Chapter 81

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Note: Assalamualaikum guys! Sorry for the long wait and sorry this chapter is so small! I've just been having the worst writer's block if that's what you'd call it and just couldn't bring myself to write more. But here it is, hope you enjoy it :) PLEASE comment! Vote if you read this, and please SHARE! <3 Love y'all so much that I stayed up till 2:21 writing this haha


Glass cracked under my boots as I moved through Amu Faris' house like a ghost. Everything felt strangely numb and my shoulders sagged with exhaustion and defeat. I'd never felt like this before, and it hurt me more than I could have imagined. Jax's face kept coming back to me, in all of our memories; Jax laughing, Jax serious, Jax's hawk like gaze as we kept an eye on a target from somewhere, Jax on his motorbike... where did you go? Why did you give up like that? I thought hopelessly, but I knew none of those phrases made sense. He didn't give up. He died fighting for something that was important to me. He didn't have to follow me into any of that and yet he did, he always did. I was responsible for his death, and I hadn't even been able to give him a proper goodbye. And more painful than that even was the fact that I'd lost her.

The memory from the alleyway when I'd given her a gun came back to me. Her smile flickered before me as she handed me back the gun, telling me she didn't need it. As long as I was there nothing was supposed to happen. She always looked at me like I could defeat anything, like I was invincible for her. She'd trusted me so much and I'd- I'd-

Hot tears stung my eyes. I angrily wiped them away with fingers caked with dried blood. Badr AbdulQadir does not cry. But even as I thought those words the traitorous tears fell, streaming down my face. I gripped the railing of the stairs tightly, willing the wood at least to give me some kind of strength to face myself with. I was such a failure. What use was it, being the best of the best when you couldn't even protect those who you loved the most? It was fucking useless.

Sinking down onto my knees I held my head in my hands and let myself break down. No one was here to see me, yet I still felt ashamed. I wished she could come out of this mess somewhere and put her hand on my shoulder and tell me it was going to be okay. She was the only one, the only one who could do that. The only one I'd cried in front of in so many years. Laila...ya Laila...where did they take you? The thought of the poison in her veins was killing me tortourously from the inside. It was hurting me so much it felt like physical pain, because I couldn't stand the thought of losing Laila. If I lost her, I lost myself. I truly would.

Why do I only realize how important she is now? I screamed internally. How could I ever let this happen? How did the Buria outsmart me? The Buria!
"HOW? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?" I shouted into the darkness, my voice foreign to me in the silence. It was something between a shout and a cry, because my throat was tight with emotion.
It's exactly that. Your pride, it stabbed you in the back when you weren't looking...a voice at the back of my mind seemed to speak. I knew it was right- I'd underestimated the Buria. Thinking they were stupid was my biggest mistake.

And that mistake had cost me Laila and Jax.

I almost punched the ground when the sound of a small cough caught my attention. My head whipped up in the direction of the kitchen where it had come from. Heart pounding I quickly scrambled to my feet and jogged over to the mess of a kitchen, switching the lights on. From behind the kitchen bench the top of a dark brown hijab could be seen. For a moment my heart beat painfully fast with hope and a smile split my face. She's here! They didn't take her!

"Laila!" I exclaimed, hurrying around to her, "fuck I thought you were-"
But when I saw who it was, slowly stirring awake, my smile vanished. It was Niha. She didn't look too good with blood all over the right side of her face and tearing in her clothes. She looked pale under the blood, her eyes only slightly open as they observed the place around her, her lashes casting long shadows down her face. They looked up at him and she froze for a moment, then jerked up, looking around panicking.
"Laila! Where is she? I was just-" but then she caught sight of my face and we gazed at each other for a few moments as I let my eyes convey the message. Her own dark ones slowly filled with tears which made the pain of the truth cut me even deeper. I looked away, unsure of what to say or do. Disappointment was washing over me in waves, threatening to knock me over. For those few precious seconds I'd thought she was Laila and I'd been the happiest man in the world.
"She- she c-came back f-for me-" Niha managed, wiping her eyes, "She ran u-upstairs a-and th-they couldn't get her b-but she c-came b-back for me-"
Tears threatened to spill again as I remembered the instructions I'd been giving her before the line cut. She must have followed them. Smart girl.
"Laila t-told them t-to let u-us go b-but then he hit-hit her-" She choked on a sob, her shoulders shaking as she cried. I quickly crouched down, patting her back, heart paining for her too because she'd watched what I could only painfully imagine, "A-and then h-he came and- and-" but that was too much for her because she started crying again, her fingers shakily touching her bloodied and bruised face.
"Hey" I murmured, tilting her head up, "hey,'s not going to help either of us if you cry right? Could you tell me what he looked like?"
She hesitated then nodded, but before she could answer the door downstairs opened and two pairs of feet pounded across the entrance way and then up the stairs. I quickly pushed Niha into one of the open cupboards under the sink and almost choked in surprise realizing Laila had been right there merely a half hour ago, telling me she was scared. Shaking my head I turned back with my gun raised, ready to blast apart any threat.

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