Chapter 47 (Badr & Ethan)

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Note: I am excited for Badr and Laila's reunion and hope you will be too! Please leave comments and thanks you very much also to those of you who have voted! Also, this chapter is not as action packed or anything, but more interesting things are coming following it. In the mean time enjoy!

I grinned to myself, mirth humming through me. My chest was actually numb- I could barely feel anything. I did enjoy making sound effects though, just to see Laila's expression.
She'd been freaking out being so close to me I knew, and it always had me on the verge of laughing. She was so cute. I sighed and waited for them, wondering if I ought to knock myself out before he started with those stitches.

"Right then Badr" Bilal said ten minutes later, clasping his gloved hands together, "Lets get this over and done with"
I eyed the equipment he'd arranged on this tray, as though it were some kind of exhibit. I wasn't a fan of pain and I had a feeling as non-painful as my chest felt right now this was going to hurt. Laila hovered behind Bilal, looking positively terrified as he started getting the needle ready. I almost laughed despite myself, she wasn't even the one getting the stitches!

I couldn't help but compare her to the other girls I'd come across, hung out with, whatever. They'd been mostly Cedochi or school girls, and not one of them was like Laila. The ones in Cedochi had a standard of dress, like that of super models, with make-up that was constantly professional. They were sure of what they did and had the toughness not unlike most males. They didn't care for love more than sex, and certainly did not have a problem twirling the average guy around their fingers and used them well until they were trashed. Very few of them were married or allowed themselves kids. Kids were an unnecessary blot on their highly successful careers and besides, they were vulnerable while carrying a child. That is not to say that Cedochi did not provide protection- they did, but enemies were a force to be reckoned with and there were a lot of those if you were in this circle.

Then there were girls at school- the hot sporty, popular group who only lacked in the crime department, the ones that didn't have a care in the world but just wanted to live life in the moment, the ones that were buried in their books, the ones that painted themselves a mask when they were at school, and the ones that were involved in everything possible and continuously tried to drag you into one of their clubs. But, for the record, even though I'd had the attention of a lot of girls, I'd never ever come across someone with the character of Laila Mohammed. She was that kind of girl I could have done anything with and found that I was the one holding back. There was something about her that made her so enticing, so addicting, and yet boundaries were thrown up everywhere without one word from her. On one hand she studied hard out whenever she could, but also woke up at 3 am to watch football. She was never scared to snap back at anything and yet never wanted to offend anyone. She felt as though she were a burden and hurt for me and Yassin, although I was sure she would have still hurt for us regardless of who we were.

And she was cute.

Hell, she was sooo cute. Perhaps it was because I hadn't seen her in so long, but her every action made a rush of fondness course through me, and I wanted nothing more than to continue our idle banter.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked Bilal incredulously as he started observing my chest for a starting point, "maybe we should just wait till morning and bring in a doctor..."
"Laila I've done this hundreds of times, it'll be fine"
"Eh maybe you should listen to her" I piped in, "seeing as you have nothing to knock me out with"
"Suck it up little bro" Bilal replied with a crooked smile, "Better now than when its infected"
"I think you should tie me back or something" I offered, "otherwise I might hit you unintentionally"
My brother raised an eyebrow, "If you did that you would be dead" he joked.
"Maybe you could hold on to something" Laila pointed out. She looked around for something that fit her description, but I caught her hand.
"Badr-!" she gasped in shock.
"This'll do" I replied roguishly, winking at her. She looked scandalized.
Bilal sighed, shaking his head at me.
"Just let him Laila, this once"
She glared at me, her worry replaced with disapproval. I grinned and pulled her so she was sitting. But then when Bilal finally decided to start she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze which I returned, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.

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