Chapter 72 (Laila & Bilal)

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Note: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :) thank you for all your comments and votes- they really mean a lot to me and I really truly appreciate it. This chapter is not that well done in my opinion but I hope it's okay to read.

26th day of Ramadan: Badr decides to fast

I slowly reached for the Nutella bottle, being very careful so as not to cause any burst of pain from jerky movements. It was Suhoor time, which I was going to miss. Ramadan was flying away so fast, I was barely going to get time to finish my Quran. I still had about ten juz left, which meant I had to read a bit more. I hadn't been praying for the last five days, which was a bit awkward since I still had to pretend and eat Iftar and everything and Badr came every five minutes to convince me I should break my non existent roza.

I hadn't been the same since the fever, feeling really weak and shaky. One second I'd burst into sweat when my temperature rocketed and then feel freezing the next. It made me paranoid about what was wrong with me but Badr told me not to worry, Doctor Raguveran would get back to us with reports sooner or later.
Speaking of Badr...I blushed slightly, glad he couldn't see it. He'd turned into full mother mode since that night, and didn't leave the house without me at all anymore. Even when he didn't say much or left me in my room to rest, he was always within ear shot if I needed anything which I found incredibly sweet. I didn't know there was this side to him, the polar opposite of the careless, infuriating guy I had gotten used to. He'd become a lot more serious and I wanted to know why, but every time I asked him he avoided answering, so I did not pester. Nevertheless I was hopelessly trying to stop myself from thinking too much of his thoughtful gestures, but I found it adorable and it made me happy despite my drowsy, painful state.
"Sabahelkhair Laila" amu Jamaal greeted me as he came in to prepare his breakfast. Well that was ironic. Startfast more like.
"Salam Amu" I replied with a tired smile, "would you like some grape leaves? Yassin brought some yesterday"
His shook his head with a smile, "maybe for Iftar. How are you feeling habibti?"
His eyes crinkled at the corners in concern. I shrugged "alhamdulillah, better I guess. I'm not sure when this virus or flu or whatever will go away"
"Well I will dua for you" he smiled, retrieving a bowl.
"JazakAllah Khair"
We both prepared our food in comfortable silence until he broke it.
"Have you heard from Faris lately?"
"No..." I frowned, "he takes a long time to reply" and his replies are one or two lines.
"Laila!" Badr burst into the kitchen, looking around until he saw me. I just stared at him, confused. Badr up this early? Impossible.
"What happened habibi?" Amu Jamaal asked, just as confused.
He shook his head, relaxing visibly as if he'd thought I'd run off somewhere.
"Nothing Baba" he turned to me, "what do you think you're doing?"
"Erm...making breakfast?" I held up my pieces of Nutella slathered bread.
"Please don't fast today Laila" he begged, "you don't know what this could do to your body"
"I'm fine!" I exclaimed, a little taken aback by the urgency in his tone, "Badr relax nothing's gotten worse or better, I seriously don't think it'll make a difference"
He glowered at me silently for a few moments before rolling his eyes.
"Fine, but if you drop dead it's not my fault"
"I have an idea!" I told him excitedly,"you could fast with me! Then you'll know how easy it is"
Amu glanced between us in amusement.
Badr raised an eyebrow, but he actually seemed to be contemplating it.
"That's not a bad idea..." He acknowledged.
"Don't worry" I said slyly, "I don't think you could do it?"
"Is that a challenge Mohammed junior?" He asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. I shrugged.
"Fine. I'll keep the fast"
I almost squealed in delight but ended up doubled over and coughing. Amu patted my back, steadying me.
"Perhaps Badr is right" he said uncertainly.
"I always am" Badr smirked.
I frowned at him, "not you too Amu!"
"Just be careful habibti"

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