Chapter 31 (Badr)

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Bilal and I stood side by side in the dark abandoned ball room.
Although Cedochi meetings usually happened in five star hotels, preplanned and well organized, this was a meeting held by Derek, the top man's right hand man. He didn't care for an organized setting or fancy food- especially when he was angry. The abandoned Victorian ball room under Fankour was just the place for an emergency call.

Bilal and I'd met up at around 1 am at my place, and from their we'd proceeded to the meeting. I would advocate for Yassin's absence.

We stood now, all in a neat line which was formed by mutual agreement, facing Derek.
The man was tall and had the broadest shoulders with a packed upper body. He squeezed into a suit most of the time but at present he was dressed in a shirt and pants- looking almost normal.
The thing was, if you knew Derek no matter if he wore rags you were scared of him. He seemed to know everything about everyone down to where their second cousins twice removed lived. He was most apt with any weapon, and could turn anything into one- I'd seen him impale a traiter assassin with a golf stick a few years back.
"Which of you" he growled, his piercing blue eyes on the floor, "were at this place tonight?"
A few hands were half raised.
"And none of you noticed half a dozen unfamiliar faces?"
Deadly silence spread throughout the room. I had my hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed, but a smirk was working it's way to my lips.

These hooligans were in for it.

"Do you have any idea the kind of information they could have extracted if Badr hadn't caught them? DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA?" He stood up and slammed his hands against the table, the power of the gesture ringing through the room. Some of the guys glanced at me, and there was that glimmer of respect I'd gotten used to.
"Even then, one of them got away and we have no way of tracking him"
The smirk vanished.
Who got away? I had a feeling this was whoever had written a message on Laila. Maybe Laila knows what he looks like... First thing tomorrow I would ask her.

A strange tingle worked it's way through my chest when I thought of her, an erratic need to be near her engulfed me.
And yet-

"YOU ARE DISMISSED! If I hear of any incident that comes close to this little attack I'll make sure you all find yourselves in your graves. Now why are you gaping at me? Get lost!"
We turned to leave but Derek stopped us-
"Not you Badr, Bilal. I want to speak with you"
Bilal and I exchanged glances. Usually when Derek wanted someone to stay behind it was to make sure they didn't get out. In our case though, I was positive that wouldn't happen. We were too interconnected with inner workings.
"Sir?" Bilal asked, his deep voice rolling around the vast, dank room. Derek sighed, bowing his head into his hands.
"I know that girl was here tonight"
"Yes" I said quickly, "Yassin had an urgent meeting- he had to bring her here-"
"I know Badr" Derek interrupted, "the point is they already knew she would be here, and they were ready. I want to know how that happened to be...any ideas?"
I thought back to the evening. Yassin hadn't mentioned coming here to anyone had he? I doubted it. But I knew where this was going and Bilal voiced it.
"You think we have a traitor"
Derek looked up at us, and yet we felt small under his steel like gaze.
"I don't think we have a traitor, Bilal. I know we do. And I want to get rid of the bastard quickly."
I stepped forward, my gaze matching his.
"I swear I'll find him, Sir. I'll start this tonight"
The man's lip curved in a ghost of a smile, "I wouldn't prefer it any other way. I'll pull off Jax from his current occupation, you can take anything you need- just find him."

As soon as I returned to amu Faris' house I set to work. I packed necessities in a dark blue duffel bag and changed into my gear- including a bullet proof vest. I wouldn't need it tonight but you could never be sure. I wanted to stay as far away from the house as possible until I found whoever was behind this- it would defeat the purpose if Laila was put in even more danger because of me. I also didn't want to try explaining this to her in person- we'd argue for ten minutes and she still wouldn't get it.
A knock on the door broke me out of my shuffled thoughts.
It was Yassin. I opened the door and let him in, gesturing to my half packed duffel bag.
"I've got an assignment"
"I noticed" he said wryly, his eyes scanning my room, "it's almost time for the sun to rise. You should go- you know she wakes up early"
"Yeah I- what?"
Yassin gave me a small smile, "Laila, she wakes up early. I don't think you want to tell her what you're going to do"
"I guess so huh" I shrugged, chucking in a pair of trackpants.
"When will you be back?"
"I'm not sure"
Yassin nodded, looking around uncomfortably. I felt an ache toward him. He was so different from Bilal and I. Unsure of himself. Scared to disappoint.
"Listen Badr I'm sorry about-"
"It's okay" I cut across, "I'm sorry too. I lost it because- because I-"
"You were worried" he finished, "I could tell. I'll pack you something to eat"
He left before I could figure out that tone when he said I was worried. Wasn't he worried too?
Not in that way.
I brushed that thought aside and zipped my bag shut. Outside I could hear the growing rumble of Jax approaching on his motorbike, and I knew it was time to be off.
Slinging my bag over my shoulder I made my way down one floor, and then my feet were already taking me to Laila's room.
I'd left her door ajar in case she needed something and we didn't hear.
For some reason I paused in the doorway of her bedroom, my heart refusing to let me go further. It just felt wrong to take advantage of the fact she was asleep.
And it'd felt wrong when I'd bound up her hand.
Why did I feel that way? I'd never ever wanted to be near someone so badly before and yet I'd never felt the need to stop myself until now. What was it about her that seemed so untouchable? So special, so pure? Perhaps it was how she never met my gaze when her hair wasn't covered, or how she made sure the only time we spoke was well away from her bedroom...Perhaps it was the utmost trust in me to do the right thing, or that my forgiveness had a weight to her. I smiled inwardly, remembering the cookies.
"I'll miss you Ms Mohammed Junior" I whispered, gazing at her pale face for a few moments. Her eyes were shut and all the lines of tension and worry were soothed. She looked so vulnerable and tender that I almost called it off- I'd rather stay right here where I could make sure she was okay.

But I needed to do this job.

I needed to get this guy and end the danger once and for all.

I inhaled deeply and left her in her obliviousness, hoping I could be back as soon as possible.

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