Chapter 23 (Laila)

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I couldn't concentrate.

What if Badr was actually angry with me?
What if Baba and Mama didn't reach Singapore safely?
What if I didn't make it to the top team for soccer?

I tried and failed to do my work and then just ended up roaming around the house to take my mind off things, exploring the empty rooms and paintings/antique pieces on the walls. Baba seemed loved Muslim history. There were depictions of the Crusaders attack on Jerusalem, sultans of the Ottoman Empire, the Muslim victory over the Romans etc. I felt slightly uneasy. Wasn't there something wrong with figures of life likeness? There was some Hadith about it somewhere but I couldn't remember.
I picked up a very pretty tea pot, examining the intricate patterns and designs on it, holding it up in the light to see color bounce off the gems.
"What are you doing outside my room?" A haughty voice made me turn around. The voice belonged to Badr, and he was standing in the door frame, his legs crossed.
"N-nothing" I stammered, hastily putting the teapot back, "I didn't know this was your room" I said honestly.
He said nothing for a moment then began shutting the door.
The door paused and he stepped back around it, saying nothing but his look told me to go on.
"Are you angry at me?" I blurted before I could stop myself.
"What? Angry at you? Why?" He asked looking bewildered for a moment. Then his eyes narrowed in his trademark way, "what did you do now Ms Mohammed Junior?"
I ignored the last part although Ms Mohammed Junior sent a jolt through me, "I mean, because of what I said this morning"
"Oh" he scratched his jaw, deep in thought.
"Yes" he said after a moment.
"Yes you're angry at me?"
"Yes I'm angry at you"
His mouth quirked slightly and he shut the door before I could do anything. I stood for a moment, gaping.

I sluggishly made my way to the kitchen, feeling depressed. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't even justify myself, after all I had said something pretty mean, even if it was to the infuriating Badr.

I decided to make chocolate chip cookies.

Yeah it was cheesy and really weird and if I'd been on better terms with him it could have even looked like a romantic
gesture but I decided to do it anyway.

After two hours they were ready. I had to say they looked magnificent by my standards, decent by everyone else's probably: golden, beautifully circular, with a dizzying aroma.
I found a cute circle red container and lined it neatly with paper towels, then started placing cookies in it.
"Ouch!" I yelled every two minutes whenever I held one for too long, jumping a bit. Unfortunately the tenth time I did that I heard Badr's room open and gasped, looking for a place to hide evidence.
I heard him crossing the floor to the kitchen and I just finished stuffing the baking tray in the drawer before whirling around. Badr stood by the counter, his eyebrow raised.
"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.
"Why does it matter to you?"
"I'm kind of in charge"
"I have the power to fire you"
"Try me"
I sighed, dragging a hand across my face. He looked around the place, his eyes missing nothing. Luckily everything was stuffed in the drawers behind me. Shaking his head he opened the fridge.
"Great. You finished my juice as well?"
"What juice?" I asked immediately.
"Really Laila? Really?"
"Ohh that juice" I pretended to remember, "I didn't know it was your"
He just shook his head again and made to leave. For the second time I stopped him.
"Er Badr?"
"No" he said, continuing to walk away.
"No what?"
"No to whatever you want me to do"
He froze and I hastily pulled out the container of cookies and jogged up to face him.
"I-um-well- here" I thrust the cookies under his nose.
He cocked an eyebrow, "what's this?"
"A peace offering"
Badr opened the lid and grinned.
"Aw" he said, looking up at me, "you made these?"
"Yeah" I blushed slightly.
He took a bite from one of them, then ate the rest whole, "these are really good!"
I smiled, "does that mean I'm forgiven?"
He nodded, laughing, "you got me there"
I found myself laughing too in spite of myself. He offered me a cookie too and we sat eating for a moment in comfortable silence.
"Hmm so...friends?" I asked timidly after a while. Badr nodded in mock solemnity.
"Of course"
"A-are you being serious or..."
"No I am! But I kinda enjoy annoying you..."

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