Chapter 73 (Yassin, Badr & Laila)

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Note: 17tariqa thank you for that I really like the way in which you corrected me and have made the correction :) thus this chapter is dedicated to you!


Yassin signed his name at the bottom of the delivery paper happily. The new glossy black duffel bag slung over his shoulder was heavy with new memory disks, connection cords and other new technology as well as a couple of updated revolvers. He couldn't wait to try it all out. Next to him Badr had already cocked his new weapon and took a shot at small flowerpot.
Bilal crowed as it burst into pieces, the shot on target. Yassin rolled his eyes. They never got bored of target practice.
"I think that one is better for short distance" Jax observed wryly, unimpressed as usual.
Badr shrugged, "long as it does the job"
Jax nodded and took his leave as we headed back inside. Bilal was holding a fancy burgundy colored box with golden net ribbon which was to be Chloe's present of designer guns. It had the emblem of Cedochi sparkle at the front- she would love it.
"Decided on the dress?" He asked as they returned to the living room, "I'm not sure if there's anything designer left that she doesn't have"
"That's why" Bilal replied with a grin, "you get a designer to make a new piece"
"You didn't"
"Yes I did"
"Bilal this is only the engagement party! God knows how much you'll spend on the wedding"
"Well," he smirked, "my woman deserves the very best"
Both Yassin and Badr rolled their eyes this time. Bilal smiled then, noticing Laila who stood with her back to them in the middle of the room. That's strange he thought distractedly, usually she had a smile ready.
"Up already?" Badr teased in greeting.
"Leave me alone" she replied coldly. Everyone was silent for a few moments, exchanging glances in confusion.
Did you do something? Bilal mouthed to Badr. He shook his head, putting his hands up in surrender. Yassin decided to speak first, "What happened?"
"You tell me" she said, her voice shaking, now turning around to face them. He was taken aback by the tear tracks on her face, her reddened nose and wet lashes.
"Laila..." Badr breathed, his hands curling into fists as he seemed to restrain himself from doing something.
"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked Badr directly, her voice deadly calm, "something I should know maybe?"
"Laila-what are you-" his brother was completely confused.
"My mom is in coma" her lower lip trembled slightly, "You told me about so many things but you didn't think for one second that maybe, maybe I'd want to know about this?"
"Oh shit" Bilal muttered so only they could hear.
Agreed Yassin thought. Badr on the other hand had arranged his expression carefully so it was blank. He knew what his brother was doing, hiding every emotion, the way he was prone to doing when he was upset.
"I could have prayed for her" she continued, her voice a little raspy and quiet, "I could have made dua, or kept roza, anything. Even if I was miserable at least I would be aware of the high possibility that my mother might leave me." Her voice shook and Yassin knew she was dangerously close to crying, but she swallowed and continued, with each word making them feel like shit.
"All of you knew, didn't you? Every single one of you. And none of you thought I should know? How could you act so...normal when my mom is in coma?"
He felt his eyes sting and blinked rapidly. Was he...going to cry? For some reason hearing this from Laila made him feel so bad it hurt. She wasn't even screaming at them or making a commotion. She was simply addressing them in a hollow voice, in the way someone spoke when they'd lost something irreplaceable.
"Please-Laila- " Yassin began desperately, "none of us wanted you to get hurt or worry about something that was out of your hands-"
"It's okay Yassin" she gave him a small rueful smile which made everything so much worse, "I think we're done here"
"No we're not" Badr spoke up, gazing her down. She said nothing but angrily looked away and after a moments derision curtly began to head up to her room.
"Listen to me" he murmured, turning as she passed him but to no avail.
"Don't do this Laila!" Badr shouted at her back, his mask gone, worry and hurt stricken on his face. She didn't listen, ignoring him fully and trying to walk away as fast as possible. Yassin could see how much weaker Laila had become in the instance. She seemed so fragile he was afraid anything could break her, especially the realization that her mother was in coma- the land of the semi dead. Her voice was raspy, her face pale and eyes surrounded by shadows. Why aren't you getting better? What kind of fever was it that could cause this?
"Ya benti, what is wrong?" Baba had just emerged on the top of the stairs, looking as if he was pretty sure something was going down. He searched Laila's face which the rest couldn't see and pulled her into his arms, patting her head softly. It took Yassin a while to figure out she was crying. Baba steered her away from them and presumably to her room, throwing a warning glance over his shoulder.
"Shit" Yassin muttered. Badr turned to him, desperation clear in his eyes.
"Yassin- we were only doing what we thought was right weren't we?" He asked quietly, yet perhaps inside he was screaming, "why can't she see that?"
"It's still kind of our fault" Bilal answered wearily, rubbing his jaw, "not our secret to keep. Just wait it out little bro, you don't want to stress her out too much right now"
Badr didn't say anything. His eyes were glued to the top of the staircase, with so much longing and pain and worry that it hurt Yassin. His brother had it bad, but when would he admit it?

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