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A/N: SUPRISE!!! Y'all can thank me by checking out Golden Storms and Ossani hahah :') (but seriously, check them out please!!) Remember to VOTE, SHARE, and COMMENT!



For once in my life, I woke up before Laila did. I was usually the one who she woke up, but today somehow my eyes had flickered open from the deep, velvet sleep you enjoyed after Fajr.

Our curtains were closed but the sunlight filtered itself in, settling in a soft golden glow around our room. The effect on the white bedspread was endearing, it made me feel like I was in a moment of utter, tranquil bliss before the day began and life snapped into motion.

My wife lay snuggled up against me, her head on my bare chest, one hand's dainty fingers softly placed on my skin. Just that made my heart beat erratically for a second, and once again- even after two whole years of marriage- I was amazed we were at this point. I smiled down at her sleeping form, drinking in her sweet ignorance of my gaze at this moment. Her dark hair was a mess around her face, but a cute one. I ran my hands through it gently, and she moved closer to me in response.

Far too soon- she woke up. I watched her stare into nothing for a few moments, still in too much of a sleepy stupor to do anything. Then she looked up at me, eyes widening in surprise when she saw me gazing back at her.

"You're awake?" Laila asked, surprised.

I kissed her cheek in response, "I'm always awake before you I just pretend to be sleeping" I teased.

That earned me an eye roll, "yeah sure" she scoffed.

"Careful Ms Mohammed Junior" I yanked her close, teasingly kissing her everywhere on her face, grinning as she laughed in delight.

The best part of all though is when Laila shyly kisses me back, just once, even though we've been married for 2 years now. I loved that moment, I loved the careful look her face had, as if she was afraid I'll pull away.

God, how many times do I have to remind her I'm going no where.

"Do you remember what day it is?" Laila asked
with a coy smile, as if she knew I wasn't going to remember. She hopped out of bed and began gathering the sheets to make our bed. I rolled out too, ready to help.

"Hmm let me see" I faked concentration as I grabbed one end of the sheet and pulled it up to the pillows, "it's Saturday that's for sure"


I laughed, "okay, Niha's just about ready for her delivery..."


"And what?" I asked innocently.

Her face took on that angry expression I knew too well. She quickly fixed her side then left the room, throwing a glare back at me.

"Laila!" I called, laughing harder as I jogged after her. I grabbed her wrist just before she began descending the stairs and pulled her back against my chest. My arms enclosed hers and I spoke softly into her ear, "and it's our anniversary"

A smile broke up on her face, and she beamed back up at me, her gorgeous brown eyes so warm and happy my breath was caught.

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