Chapter 50 (Badr)

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I'd thought worry was a non-existent emotion for Badr AbdulQadir. There was anticipation yes, there was anger at being unable to get the job done fast enough, or the apprehension at something or the other but worry? Never.
But that was before I met Laila Mohammed.

I'd woken up around noon, so Bilal had already dropped her off and returned well before my eyes opened. I'd argued with him, telling him there was no way school was safe for her, but he'd reassured me with the fact he'd sent several guys for her protection. Still, that thing which I was sure is worry gnawed at me from within. I just knew something was going to go wrong, after all, what went right with Laila?

And now here she was.
In the fucking hospital.

She looked frightened at my appearance, backing into her blanket as though she wished it could swallow her whole. Although my expression did not change, I took the moment to quickly survey her. She did looked weaker and sick to me or perhaps I was just overthinking it. There were faint shadows under her eyes and she looked terribly tired, but then again she'd stayed up till what- 2 or 3 am?

"Is everything okay sir?" The nurse, Elise, asked me. I gave her a curt nod.
"If you'd excuse us for a few moments?"
"O-of course!"
She backed out of the ward quickly. Now Laila looked positively terrified as I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. My chest hurt with every tiniest strain on it, but that never changed my composure.
"Listen Badr-" Laila began but I cut across her.
"No- you listen" I snarled, dangerously close to shouting, "I knew something like this was going to happen- with you everything that could go wrong will go wrong have you ever noticed that?"
Her eyes suddenly looked very bright, but I couldn't stop myself.
"First you decide you're going to play football where all of us were almost killed trying to protect you! And now, knowing fully well that both Yassin and I were injured you still went off to school. What the fuck is wrong with you?! We needed you! And you abandoned us!" My voice rose to a shout. I knew I was going off tangent, because this was tying in with someone else who'd left me, but I wasn't about to admit that now. Laila looked bewildered.
"Badr I'm sorry! I had no idea- that was not my intention at all-"
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?!" I roared, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE THAT WHOLE TIME IN THAT FUCKING PRISON NOT KNOWING IF YOU WERE OKAY! I FELT LIKE I'D FAILED! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT WOULD PUT ME THROUGH?" I massaged my temple with a hand, suddenly feeling tired, "I never thought you'd take this for granted. I thought you'd at least have the decency to tell me you were in pain. This isn't the first time this has happened I know. You should have told me, me! Laila, we made a friendship and as far as I know friends tell each other these things."
"But where were you?!" She shot back, standing up now as well, her eyes ablaze, "when I wanted to tell you where were you Badr? I spent weeks wondering what I'd done to offend you, to drive you away! I tried telling you that night too, didn't I? You told me I was exhausted and needed to rest- yeah, you Badr!"
I glared at her and she rubbed her eyes, early trying not to cry.
"And I don't take anything for granted. I wish I never had to become a burden for you. I'd tell you to leave right now, do what you want but I know you won't. I know this is all my fault, and yet I never had a say in all of this. If I had a way to go back and make sure I'd never have come here, never ruined your lives, I would. I'm sorry Badr"
My heart melted a bit when she said all that, especially when she said my name. I stepped toward her, wanting to apologize, but she pushed past me, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Oomf!" Elise almost collided into Laila on her way back.
"I-I'm sorry" Laila sniffed, wiping her eyes.
"Aw it's okay dear, is everything okay?"
"Not really" she gave the nurse a watery smile.
"The doctor would like to carry out some tests which will be scheduled over the next week-"
"Do them now" I cut across her, "I'll talk to your doctor, but do the tests now- I'm not leaving until it's proven this was just a one off thing"
Elise pursed her lips but complied.

Over the next couple of hours I watched Laila undergo several tests, including an MRI. She didn't spare me even one glance but I tried not to think about it too much at present.
By the time everything was done Laila was allowed to come home and Elise said they'd have a catch up appointment as soon as the results were out, but meanwhile she was allowed to come home with a few meds. I payed the bill in the foyer before she could catch me do so and silently escorted her to the car.

The whole ride back Laila did not talk to me,  which made me feel more and more uncomfortable. But it did give me time to hatch out a conclusion.
If Laila wanted to continue attending school and all I wasn't going to stop her.
I was going to attend school with her.

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