Chapter 44 (Bilal)

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Note: Comment pleaaaaseee!!! This is the first time it's Bilal's perspective! In don't think there will be many of these and I apologize for the small chapter. This chapter pic is in context to this as well as in memory of the Muslim on the bus who was brutally stabbed just because of his religion. May Allah reward him countlessly for each wound he sustained.

Bilal pushed open the door to Amu's house, a little to roughly.
"Yassin, come"
His brother staggered up the steps, supported by Laila who was almost in tears. His shirt was removed and his upper arm was covered in white plaster. Bilal couldn't bring himself to think about the pain he must be in. The doctors at the hospital had insisted fiercely they let him stay for the night but Bilal knew how fatal that could be for a Cedochi member like themselves. This wasn't new to him but it was to Yassin, who'd barely ever felt that kind of pain before. The first time was never easy, Bilal knew too well.
"C-can we p-please call your doctor?" Laila asked timidly, once they lay Yassin onto the couch bed. He really didn't look like he would make it up the stairs.
"Laila relax" Yassin chuckled weakly. Bilal on the other hand nodded thoughtfully, "I think we should. I'll call him"

Doctor Raghuveran was a dark skinned version of Einstein, appearance wise. He wore spectacles and looked constantly surprised, and had been the AbdulQadir's doctor ever since he could remember. There was no other man he trusted near him when he was injured.
"How are you Billy?" Doc asked, stepping inside when he arrived with a smile.
"I'm great sir, it is good to see you again"
The doctor laughed his jolly old man type of laugh, "unfortunately it only happens in grievous circumstances!"
"It's Yassin" Bilal said abruptly, not joining in. His laughter died away.
"Show me to him"
Bilal led the man to where Yassin was lying, looking kind of green. Laila was next to him, looking like she wanted to do something to help but didn't know where to start.
"Ah Yassin my boy!"
"Doc..." Yassin croaked with a weak smile.
"And you must be-?"
"Laila" Bilal answered for her. She gave him a shy smile.

While the Doctor Raghuveran looked at Yassin, Laila and Bilal waited in the kitchen. He took a moment to observe her, berating himself for neglecting the girl. She looked like hysteria was storming inside her but was too scared to let it out. She'd clearly been crying because her eyes were ringed red, and her expression was the all too familiar look girls had when they really hurt for someone.

Not that Chloe ever looked that way, he resisted the urge to smirk.

Suddenly the girl sniffed and he knew what was coming.
"Laila" he said simply, hoping her name was enough.
"It's my fault Bilal" she whispered, tearing up, "it's a- all m-my fault!"
"It is" he agreed and she bowed her head miserably, shoulders shaking. He took her into a bear hug, ignoring her little gasp. It was his way of comfort, knowing contact did a lot to calm someone down.
"It wasn't in your hands" he told her, "I can't tell you how unexpected it was. There's nothing we could have done to prevent this Laila, but we're Cedochi- we signed ourselves up for this kind of sh- stuff. You just got pulled into the middle of it"
"I don't want anyone to hurt because of me" she sobbed, "First the changing rooms on fire, then Yassin hurt, there were so many people who could have been hurt because of me!"
"Shh" he patted her head, "if this is anyone's fault it's Buria. They chose to make you the reason to cause all this. Don't give them what they want and feel bad about it. What happened happened, we'll be smarter about this next time okay?"
That seemed to make her relax and she nodded, pulling away and rubbing her eyes.
"Now go clean up, I'll bring a bed down for Yassin"
"Ill look after him!" She said immediately.
"We can look after him"
She gave him a watery smile, "yeah okay"
With that Laila disappeared upstairs. Bilal grinned despite himself and heated up some left over tandoori chicken and naan. He felt ravenous.

He decided he'd underestimated Laila. Thoughts she was an unnecessary complication in this whole mess. But he could see why she needed protecting- even he and Yassin were in danger from how increasingly dangerous Buria were getting.
On the other hand she was sweet yet firstly and had a huge heart. He knew it hurt her so bad that Yassin was suffering because of her...he almost wondered what she'd feel like if she'd ever see the way Badr dealt with Buria who stepped out of line. Would she feel sorry for them too?
Girls were so complicated.
"Billy?" Doctor Raghuveran called, and Bilal immediately sprang up from his chair.
"What is it Doc? Is my little bro okay?"
The doctor smiled, "he will be up and about in a few days I should say. I have given him pain killers which should get him through the night. Do not be alarmed if he gets fever, it is natural"
Bilal sighed in relief, "thank you sir. I'll have one of my men escort you home"
"Airport" he corrected, then smiling at Bilal's confused expression he explained, "I am leaving for Carolina for a Confrence, I had my flight pushed back two hours for you my boy!"
"I apologize for the inconvenience"
"It's alright. If anything goes amiss call me immediately. I have left a prescription for that case on the side table"
"Thank you sir, truly"

The doctor left and Bilal seated himself next to Yassin's bed which he'd brought down. He flipped open his laptop and began flicking through the transactions which were supposed to be happening between Cedochi owned businesses. His father's cut was there, and he was in charge of it until the old man was released.
He expelled that wave of longing. He'd acted as the father figure for so long he doubted anyone, not even Yassin or Badr knew how much he missed his dad. Badr barely remembered him and Yassin was always a mommies boy but him? He remembered everything about his father.

Luckily at that moment there was a distraction.

A knock on the door.

Tensing, Bilal flicked the lights shut and kept his hand on his mini revolver which was always on him somewhere. Crossing over, he quickly opened the door, ready for attack.
"Bilal it's me" a voice rasped.
There, standing before him looking as though he'd come through hell and back was Badr.

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