Chapter 42 (Yassin & Niha)

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Note: holy crap I did not realize I'm up to chapter 42?!! Sorry if this is getting really long for you guys but there is a long way to go! I think it's because my chapters tend to be very short. Here is what's up with Yassin and Niha :) unedited

Niha was so cute when she cheered.

Yassin gazed at her with a grin on his face as she actually stood up and yelled "YEAH LAILA!" the second time Laila scored a goal.
The score table was currently 3-2 to New Forest, and there was very little time left. If anyone at New Forest had not known who Laila was that had changed today. She was really very good, light and impossibly fast, seeming to control the ball naturally. She and the two other girls who played striker made a good trio, backed with solid defense.

His eyes scanned the crowd for Bilal. His brother seemed to have forgotten his hostility toward her and was roaring his approval, while a rather irritated Chloe sat at his side, looking bored.
"Wasn't that so amazing?!" Niha exclaimed, tearing her eyes away from the field to Yassin, "She is so talented mashaAllah"
"She is" he agreed, smiling, "I had no idea"

Scored again, did you see it? He texted Badr. His reply was swift.
I did, pretty good huh? Can you meet me in the carpark?


"Hey, I just forgot something in my car" he told Niha, "I'll be right back"
She smiled and nodded, making him melt a little, "Sure! I'll make sure no one steals your spot"
"That would be awesome"
With that he made his way down the bleachers and exited the place, feeling everything quieten as he made his way to the car park.
The breeze was cold and piercing, stinging his cheeks. Even though the rest of his body was completely warm, his hands and face were freezing.

The car park was empty, completely empty. It seemed very devoid of life and he wondered how strange that was. Not even a kid running around? He didn't like that.
No, Yassin knew a dangerous situation when he saw one.

I'm here he texted Badr.

No sooner had he hit send did the windows of the car to his right explode into a million pieces, making him fly for cover. He crouched next to the huge wheel of the now closed hot dog truck and peered through the rungs. Yassin knew exactly what made glass shatter like that and didn't like there was an armed man walking around here. Where was Badr? He would have smelt this out miles away.

Maybe...maybe because he was miles away.

Yassin reread the texts and confirmed it. Firstly, Badr never responded that fast. Secondly he'd told Yassin earlier to stay out of the way and keep an eye on Laila...he wouldn't tell him to exit the field so abruptly.

He didn't have time to think as two guys emerged from behind the exploded car and looked around, heavy guns in their arms. They were both tall and menacing, almost identical in stature but not by features; one looked Hispanic and the other was a red-head. They made no effort to hide their tattoos so Yassin knew immediately these were Buria. He felt a strange pang of fear, not something he was used to. Something told him if they were responsible for luring him here he was not in a good position. He flipped out his phone and quickly texted Bilal: Do not reply. Buria are here. Make sure you take Laila straight home.

He didn't bother saying anything more. As Badr would say- I'm not going to die today.


The game ended at 3-2 to New Forest. The crowd erupted with cheers and flooded onto the field, engulfing the stars of the day and raising them up. Niha smiled, running on to the field as well, trying to find Laila.
There she was, a tiny thing surrounded by so many supporters. Her cheeks were red and her eyes bright with excitement, although she looked thoroughly worn out. She spotted Niha and made her way through the crowd, smiling at whoever praised her in an embarrassed way.
"You were amazing!" Niha squealed, pulling her sweaty friend into a hug.
"Ew Niha you're going to stink!" Laila exclaimed, pulling away, but she was laughing.
"All good I'm happy enough I don't care"
"Saw you up there with my cousin" Laila winked and nudged her, smiling a little bit too much. Niha blushed furiously.
"He's good company" she admitted, feeling even more embarrassed.
"Aw you're so cute! I think he might like you-"
They both turned at that booming voice which belonged to Hassan. He was beaming and grinning from ear to ear which made them exchange glances and laugh.
"Save it" Laila chuckled when he opened his mouth, "I know I blew you away"
"You sure did" he boomed.
"Oh dammit, I forgot my phone in my car" Niha remembered, "I need to call Baba, I'll meet you back here in a bit once you've changed and you're a little less..." she waved her hand over her nose and her friend laughed again.

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