Chapter 17 (Faris Bin Waleed)

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He let the doctor tend to Ruba and watched impassively from the corner of the room.
She didn't want to talk to him? Fine.
It hurt him more then seeing her bloody and unconscious had. Had she not missed him at all? Had she not spent every one of their anniversaries reminiscing what could have been? He certainly had. In fact, not a day had passed without his waking up, wishing she was next to him, or that he could walk up to his daughter's room and gently wake her up for school, or to help Ruba with her cooking, or to bring home a bunch of roses and watch her blush but try keep her posture by saying, "that is so cheesy".
But no. Ruba didn't miss any of that, clearly.

He sighed, running a hand over his face, the tired lines were becoming more and more permanent.
The bullets had been laced.
With poison.
Both Ruba and Laila did not know.
He would have told Laila, but he didn't want to scare her. Besides, his doctor had said they could take care of it if undisturbed.
He'd immediately called his contact in Singapore, Wei Chen Fi, who was a top surgeon in the country and his very good friend. No one from Buria would follow them there, he was certain, and he intended to take Ruba there for her treatment. As to how she was going to get there the doctors would decide the best way.
And he would be next to her the entire time. He was not letting Ruba out of his sight, no matter how angry or unresponsive the woman was. She may have disregarded it, but their marriage still had meaning for him.
As for Laila's well being while he was away...

Faris stepped outside the ward and found his daughter seated nearby, a bundle of tissues in her hand and reddened eyes.

How was he going to do this?

Hesitantly he took a seat beside her, saying nothing for a while.
"Would you like some water?" He asked after a few minutes, "something to eat?"
She shook her head, "I'm fasting"
A rush of fierce pride filled his heart. MashaAllah mashaAllah mashaAllah. How blessed was he for such a child! Fasting hadn't even crossed his mind.
"Listen, Laila, there's something you should know"
She looked up at him expectantly.
"The- the situation is a bit serious. Those bullets were not ordinary bullets- they were laced with poison which will take a long time to get out of the system. So-" he rushed on, noticing she was dangerously close to crying again, "I have talked to my good friend and surgeon, about this. He said he can do it himself and Laila I don't trust anyone more"
"Then why wait? We should call him now Baba!"
His heart soared with the word Baba, but he mantained his expression of seriousness.
"He lives in Singapore"
Her face fell, "oh. Will it take him a long time to get here?"
"No..." He shook his head, "it's too dangerous. He has the information inside his head and if he gets attacked that's our one decent shot at this gone. Instead, I'm taking your mother there"
"To Singapore?!"
"Is that okay with you?"
"Wow" she leaned back, her eyes wide, "I mean yeah, it's okay. But I get the feeling I'm not coming?"
Faris paused, "why not?"
"Because Mama said I should go back to school"
"She's right" he said immediately.
"Will you stay here?"
"No, sorry Laila but I need to go myself"
"Where will I stay? Alone?" She sounded a bit scared of the prospect. He swallowed. Here goes nothing he thought.
"No, Badr and his brother Yassin will be staying with you"
"I AM NOT STAYING IN THE SAME HOUSE WITH TWO BOYS" she cried, scandalized, "that's- that is so haram" Ah. That was closer to the teenager thing he'd anticipated.
"Listen, Laila" Faris tried again, "I myself will be supervising surveillance on the house to make sure nothing untoward goes on- and you don't even have to talk to them or anything- they'll do their thing and you'll do yours. I swear Laila I would never- ever think of something like this if I didn't trust those two. And the AbdulQadir boys are the only ones I trust"
She crossed her arms angrily, "do I have the power to fire them?"
"Yes" he chuckled.
"Am I allowed to invite friends over?"
"Not until you've checked with me"

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