Chapter 85

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Hi guys! SORRY FOR THE WAIT! But this half of the semester was completely insane so I didn't really get a chance to write much! This chapter is basically just a filler for the final 2 chapters. It will be nice and pleasant inshaAllah. It is written in haste so forgive if it's not up to the usual standard- will probably edit it later. Btw Niha has two younger siblings, Omar and Hena. ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT THE AMATULLAH TRAILER AND LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS! (beware, it has music so after your fast or ramadan) COMMENT, SHARE, VOTE


I gazed outside my ward window, my arms crossed over my bare, bandaged, chest. Outside rain hit the windows angrily as the sky roared with thunder and flashed with lightening, briefly illuminating the dark sky like some kind of X-ray.

The sight reminded me of me.

A few days ago I'd been that raging monster of a boy, seeking the rush, the thrill of life in any way I could. I'd lived without a heart, enjoying myself to the max without having to think about anything except my brothers and myself. Nothing tied me down, I could go anywhere with absolute freedom and power of both youth and exceptional skill. I was Badr AbdulQadir, the Prince of Cedochi, and a celebrity of sorts in the underworld.

But since last week, everything had kind of fallen into perspective.

Laila had almost died and me with her, because I was no longer able to not care. She was important to me, more then ever, and I'd seen a glimpse of who I would become if she'd died in my arms that night. I would simply exist, an empty shell without any purpose, without any drive. The thrill of the underworld could not sate my thirst for what I would have lost.

"Badr, what are you thinking?"

Derek's voice brought me back to my ward where I stood, very much against the nurse's wishes, out of my bed and by the window in nothing but my blue pyjama bottoms. My boss stood behind me, I could see his reflection on the glass. He looked calm and easy going, seemingly relieved to see I was up and about. Bilal had told me the absolute fiasco that had gone down after the ambulance brought me here. The fact that I'd lied to the Cedochi about my arrest didn't seem to matter, my wellbeing had. For that I was grateful, but it made everything much, much harder.

"I think you know what I'm going to say Derek" I replied quietly, my nose tingling for some strange reason.
He was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

"I need to do this, Yassin needs to do this"
"I know"
"You don't have a problem with that? You'll let me go that easily?" I turned around, a part of me wishing he would put up an argument. Derek smiled ruefully, shaking his head. For the first time, I could see the lines of age on his face that was not unlike Baba's. He was dressed in a suit too, which made his broad shoulders look even more powerful. He had been a father figure for me, and I knew somewhere inside he had a soft spot for me even if he hardly showed it.

"Badr..." he started, pushing his suit jacket to the side as he put a hand in his pocket, "You and your brothers have served the Cedochi well. Exceptionally. You were everything I dreamed for when you were under my care and I know you have done your due. But you cannot deny something has changed you...perhaps for the better. But aside from that, you have done us a great favour. Because of you Buria is finished and that is something we were not able to do in a very long time. You have done your due for Cedochi, so I can do this for you." He took a deep breath, his eyes twinkling, "You are free Badr. We do not bind you anymore and nor do we bind your family."

I swallowed, my throat tight. I couldn't believe what I'd heard; it hurt me and gave me relief at the same time. I felt like I was losing a part of me but gaining another. It was a strange feeling.

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