Chapter 60 (Badr)

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Note: I apologize that Badr too is not wearing a shirt at the start off this chapter lol. I hope you enjoy it! And sorry that I'm slower uploading these as I am getting busier. Please leave your awesome comments and vote! Unedited.

I gripped the sink with white knuckles, my breathing raspy and irregular. I wore only my pants, having spent the last ten minutes scrubbing dirt and blood off my face, arms and chest. The water was cold and unfriendly, but I wanted that stinging wake up call. Anything that could distract me was welcome.

I was trying very hard not to answer the questions Laila had planted in my mind but it was all I could think about. Was I trying to run away from them?

Badr runs from no one.

I shook my head. I was running.

From Laila's words.

But not from her.

I dabbed my neck and chest with the towel. I needed a distraction soon. I wanted someone to remind me who I was and what I did, and that no one had any hold over me.
Especially not a fragile Muslim girl.
I changed into my usual clothes but a cleaner number, examining myself fleetingly in the mirror.
"Badr!" Yassin knocked at the door, "where's Bilal?"
"He's out with Chloe" I replied distractedly.
"Right. Come out soon dinner's ready"

After adding some cologne as an afterthought, I made my way to the dining table, catching a glimpse of her with her pink nose and red ringed eyes before she disappeared into her room. Still crying? What was I going to do with her?! Protecting her was hard enough, but making sure she wasn't miserable was becoming harder.
"What did you do?" Yassin asked angrily, emerging from the kitchen with his plate in hand. He looked pissed off and I watched him silently, slightly surprised. Yassin- angry at me?

"What?" I held up my hands, "I didn't do anything I swear"

"No" Yassin shook his head, "just stop it there- you're an asshole to her you know that? Every time I see her cry it's because of you" he jabbed a finger at me, "don't forget Badr this is the one and only form of a good hearted human you're ever going to get in your life. I don't think you get it"

"She doesn't get it" I replied quietly, picking at my lamb stew, "she thinks we can waltz our way out of Cedochi"

"No" he said for the second time, his tone hard, "she doesn't. And you can't even imagine how hard this is on her-"

"Oh boo hoo" I sneered, "what a pity Yassin! Laila's life sucks doesn't it? She's only got a millionaire for a father and a completely sane mommy. Top grades and good friends- what a fucking shame"

Yassin opened his mouth angrily but a third voice spoke out.


The hairs on the back of my neck stood up slightly. What did I just do? I thought in horror as both Yassin and I turned around to find Laila watching us from the foot of the stairs, her eyes were wide and filled with new tears. I could see the hurt on her face, so deep and terrible it hurt me. I wanted to say something, anything that could fix it but she fled up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door shut. Yassin and I stared after her for a few moments and I felt like my world was crashing down. I hadn't meant anything of what I'd said it had come out in my venomous remark. We all knew how much Laila missed her mom, how all of this was overwhelming her so badly.

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