Chapter 77 The Engagement

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Note: assalamualaikum everyone! I APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAIT! I had to rewrite this quite a few times! Still not 100% happy with it but anyways. Thank you so much for bringing this to #1 in teen fiction! Love y'all :) the chapter pic is where all you readers are from, and I'd love it if you could tell me where you're from in the comments!! Enjoy!


"Andrè, all routes clear?"
"Tony, any Buria in our radius?"
"One- an initiate- but he's gone now"
"Make sure he doesn't get back in"
"Of course...just relax now Badr- you gotta be there for your bro's special moment right?"
I sighed, partly because the guy in front of me was driving like an idiot, partly because I knew I'd have to put on the happy face in a few minutes.
I was happy of course knowing that today was the day Bilal had been waiting for so long...but I was apprehensive of the aftermath of their visit to Evantide. Were they angry, frustrated, and sad? There were several missed calls on my phone from both Bilal and Yassin but I hadn't answered for the sake of not wanting to hear what I dreaded. Laila had called too, but when I'd called her back no one had answered. That sent me panicking so I'd quickly called all the Cedochi on petrol by the house and the hall to confirm where she was. My lips curved up in an involuntary smile. She was the best part of the whole night, and even more so if she was wearing the dress I'd selected.
I still didn't know why I did that. Maybe because I'd wanted this night to be special for her too, seeing as Laila was not the kind of girl I could do anything with. I couldn't take her out to dinner or to watch a movie...all those normal things other guys did. For the first time I yearned for that boring life I'd detested. I wanted to be able to do all those things, to not have to worry about the underworld where nothing good ever happened. Each to their own, even in Cedochi.
And then there was the fact I could not deny any longer- she was driving me insane. I'd been interested in the cute Muslim girl when we'd first I was fascinated. I felt a strange rush inside every time I knew I was about to see her, eager to hear what she would have to say, comforted by those warm brown eyes. There was so much more Laila deserved than fear, worry, pain, and sickness and yet I could do nothing to end those things. My world had inevitably ruined hers and I wondered how many more restrictions we'd placed on her.
And yet she hardly complained.
She treated us like her family as we had come to do as well, not once uttering a word of complaint at us either. Surprisingly, from what I had deduced from Laila's nature, she was not awkward or afraid around four males in her home, and maintained her distance graciously... Why was it that I was only seeing these things now? I-
My thoughts were interrupted as my phone buzzed and I glanced down to see it was a call from Doctor Raguveran.
"Yes Doc" I said in way of greeting as I picked it up, "everything okay?"
"Badr" he began slightly hesitantly, "I know right now may not be the time but-"
"What is this about?" I asked, a strange feeling of unease writhing in my stomach.
"Laila" he answered carefully, "you know that I took blood samples to test for poison, yes?"
"...yes" my head whirled. How did I forget?!
"the tests are positive Badr. There is poison in her veins right now...and I do not think she has too much time left" he replied, shattering something deep within me as he did so.


"Maybe I should have put more lipstick on" Chloe muttered self consciously as she gathered her skirts and carefully stepped up the stairs. Bilal felt a surge of happiness for the hundredth time seeing her in the dress he'd picked. It was a beautiful piece in his opinion, a pretty shade of violet and a combination of flowing net and some other nice material that made the skirt of it spread around her. Flower sequins were entwined in the bodice, within the dress, which would match his arrangements he had made. It made him giddy inside seeing her nervous for a surprise she was going to love- hopefully.
"Habibti you look fine" he reassured, winking. Chloe blushed very slightly and checked her heels so he wouldn't notice, but he did just like always.
"What is this thing we're going to anyway?" She asked curiously, "is it a Cedochi party?"
"Something like that" he replied with a smile. "Ah, we're here"
They had approached the magnificent golden Italian doors of the hall which were shut on them as of now. He could hear the milling about of people on the other side, it sounded like most of the guests were there.
"Wow" Chloe breathed, observing the door in itself, "it's beautiful...where the fuck are we?"
"Chloe" Bilal began, his nervousness finally setting in, "look...I just...I want you to know that you can say no"
Chloe smiled in confusion, "to what?"
"Nothing...just whatever happens it's okay to say no"
"Okay" she replied slowly, still confused.
"Well, here we are then" he said, excitement tingling inside. She laughed, "tell me already!"
Pulling her close for a kiss on her forehead, he slowly turned her around and from behind his back put held up his first finger, the signal to open the doors. As the gap widened, he kissed her cheek from behind again, quickly so no one else would see.
"Bilal...what is this?" She murmured curiously as the lights came into view. He chuckled, "the first of many things in your name"

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