Chapter 35 (Ethan)

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Note: Everyone remember Harrison? He was Ethan's best mate, a Buria initiate and also killed by Badr. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter as much as I do! Ethan has a special part in this book inshaAllah.

Ethan walked into English class, very aware of the eyes on him. He could feel their curiousity, their judgement.
He fingered the scar that wrapped it's way around his neck absentmindedly.

Ever since Badr's attack it felt as though the fire had entered Ethan and settled there, kindling, growing healthily. Everything stood out to him sharply, and everywhere he looked he saw that brief glimpse of the angry eyes, fixated on him.
The eyes that belonged to Badr.
Who, by this time should start feeling the effects of poison.
It was that fact perhaps, that held him back from going after the guy. He was a formidable enemy yes, but Ethan was full of fire, enough to burn him.
He felt a pang of guilt and pain thinking back to Harrison, who should have been here right next to him.
He'd never given him a fair chance, and now he was gone, his body mangled beyond recognition buried 6 feet under the ground.

"Mr. Hallows! Welcome back" Ms. Graham said in her British accent. His lips twitched but he wasn't able to smile in return.
"Hi Ms. Graham"
Her face scrunched up in concern, "are you feeling better now Ethan, dear? I heard that flu has been nasty"
"Yes I do. Thank you"
"Good! Take your seat, we have been going through The Aeneid"
Ethan sat down, thoroughly wishing he could just escape. He'd liked the attention up until a few weeks ago. Now he just wished everyone would leave him alone.
"Hey, Ethan"
It was Renee, a girl who'd had a keen eye for Harrison. She was tall and had curly brown hair, and was quiet adept with make up.
"Hey" he replied, opening his book and faking concentration.
"I heard Harrison moved to Queens College?"
A lump formed in his throat. No one even knows he's dead.
"Yeah" he replied tightly.
"Why did he move?"  Her tone was blunt and he knew how badly she wanted to know.
"I don't know" he whispered, his eyes burning. He focused on the white of the paper. Harrison knew what he signed up for. He knew we'd cover up his death if we had to.
"I think we both know you know. Ethan please-"
"Shut up" he stuffed his books back in his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He had to leave. He couldn't deal with this. Renee looked hurt and angry, her eyes filling up with tears at his harsh tone.
"Look I'm sorry" and with that he left.

When he was well away from the classroom did Ethan stop. He was in the corridor which took you to the gym, and it was deserted. He sighed and leaned against the wall, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
I'm sorry Harrison.
I'm sorry Renee.
He wished there was someway to give his friend a proper funeral, a proper remembrance. He'd only been an initiate. Surely the rules didn't apply to him just yet?
A hand found it's way around his neck, and he immediately knew who it was without even looking up.
Ellie, his girlfriend.
"Oh Ethan" she sighed softly, pressing her lips to his cheek. He closed his eyes at her touch. It seemed to loosen the knots coiled around him.
"I don't know why I came back here" he told her, staring at the opposite wall.
"I'm glad you're back" she said softly, taking his hand, "and you're so strong to be here after all...that"
Ellie didn't know anything about Buria, so they'd written off Ethan's absence due to a car accident. She'd visited him almost everyday in the hospital, and was the only good thing about coming back to school.
I didn't want to be, he wanted to reply, but my dad told me to suck it up and get back to school. Instead he gave her a small smile and said, "guess you should get back to class huh?"
"So should you" Ellie laughed, "come on. We can take this period off then we have Maths together"
She tugged him along and he reluctantly followed, but he was smiling because it was Ellie, and she was the cutest, sweetest girl in the world.

                          * * *

They settled down on a wooden bench on the field. Juniors were running laps and doing push-ups. Ethan thought back to his own junior days and grimaced. Nothing about his childhood had been normal like theirs. Karate and shooting training. Tutoring sessions all weekend long.
"I got into first eleven" Ellie blurted excitedly.
"Again" he grinned, pulling out a bag of crisps. She laughed and he put an arm around her in half embrace.
"Who else got in? Brearna, Sasha, Goergie..." He ticked them off.
"Laura, Helena, Anu, Tori, Carol, Jesse, Gabriel...and..." She thought back, "oh yeah! The new girl, Laila!"
The bag of crisps exploded in his hand.
"Laila! She's really good. We have our first game on Saturday, will you come?" Fire roared inside him, coursing through his veins.
"Oh I'll come" he replied coldly.

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