Chapter 58 (Niha & Laila)

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Note: ooh girls perspective! Hope y'all enjoy it and please leave your comments so I know what y'all think of it!! I'm trying to make these chapters longer due to some of your comments :) Your response often crafts my next piece! Unedited probably LOTS of mistakes

Guilt was clawing at Niha as it had never done before. Several texts from Yassin shone unopened on her phone but she was refusing to open them just yet. Talking to boys like this was so haram and yet she couldn't help but point out to herself he'd messaged first and how was she supposed to not reply and not manage to make things awkward? Especially seeing as this was Yassin, who was so sweet and always so kind to her- who even saved her life! It seemed a poor way to return that by ignoring him. The debate had been raging inside her for some time now, and she finally succumbed to curiosity, eagerly reading his messages.

I hope the test went well for you? Laila just said she's hoping she passes but that's standard response :P

Niha grinned, that was so true for both of them- neither would ever say the test went well even if it had just in case.

New Forest is a strange place. Ice cream shops are open all winter but just as it gets warm he closes his shop? Unbelievable >:(

That made her laugh outright. How adorable was he?!

Niha, you should take a break and watch The Maze Runner on channel 4 at 5:00 or you could watch Bride and Prejudice at 7:00 same channel

Niha's fingers skidded across the keypad as she replied to him:
Haha omgg I love the Maze Runner but I missed it. Alhamdulillah test was OK inshaAllah we both did well :) LOL why did he close it?? Bad timing :(

While eagerly waiting for his response she checked the time, 6:57 pm. Bride and Prejudice was due to start in three minutes! She suddenly wanted to watch it, somehow finding comfort in the idea that he was watching it too. She flicked open the TV.
The news greeted her, the headline Gangs clash at New Forest Dock grasping her attention. It was flashing in red which meant that the news was fresh.
Ya Allah...
Leaning forward, all mirth gone, Niha watched the footage. A young male reporter stood on the site, behind him police, ambulance and firefighter sirens flashed and the armed forces were in action.
"Deadly clashes between Cedochi and Buria gangs have just recently occurred right here at New Forest dock! So far the police have retrieved twenty bodies, all of them identified as Buria gang members but seven who are Cedochi. They have also arrested a number of either gang. For those of you who are unaware, Cedochi is the largest and most dangerous gang operating in New Forest, with over one thousand members in the city alone..." The reporter warbled on about the gangs but Niha watched the background, noting the fires that were slowly subsiding and the bodies being carried into ambulances. The whole situation made her sick to the stomach. What could have happened that created such a large scaled conflict? It looked as though they'd had a mini war.
Watching the news? She texted Yassin, this is incredible. These people are ruthless and cruel and don't care about lost lives.

His reply was short, brief:
I guess so

Ramadan was beginning in two days! I could barely contain my excitement. Depending on when the moon was sited it would occur in two or three days, which meant saturday or Sunday. What made everything one hundred times better was that my reports from the hospital had come out clear and had concluded my fainting and head pain was due to intense stress, and a prescription for appropriate meds was waiting. It made me feel much better that I was okay Alhamdulillah. I knew it was stress all along.

Before every Ramadan Mama and I used to make Samosas, pastry pieces stuffed with mince or chicken, spring rolls and other items and freeze them. Then every iftaar it was a breeze to prepare the meal. Although thinking back to that made me cry for ten minutes straight I decided with new vigor that I was not going to break our tradition.
Yassin hung around the kitchen, keeping me company as I googled how to prepare samosas, laughing at my first few out of practice attempts.
"Wow" he teased, holding one up, "I didn't know Samosa was supposed to be diamond shaped"
"Shut up!" I exclaimed, snatching it from him, "pass me the salt? Please? "
"Here" he slid it across the table with a grin, "want some help?"
I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously and he laughed one of those rare full laughs where he tipped his head back. It made me smile too- Yassin was by far the nicest of the AbdulQadir's,
"I'm actually excited about these" he pointed at my three Samosas, "and it looks easy enough"
"Wow" I shook my head, "you must be really bored"
He grinned and rolled up his sleeves, showing he was ready to go.

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