Chapter 9 (Ethan)

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A/N: Please add feedback and what you think about the story so far in comments! I hope y'all are as excited as I am! Please do VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE! 



The sound echoed in his head as he revved up the engine of his two seater Mercedes. Harrison was next to him, his eyes fixated on the rear view mirror.
"The ambulance is here. They're taking her in"
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. As if he hadn't heard the wail of the siren from miles away. He felt good though- the plan had worked out perfectly.

It was obvious Genesis was in Cedochi territory, but the bus stop was in a predominantly Buria neighborhood. They'd waited until Ms. Ruba Mohammed had almost made it there before blocking her way from the ally way. It was over in seconds, before she could even register what was happening, two bullets in the chest and the woman didn't stand a chance.
Now all they had to do was follow the ambulance, as per Conolly's instruction, Ethan's father's top guy. The conversation replayed in his mind.
"Is it done?"
"It is done. What now?"
"Wait until the ambulance show up, then follow it. Stop the car one block away from wherever it goes."
"Won't the ambulance go straight to the hospital? I know where that is Conolly"
Conolly laughed a mirthless laugh at that, "I seriously doubt it will go anywhere near the hospital. I'm sending back up, keep your phone on"
"Okay, I'm on it"

And now, after twenty minutes the ambulance were finally here. As soon as the van backed out and took to the streets, the siren howling,Ethan followed, sticking to it with a few cars in between. Harrison was still looking in the rear view mirror, as it was his job to make sure they weren't being followed. Ethan had assigned him the task to keep him occupied.
A few minutes later Conolly called again and this time Harrison answered it, putting the call on speaker.
"Heading towards upper side" Ethan said quickly, "wait- they turned off the siren"
"Good" came Conolly's voice, "whats the licence number?"
The glass of the back screen of the car shook and icy veins spread through it emanating from a bullet embedded centre.
"Shit!" Ethan swerved the Mercedes into the next lane, racing ahead down the highway. To his relief the ambulance was still in the same direction so they hadn't lost the lead.
"Ethan? Harrison? What is it?"
"We're being followed" growled Ethan. Sure enough with a squeal of tires a black BMW convertible also swerved out of the right lane and came up right behind them. The window was opened, and he caught sight of a revolver for a split second before there was another loud bang and his right side mirror exploded. The BMW switched back to the right lane and pulled ahead of them. He caught a glimpse of wicked black eyebrows and dark eyes which glinted with anger. The driver fired at them relentlessly, with perfect aim, and Ethan wondered how long bullet proof glass remained bullet proof. The guy seemed to figure that too and he slowed down a moment, letting Ethan zoom ahead.
"Who was that?!" Harrison gasped, looking behind them, "he's still following us but he's not shooting"
"What does the car look like?" Came Conolly's sharp voice.
"Black BMW convertible"
The man swore violently, "dammit Cedochi! They sent their bloody best man. Listen boys, you need to get out of there now! That's Badr who's on your tail and he-will-not-let-you-live!"
Ethan hit the gas pedal harder, fear growing in his chest. He'd heard about Badr alright. If that was the case the driver of the black BMW was not merely pursuing them but he was probably going to do something horrific-

- something came flying from the open top of the convertible-

- it landed in front of them and before Ethan could pull the brakes the car had zoomed over it-


a sense of hopelessness engulfed him.

A shudder ran through his car.

Before it exploded.

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