Chapter 3 (Laila)

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My heart plummeted to my feet as the tall black iron gates of New Forest came into view. Behind them stretched a very green, very well kept lawn with students milling around in groups on it, and then stood a large elaborate building with glass doors and white concrete steps. I assumed that was the administration block. 

"Are you alright Laila?" Mama asked, her hand finding my clenched fist, "I can drop you inside if you want"
"No!" I exclaimed a little louder then I intended. A few people turn to stare at us as we had taken a bus to school and were surrounded with people.
"Are you sure?"
"Up you get then, you don't want to be late to your first class" Mama adjusts my scarf a bit, "make sure you catch the first bus home okay? It's a big town and I don't want you to lose your way"
I stood up, hoisting my bag over my shoulder. It was a black nike duffel bag- a gift from Latifa.
"Don't worry about me, I'll come home in one piece" I joked with a grin, "Assalamualaikum Mama, love you!"
With that I hastily climbed off the bus and headed to the school, not daring to turn back otherwise I'd find myself back next to Mama.

I swallowed as I passed the gates, trying not to notice the eyes that followed me all the way up to the administration office. Softening my expression I tried not to look intimidated or nervous. Friendly, confident. I had to be a new Laila here- one that wasn't going to make her life miserable at school because of her social awkwardness. Glancing at what the other kids were wearing I didn't feel too bad about what I was. Mama was big on wearing non-revealing clothes. Because I didn't want to wear my abaya to school (not that it was a bad thing. I was just not at ease with it yet) I'd settled for black cargo pants which gathered at the ankles, black canvas shoes with white undersides, a dull golden colored hijab and a Real Madrid shirt with the number 9 at the back. Karim Benzema, my man. A Spanish looking guy with dreads crowed his approval as he passed me with his friends yelling "Hala Madrid!"
I found myself laughing, feeling a lot more at ease and found looks of approval instead of looks of 'that's the new kid'.

I was supposed to go to the administration desk and get my time table made. Luckily I was able to find the place fairly easily and stood in line behind a couple of other kids, looking around mildly. From here I could see outside where students were hanging out before the bell rang. They didn't look too different from the kids back home, which made me feel better. The guy with the dreads was entertaining a large group with football tricks. He juggled two on his knees and his friends cheered him on. Some way away was the Asian girls group, dressed like super models, all of them on large touch screen phones. They were all so pretty, perfect figures, sense of dress, probably really smart. Then there were the kids who probably missed most of their classes and were at school basically to hang out with friends, then the kids who were involved in everything- several badges glittered on their clothes, the computer guys group, the geeks and the gangster kids...and then, standing closest to the gate, a Muslim group.
They were six in total, all hijabis, all really beautiful from where I stood, probably Arab. They were dressed quiet fashionably, well- that is, compared to what I'd dumped on. They wore mostly knee length tops/dresses and jeans, pretty sandles and boots, and their hijabs were on point. Someway away, in their own group but also part of the whole, stood the Muslim guys. They too seemed mostly arab, although I was pretty sure there were two desi guys in there too. I tried not to look at them too closely but was kind of failing. Astaghfurilla, why were they not across the lawn on the other side away from the girls?
"Excuse me young lady?"
The voice of the woman manning the desk broke me out of my keen observation. I turned to her quickly, "sorry ma'am" I said apologetically. She clucked her tongue but I seemed to be forgiven.
"Laila Mohammed"
"ID number?"
I hastily pulled out the sheet of paper I'd been mailed with my school details,
"Right then, let's take a look..." She, Ms Selby her name badge read, typed in something and began scrolling down on her computer. I knew what she was doing- looking at my academic results and needless to say she wouldn't be disappointed. I instantly wiped away the smugness in my thoughts. I was pretty good at school, actually I was very good, but that was also because Mama was a top notch electrical engineer, and had constantly tutored me since I was very small.
"Not bad...not bad..." Ms Selby was saying as she took note of a couple of things, "what were the subjects you wanted to take? I'll make your schedule right now"
"Calculus, physics, chemistry, English, history and classical studies" I listed. She looked up in surprise, "that's quiet a variety isn't it! What are you planning to do after school?"
"Either law or engineering" I said flushing for some reason, "I like both areas"
"Very nice, very nice" she nodded her approval as she typed in more stuff, "I should tell you, there's a career's department here in R block, you can book an appointment with them any time to talk about applications or jobs and all"
"Thanks Ms!"
"No worries" she chuckled, "well I've got your schedule ready, I'll print it out for you"
"Thank you!" I said again just as the bell rang.
She returned a few moments later with my schedule and a map of the school and left with a smile. I looked at the paper eagerly,


Below this was a small denoting, R15. The block and class number. I swallowed, feeling nervousness crawl back in slightly. The map said R block wasn't too far away. In fact it was the adjacent building. I took a deep breath, adjusted my hijab so it was presentable, and made my way towards my first class.

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