Chapter 82

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Hey guys I know it took me ages to update and I really sorry but I just was not motivated and quite busy with uni and all. This chapter might be disappointing because Laila isn't in it but I hope you'll get to see the professional side to Badr, and the dark scary side too. Please comment and vote and share if you like this story so far, it is going to end soon I'm sad to say but it's high time too hahaha :D I can't promise when I'll be next updating but it'll be after a certain number of votes hehehe Unedited


I narrowed my eyes as the armed squad surrounded me. They were dressed in professional gear and had their guns pointed at me, glaring at me from behind their helmets. I couldn't believe I was letting this happen, but I had to- for Laila.

"Raise your hands!" one of the men shouted and I slowly complied, taking my time so they knew I had not completely submitted, so they knew who they were dealing with. Officer Reynolds broke out of formation and quickly forced my hands into handcuffs, locking them roughly. Two other men came to grab my arms and escort me into the police van and all the while I complied, keeping my head down.

Once the doors were locked however, Reynolds unlocked my cuffs immediately, although he looked reluctant to do so.
"As you said" he began gruffly, "your brother managed to tap into Buria's surveillance system-"
"Did they see?" I interrupted, by voice low and hoarse, "did the Buria see this?"
"Did the Cedochi see?"
"Yes. No one knows you're free except for you, myself, and a couple of my men plus your brothers"
"I'm impressed" I acknowledged, "I wonder...if you are truly this good at remaining undercover, it should not be difficult for you to undermine the underworld"
"Some of us are good at remaining undercover" Reynolds corrected, "Others could be crucial but are already brought by your people, and others still are fucking hopeless"
I said nothing in reply, already bored of our exchange. It didn't matter to me whether we played fair or not- there was no such thing as 'fair' in my world and I wasn't about to play it honerable either. I had zero intention of going into custody with Reynolds, and after I got Laila back it would be easy for me to set my terms and...alter the agreement.

We rode in silence until we reached the police station where I was once more put into cuffs and jerked outside. It was important for both Buria and Cedochi gang members to see me out of the picture- only then was this all going to work. Once again when I was safely inside and out of view of other cops on duty Reynolds quickly took me to his office and shut the door behind him as I flexed my arms and fingers. He wordlessly switched on the multiple screens in his high-tech lair and typed in the passcodes. I caught the digits A7564 before hs back blocked the last two from me. I watched everything I could closely- I needed some kind of leverage on this man.

"Incredible" he muttered as surveillance screens opened up. In one box on the corner of the largest screen was Yassin's face, scanning whatever was in front of him with his sharp green eyes.
"Badr" he said in relief once he spotted me gazing at him, "You look terrible"
"I feel terible" I muttered but only so I could hear.
"This is Lucian Evandale's packaging factory and warehouses compound" Yassin explained, "We have suspected for some time now that he was the new head of Buria since Alessio was shot down, and Derek is fairly certain Laila is in here somewhere Badr" the last part he said softly, as if he knew that her name pained me, " The only problem is, while most of the corridors, warehouses and outer components of the place have cameras, a lot of the private rooms and most of the basement has no surveillance in general. It's my guess that this is the first time this place has come into use after a long time- it is probably not the main Buria lair at all but he's made it his safe house because he knows we could attack"
I said nothing, now trying to scrutinize every screen for every tiny little detail I could get, to try and catch a glimpse of Laila anywhere. The place was heavily guarded, with armed men and women at almost every corner, looking alert. A few more official looking Buria were walking briskly down one of the corridors and disappeared in a room that was clearly not in surveillance. I don't know how long I stared at those screens as Yassin and Reynold's discussed various plans, and I'd almost given up hope when one of the screens in the corner caught y eye. It showed yet another corridor, but this was one was deserted except for the heavy security on either end- it looked as if they wanted to be well away from the door. The door opened and a tall man with blond hair walked out briskly, flanked by two figures who were entirely covered in gear- only their eyes visible. He looked important so I leaned closer to the screen, trying to discern as many of his features as possible, so much so that I almost missed the glimpse of what was inside behind him. My breath caught as I saw her, laying down in a bed looking as peaceful as ever. Her hijab was gone and her hair fanned out over the pillow. My vision blurred- she was surrounded by medical equipment and looked hauntingly pale and yet just as beautiful. She looked like a princess on her deathbed.
"Laila" I breathed, allowing a tear to roll down my cheek. I hastily wiped it away as Yassin exlaimed, "we found her! That's the third floor, very clever of them- it'll mean that they'll protect all the floors above it essentially sandwiching her away from us..."
The rest of what he said was lost as I watched the doors of the room slide shut, leaving me to stare at the stainless steel. I restrained myself from punching the screen, instead taking a deep breath and backing away so that the very expensive equipment was out of my grasp.

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