into action. Queen's College girls were in possession of the ball, steadily moving it up field. It was quickly intercepted by Brearna who booted it up the field. Ellie received it and a roar sounded from the mass of NF supporters. He watched her for a bit, how she skillfully dribbled the ball between the QC defenders, her feet moving so fast. She looked so cute with her honey colored hair in a ponytail and even though she'd applied no makeup today she looked on point. His heart fluttered fondly at the sight of her.
That was until she back passed the ball to Laura who immediately passed it to Laila.
He leaned forward.
Laila was easily the smallest looking girl in the team, not because of night so much as just her expression and thin frame. She seemed so fragile and as light as air. Her feet skillfully maneuvered the ball past approaching defenders and she sped across the field near the goal, and the NF supporters screamed their approval.
"Man she is good" some guy was saying behind him, "I didn't think she would be"
That makes two of us.
Laila passed it between the legs of this QC girl and to Ellie who took aim an kicked. The ball was almost in the net when the Goalie managed to make it spin away with contact from the tips of her fingers.
A groan sounded throughout the bleachers but support from the QC kids. He had to admit. She was pretty good.

Maybe if Badr hadn't attacked him he might have thought twice, three times about what he was about to do. He didn't hate Laila for who she was. He just hated what she was responsible for.
And for that unfortunately she would have to pay. Send a message to Badr from him.

He returned his attention to the game.
The other team had the ball and were thundering down the field, passing between each other fast. The central girl snaked past the most vicious defender on the NF team, Tori, and kicked the ball into the goal.

It got through.

A ripple of irritation ran through him. Come on Ellie, he thought as the game resumed. He glanced at the seats where subs were. Someone from their team who was a sub had still not emerged from the changing rooms. What is she doing in there?! It shouldn't take this long...
Suddenly there was a roar from the crowd and mad cheering which pulled his attention back to the game. Laila had spectacularly stolen the ball from the other team and was streaking up the field, crazy fast, miles ahead from their defenders who'd strayed too far down the other end. His lips curved in approval as Ellie and red-haired Laura followed her, their brightly colored boots flashing in the grass. Laila neared the goal and-
The ball flew past the Goalie's outstretched arms and rocketed into the net. The crowd around him erupted.
"RETALIATION!" The guy behind Ethan shouted, "Dammit she's good! Reckon she'll go to prom with me?"
She won't make it that far Ethan thought, for at that moment the last girl had walked on to the field and taken a seat at the subs bench. He quickly exited the bleachers and slipped out the exit.

Because the new changing rooms were under construction sports teams had to use the gym rooms which were well into the school.
And perfect for this occasion.
No one would have reason to hang around at this time and no one would see him. He jogged across the campus and quickly made his way through the long corridor, feet clacking against the lino.
He was dressed in very non attractive clothes, not usually what he wore. A jacket on straight jeans. A white hurt underneath. It was so that if anyone was to see him around from a distance he would look like a regular kid unspottable if they were ever to look for him again. He now pulled up the muffler around his neck over the bridge of his nose.

Ethan stopped at locker 51710, his own. Quietly opening it he extracted the mini Aqua tank. He'd brought it from the market in the morning and replaced the water for no scent spirits.
They said petrol was good for burning.
He knew that too well.

Hauling it down the hallway he kicked open the door to the girls changing rooms, scanned the place briefly to make sure he was alone. Satisfied he unscrewed the lid and dribbled the contents all around the sinks, and then let it flow from inside a cubical making it look like water seeping out due to bad plumbing. One match stick would mean the whole changing rooms would be set ablaze.

What an unfortunate accident.

When he was satisfied with the works he retrieved the tank and made to leave, he'd have to get rid of it soon. He had just walked through the door when a voice behind him spoke.
"It's usually disrespectful to hang out in girls changing rooms"
A chill ran up his spine.


He was leaning in the shadows, his sharp cold eyes fixated on him, his jaw muscle was the only part of his expression which was not neutral. He was seething with anger. As usual he was clothes in black and wore apparently many layers for the cold.
Without any hesitation Ethan pulled out his gun and aimed at him, cocking his head.

Fire rushed through him and engulfed his heart. This is it. Do it!

Badr raised an eyebrow, not a trace of fear in his eyes. He looked more amused then anything.
That did it. Does he think this is a joke?!

Ethan pulled the trigger.

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