Chapter 62 (Jamaal AbdulQadir and Yassin)

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Note: everyone please check out totallycracra  book ! Also please vote!! I see a lot of you read the chapter but never comment or vote :( but thanks for reading still! Hope you enjoy this short chapter :) unedited.

When Badr walked through the door it didn't seem as though he'd noticed his father.
Jamaal took the time of his obliviousness take him in, to try and prepare himself.

His little Badr was so big now, tall and strong and striking. He was lean like Yassin but as self assured and solid like his father. Everything about him was carelessly perfect- his appearance, expression, movement. It made him completely foreign to Jamaal, there was no feature of his that he could compare to the three year old toddler, no hint of a smile or that mischievousness that was always written on his face.
No, Badr was most definitely not the same boy he'd left behind.
Could he blame him?
He'd given his child no choice but to grow up much faster then any child should have to.

He watched as Badr slipped out a revolver, his sharp eyes scanning the area. He would have spotted Jamaal had Yassin not walked around the living area and to the entrance hall, his face still not recovered from his weeping.
He and Jamaal had spent the past hour talking, easily fitting into a rythm of father and son. He felt Yassin had this kind of charisma- he was able to talk to most people and adjust to them. He'd filled him in on how things had changed over time, their roles in Cedochi, Bilal's girlfriend. After it Jamaal had felt so heavy inside. There is a lot of fixing up to do here.
"Yassin?" Badr asked, his voice young and clear. Jamaal blinked. How can this be my little Badr?! Ya Allah I am blessed.
"He's here" Yassin told him in a wavering voice. His back was to him so he couldn't see his expression. Badr was instantly on alert, his eyes searching his brother's.
Yassin paused just a moment before answering, "Baba".
Badr's expression was blank, but his eyes gave him away. They were a storm of disbelief and apprehension, ad though he wasn't sure how to react. He straightened up and his expression hardened, eradicating any trace of his feelings.
"Where...where is he?" He asked quietly, seeming to mentally prepare himself. It struck Jamaal that Badr would not be one to shed tears like his brother.
"I showed him to a room" Yassin replied, "upstairs. I think he was really tired"
There was silence for a while in which Badr stared into oblivion, lost in thought. Yassin teetered uncertainly in his spot, no doubt wondering what was going through his brother's mind.
"No one said anything about this" Badr began slowly, "how did this happen?"
"Badr what's wrong with you?!" Yassin exclaimed, "did you even hear me? Baba's back home!"
Jamaal's heart clenched at Yassin's excitement and happiness. And it hurt to see Badr sharing none of it.

"Just answer the question" he demanded, shaking Yassin off.

"Ellias wanted to surprise us" he answered in a hurt tone. A muscle worked in Badr's jaw,

"Ellias wanted to surprise us and you brought into it?!" He growled through gritted teeth, "what the fuck Yassin? He must have led them straight here!"

"Don't you think you're taking this way too far?"

"No I'm not. You have no idea how insane this is getting Yassin. There's Buria at her school for god's sake, and they just had the perfect opportunity to find out where she lives"

"Jax brought him home"

That seemed to calm Badr down slightly.
"Happy?" Yassin asked sarcastically.
"I don't want anything to happen to her" he replied curtly, "and I definitely don't want any one to touch a hair on Baba's head anytime soon"
Jamaal's heart soared and it to every inch of himself to not announce his presence. He didn't know what he'd expected, but fierce loyalty was not it. The fire in his youngest son's eyes showed it, the protectiveness of his own.
"Assalamualaikum Badr" Laila greeted, coming around the corner with a few books in hand. Once again Jamaal was struck by that strangely comforting aura she had, the warmth in her brown eyes. Badr's expression softened, his gaze turned into something fond and delighted although his face did not show it.
"Walaikum Salam Mohammed Junior" he joked. Yassin grinned as Laila's cheeks reddened.
"Don't call me that" she muttered, but she was smiling.
"Oh shit" he exclaimed, glancing at the books in her arms, "I forgot about calculus homework"
Both Yassin and Jamaal gaped at him.
"Don't worry" she laughed, "Ms Gounder won't be there tomorrow- she said on Tuesday"
"Thank god"
"Real Madrid is playing" she told him and he grinned, "I'm watching"
The three disappeared into the living room, talking amongst each other about football. Jamaal smiled to himself and closed his room door behind him, finally feeling the real joy at his freedom.

"Calculus homework?" Yassin whisper shouted, "what is this about?!"
Badr and Laila exchanged glances. He motioned at her to answer as Yassin stared between the two of them, utterly confused.
"What?" Laila exclaimed, "you tell him!"
Badr rolled his eyes, "so I joined school" he said casually.
Yassin's jaw dropped.
"Er...I'll just get some popcorn ready" Laila said, sparing them a apologetic look before fleeing to the kitchen.
"You what?!"
Badr shifted on his feet in mock nervousness, grinning like fiend. Yassin shook his head in disbelief.
"When did you start?" He asked finally.
"Last week"
He didn't show it, but Yassin was secretly so glad. Badr was back in school! He would finish his education and hopefully attempt higher studies, then he wouldn't be in field all the time on the verge of getting seriously injured.
"One more thing" Badr said, leaning forward, "I've got him"
"Who?" He asked immediately.
"That guy I was looking for" his eyes shone with excitement, "I've locked him up. The biggest threat to Laila is in my fist"
"You- you mean that guy...who cut-"
"And attacked Chloe, and stabbed you"
Yassin suddenly remembered, clearer than anything, those green eyes and needle like silver dagger.
"Shit" he breathed.
"He's going to pay for all of it" Badr told him grimly, "I'm taking charge of him personally. He's locked up where no one will find him"
"This means-?"
"That we don't need to worry about anything for a while now. Buria will need time to regroup and prepare"
"Badr that's- that's amazing" Yassin admitted, "you're truly very good"
"Why yes I am"
"The game's starting!" Laila announced excitedly, bringing out two glowing bowls of popcorn from the microwave. Badr laughed and led them to the TV, pulling their mattresses so they were all joined together in a giant bed. Laila curled up on the armchair though, cacooning herself in a blanket. He caught Badr's gaze flitting over to her, and felt amusement rise in him. On one hand they were bickering and arguing and on the other they were completely compatible. He shook his head. He had no idea where this was going.

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