Chapter 54 (Laila)

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Note: thank you so much for all your support and super awesome comments and votes! Even if I don't reply to all of them I do read all of them and it makes my day. Sorry thinks such a short chapter! I probably won't be updating for a few days I think. Enjoy!

I stifled a yawn for the hundredth time. The calculus test was going well alhamdulillah, but it was the afternoon and the class was heated up due to the cold outside. It was now warm and stifling making me feel more and more tired. I'd gone hard out on the paper in the first half and hour, and now I couldn't be bothered going over it to double check. Beside me Niha's nose was almost touching the paper as she furiously answered questions.
Sighing, I flipped back to page 1 to check for my answers although the numbers seemed to blur around.
How did you differentiate to find the equation of the tangent again? I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to regain focus.

My head was spinning again and I was angrily waiting for the new nauseas feeling and the head pain to arrive. Surely there must be some pattern to this? I tried to think about the possibilities...exhaustion? Stress? For some reason I thought this was a little too extreme for that, no- these symptoms were irrational in their occurrence. Ya Allah cure me...

Suddenly the door opened and all heads turned as Ms Selby walked through...closely followed by -to my immense and utter shock- none other than-

"Badr?" I exclaimed, forgetting we were under test conditions.

His eyes found mine and he winked right there in front of everyone. I blushed furiously, still in shock. A few girls giggle in the back but my jaw was hanging open.
His black attire was gone, he was instead wearing a white turtle neck sweater which fit snugly on his lean chest, black pants, and a dark blue bag slung over his shoulder. He looked nothing short of a male model with his cleanly shaved face and neat black hair, golden-black eyes twinkling. I wasn't sure if I liked this very new style better but one thing was sure- everyone else in the class did.
"Ms. Gounder, this is your new student- Youseff"
Youseff? I snorted, this was becoming unbelievable.
"Youseff, the class is currently undertaking a test, would you mind waiting outside for a few moments? Lunch bell is just about to go"
"No problems Miss" Badr replied with an award winning smile, which made my teacher smile in turn. I narrowed my eyes as he sauntered outside, throwing one last mischievous look in my direction.
What is going on?! I had no idea what he could possibly be planning, and it was making me suspicious. What was frustrating me however was the excited glances girls were exchanging all around, clearly delighted by his appearance. Ever heard of lowering the gaze? I thought angrily, astaghfurillah.

Finally the bell for lunch rang and I dragged Niha out of the class before anyone else, whipping my head left and right.
"Laila what's wrong?" Niha laughed.
"Where is he..." I muttered, "he was right here"
I realized Niha had been one of the few who'd been so deeply absorbed in the test that she hadn't paid attention to Badr's appearance. 'Youseff' wasn't going to work with her, I thought smugly, Niha had met Badr before. and Badr was quite a character to forget.

We entered the cafeteria and I swept my gaze around the place. Where are you Badr? I swear when I see you I'm going to-
"Looking for me?" A musical voice sounded behind me. I whipped around and found him standing a few feet away, lunch tray in hand, a fan club behind him.
"You!" I hissed, "what are you doing here?!"
"Oh hey Badr" Niha said, catching up to me. Badr grinned.
"Youseff" he corrected, "Youseff Badr Noorzai"
My eyebrows rose to heaven. What the-
"And to answer your question Laila" he returned with a snobbish air, "I thought I'd finish off senior year after all"
"I don't believe it" I muttered, shaking my head. He winked at me again and I almost exploded, "would you quit doing that?"
"What?" He asked innocently.
"Give us a moment" I told Niha "I just need to have a word with Youseff"
"Okay" she replied brightly, "I'll be over there with Rana and them"

I almost dragged Badr around to an empty corridor. I was sure my face was red but I didn't care.
"Seriously" I began once we came to a stop, "why are you here Badr?"
"I was bored"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Not really I actually was getting bored"
"Badr can you be serious for once!" I almost shouted.
His grin faded and was replaced by a look of seriousness. I was taken aback by the change, the fierceness in his gaze made me shiver.
"I'm here to protect you"
"Even at school?" I blurted out.
Badr ran a hand through his hair, clearly formulating what to say next, "it's more than that"
"What is it? Just tell me"
"I don't want anything to happen to you without me being there. You fainted last week Laila, fainted- anyone could have taken advantage of that and I don't know if I'd be able to stop that if I was all the way at amu's place"
He had a point.
I supposed.
But I had one too.
"Badr, if you want to stay here do one thing for me?" I asked in my warmest tone possible. His eyes softened and for a moment I was lost in their many meanings.
"What might that be?" He grinned suddenly, "if it's shaving my head I'm sorry but-"
"NO" I lifted my hands in the air, "not that"
"You're going red"
"Shut up and-"
I gasped, heat rushing to my cheeks. Great. Now I looked beetroot. He laughed and tapped the top of my nose in that friendly way when someone cons you. I stepped back involuntarily but he seemed to notice. His smile disappeared.
"Laila what is it?"
"I..." I cleared my throat, "I want you to take it seriously. Actually do finish senior year and all. Live a bit of this gang-free life" the last part sounded like pleading but I didn't care- I meant all of it.
Badr's expression was raw and almost vulnerable. He looked like he was really listening, as though the words had hit home.
"I'll...try" he replied after a few moments, his voice low, "I mean, I'll give it a chance"
"Thanks" I smiled at him gratefully. His expression was gone as fast as it appeared and he grinned again, "won't you introduce me to your friends now Ms Mohammed Junior?"
"I sure will" I grinned back, "you know what? This might actually be fun!"
"Wow Laila I know I have this effect on people but this fast? I had no idea..."

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