Chapter 29 (Badr)

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Note: I wrote this chapter in haste so it will probably be updated, fixed and maybe added to! Also the chapter pic is Jax.

My fists remained clench all the way home.
Jax drove us back- he was the only one I trusted to do so. We rode in silence, myself and him in the front, Yassin and Laila at the back. I could see her in the mirror, her hand on her head, gazing out the window.

I couldn't shake away the sheer fury of finding out she was in danger, of realizing that someone was after her. And more so at the fact that they'd stormed into Fankour, daring to think they could outdo us. No doubt the top men would want to make a personal visit to Cedochi prison.

I'd been there before. It was not a pretty place.

But what got to me more, to the very core of my being, was Laila's shock at seeing me shoot that idiot. Her wide eyes, the utter fear in them and the disgust mingled in with that terror. At that moment I'd been a monster to her, even though the guy deserved what he got. I'd won her trust for a few hours, and now it was gone again, so badly that I wasn't sure if I'd get it back.

We got home and Yassin took Laila inside.
"Thanks man" I said to Jax. He shrugged.
" No worries. You should get in and check on her"
"I will. But I first I have a job for you"
Jax straightened up and gave me a quizzical look.
"I want you to appoint two guys around Niha Taufeeq's place. If they tracked Laila to the bar, then they definitely know that girl is a one way ticket to her"
"Are you sure they came for Laila?"
"I'm certain. There's no bigger incentive"

Laila was up in her room when I entered the house, and Yassin was waiting patiently, seated on the couch. He handed me a glass of water.
"Drink up. You need to relax"
I brushed it aside, my earlier fury returning, "Why did you take her to Fankour?! Are you insane?!"
"It was stupid, I know" Yassin ran his hands through his hair in defeat.
"No, it was more than stupid. It was idiotic and not you. You were distracted by something and we both know it"
We glared at each other for a few moments, his green-brown eyes burning.
"It was that girl wasn't it" I stated, hundred percent certain, "I knew it"
Yassin stood up in anger, something that was unusual for his calm demeanor.
"No, you don't. I'm not perfect Badr- I make mistakes too. Niha has nothing to do with this-"
We both shut up as a scream sounded from upstairs.
"Laila" I whispered and took off up the stairs, Yassin following close behind.
"Laila open the door!" I shouted, banging on it. There was a moment of silence and then I heard her stumble up to the door and open it.
"What happened? Where is he? I'll kill him I swear-"
I barged into the room, moving from place to place- her wardrobe, her study compartment, the bathroom, everywhere.
But there was no one there.
"Badr" Yassin said quietly, his eyes on Laila's shaking form, "I don't think there was an intruder"
I watched Laila too, wondering what was going on. My heart was pounding with adrenalin, and I could have run fifty miles and still not worked it off.
She had changed into her night suit, and her hijab was off, her hair free and flowing down to her waist, framing her face. Her nose was pink and her eyes rimmed red because she'd been crying.
"Laila" Yassin said softly, glancing at me once, "what happened?"
"He- that- man-" she stammered and I cut in.
"What man? What did he do to you?" I'd kill him. I'd burn him.
She shook her head, and then slowly rolled up her left sleeve.
"Shit" Yassin's eyes widened and he beckoned to me.
There, etched into her soft pale skin were the words
We are watching
Dripping in blood.

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