Chapter 80

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Note: a pretty intense chapter :/ please comment and vote! It makes my day and inspires me to keep writing! It also irks me to see that hundreds of you read each chapter and yet less than an eighth vote. It would mean a lot to me if you did.

Faris Bin Waleed:

Faris gazed at his reflection in the hospital room window, a small bout of surprise tingling through his heavily depressed mind. He looked a lot older, and his usually upright posture had vanished, leaving his shoulders slumped in its wake. His eyes were bloodshot, just as they'd been for as long as he could remember in the ward,  his usually well-kept hair now hanging over his brow. Involuntarily, almost by reflex, his gaze shifted to Ruba lying deathly pale in her bed. She was surrounded with medical equipment which uselessly beeped, whirred and measured irritatingly. She hadn't once shown any sign of recovery since the day she'd fallen into coma and Wei Cheng had very low hopes for her to come out of it. He'd gently asked Faris on numerous occasions if he wanted to continue life support, or let Ruba go. Faris could not, and never would do the latter.

Gasping as sudden grief took over he bent over and held his head in his hands, shoulders shaking as he wept. I can't lose you Ruba, you can't leave me here all alone. He reached out and grasped her limp fingers in his own trembling ones, wishing with all his heart that she could feel the need with which he begged her to come back. For surely without Ruba Faris was nothing.

She's going to die she's going to die she's going to die...

A sudden beeping from his phone came to his attention and he reluctantly answered it, not bothering to check who had called.
"Mr. Waleed this is Derek speaking" a grim voice sounded at the other side.
"Yes" Faris replied slowly, wondering why on earth a militant Cedochi like Derek would want to speak to him now of all times.
"Sir, we are under attack from a mass of Buria and the situation is...almost uncontrollable. I need you to stay exactly where you are but please keep your firearms ready. Although I do not believe Buria are aware of your whereabouts, I have sent for Chinese Cedochi back up-"
"Derek what is going on?" Faris shouted, "how- Buria-"
"Bilal is with me-" there was some fumbling them Bilal's deep voice came through; "Assalamualaikum Amu" he said, "we're not sure what's happening but Buria are attacking our territory from different locations- no idea what they're trying to do- so we've put the signal up for lockdown-"
"Laila" Faris breathed, "is Laila okay? Is she safe?"
There was silence.
"Bilal, answer me" he demanded, heart beating erratically, "what happened to Laila?"
"Amu- we- we were too late but-"
Faris didn't hear anything after that because he had thrown the phone with such force against the wall that the screen shattered, his hand gripping his hair. He couldn't bear anymore bad news. He just couldn't-
One of Ruba's monitors began beeping erratically, and the sound of hurried footsteps followed.


Faris turned around quickly, his heart catching at Ruba's convulsing figure. Before he could react a bustle of doctors and nurses had burst through the door and he was knocked aside as the quickly began working, talking in rapid Chinese.
"What is going on?" He asked a nurse bustling past him.
"Sir- you wait out- wife- critical condition"

Niha: (a few hours earlier)

"I just have to check on something" Yassin muttered, checking his phone briefly and looking back up at her, "I'll be back soon"
Niha gave him a reassuring smile, "sure".
Almost by reflex both of their gazes found Laila who was fast asleep on the couch looking very pale and very sick.
"Badr will get that antidote" Yassin told her, but it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.
"InshaAllah" she added, and Yassin gave her a brief glance before nodding. Her heart clenched at his dark green eyes that were filled with worry- for Laila, for Badr, for her...that was the Yassin she knew, not some gang member, but someone who had a really huge heart, never running out of space for someone to care about. And perhaps it was because of that realization that she'd abandoned all pretense of staying mad at him- in all honesty, it was much too difficult.
"Okay go" she urged, "we want you back as soon as possible...just in case"
He nodded, then after a moment fumbled in his jacket and pulled out a small silver gun, placing it down safely on the bench. 
"This is what you do" he demonstrated, pulling back the top part with a click and fingering the trigger, "I just hope you won't need it"
She said nothing, not wanting to touch the weapon. He sighed and took her hand gently, questioning her for her permission with her gaze. She should have said no but she couldn't, instead allowing him to take her hand and guide it to close around the gun, his fingers softly pressing hers around it into place. She was very aware of her erratic heartbeat at this stage, forgetting his to function.
"It's not as evil as it looks" he told her softly, "sometimes all it wants to do is help you and protect you"
And with that he left, hitching up his jacket. He didn't look back but she caught his eats turn red, and despite the grim nature of the situation their exchange made her blush and smile.

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