Chapter 83 (Laila, Badr, Harrison)

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Note: I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE! I really was at a loss as to what to write that could really match what I had in mind. The thing is that I'm hardly ever pleased with my chapters till later and it's not really different with this one. It doesn't have romantic stuff in it or anything, but a lot of things happen, the mentality of the characters is more clear hopefully. The next chapter is definitely going to be action packed iA and because I finally have a break I'll be able to write it sooner inshaAllah! ALSOOOOO I have attached the trailer I HAVE MADE FOR AMATULLAH!! I am so excited! Please check it out! Vote, comment, share! We are #15 in TeenFiction <3 


Consciousness returned to me with a blast, as if I had been forced awake by some abrupt disturbance. My eyes flew open and feeling returned to my body in waves, alerting me of the sweltering heat radiating from inside my body, the sweat that plastered my hair to my scalp and made my clothes cling to me. A duvet was pushed up to my chin, uncomfortably heavy. Frustration coursed through me- here I was as though on fire and there was a thick covering over me to add to this oven? I moved my leg to kick it aside but found restraints over my thighs and shins. I tried lifting my arms to check what was holding me back but they were restrained also.

Panic swept through me and I looked around quickly, trying to gather an idea of my surroundings. My brain was excited and unable to relax so that I could gather my thoughts.

I was in an unfamiliar room. It had walls that looked like they were waiting to be painted, an uneven concrete grey colour you saw on construction sites. Various medical equipment was arranged around my bed, looking extremely out of place and with a jolt I realized it was all there for me. Tubes ran up my restrained arms and some things were connected to my stomach and chest. I had a phobia of needles and I froze, terror growing in the pit of my stomach when I realized there were many inside me right now.

As I continued to survey the room around me, I realized that I was not alone. There was a figure standing with his back to me, his black wiry hair severely dishevelled. He wore clothes an old scientist would wear when he wasn't wearing a lab coat; checked office shirt tucked into brown pants. He had dark skin, I could tell from his arms where he'd rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Involuntarily I let out a small cough, and he instantly turned around.

It was Doctor Raghuveran

We stared at each other for a few moments, his sad eyes to my wide, curious ones. I knew I didn't have to speak to ask him what I wanted to- he knew.
"Laila" he greeted, his voice hoarse as though he had a sore throat, "how are you feeling my child?"
I took a moment to respond, trying to find my voice.
"I feel...feverish" I replied slowly, "But otherwise I feel fine, nothing hurts" Alhamdulillah I added silently.
Doc nodded, "that is a good sign," he then proceeded to checking all the tubes and things while I watched him, wondering what on earth was going on. I couldn't remember anything, couldn't put two and two together. What was I doing here? This was certainly not a hospital, and I was strapped to the bed. Realizing that once more I panicked slightly, tossing my head to the side so I could demand an answer from him.
"Why am I tied down?" I asked, my voice slightly raised, "And where am I?"
A hundred scenarios were racing through my mind, but none of them made sense.
"I'm sorry Laila" Doc muttered, now readying a needle, "I don't have any answers for you"
He then knelt over, as though checking my pulse on my neck and whispered, "They'll come any minute-" moved over to check my ear, "We are in the Buria stronghold, and you're their hostage. You had poison inside you but I've got it to wear off substantially. In a few hours you'll be free of any real danger. But the effects of this might be much more long lasting, I just don't have the means to find out what they are,"
I zoned out half way through his hasty explanation because one face had resurfaced before my eyes, one pair of dark golden eyes had met mine from my memories, and my heart fluttered irrationally at the thought of him.
"...I have to knock you out," the doctor was saying, "otherwise they'll know you're awake and they'll make you sign the papers-"
I felt the jab of the needle in my side and I yelped in pain, tears rushing to my eyes.
"I'm sorry" he looked truly hurt.
"Where is Badr?" I sniffed, feeling haze take over my brain, but I fought it, wanting desperately to know if he was okay, and more importantly- if he was going to save me like he always did.
But Doctor Raghuveran's eyes told me another story.
"I'm sorry" he repeated, "Badr's gone Laila. He got arrested"

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