Chapter 18 (Badr)

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Note: chapter pic is what Bilal looks like kinda except a little shorter

"Why can't I come again?"
"Because someone needs to look after this place"
Bilal stood with his arms folded over his chest, glaring at me. He was the oldest of us three; five years older then me, three years older then Yassin. Bilal was shorter then all of us, but he was strong- like really strong. His chest was packed with muscle and he made sure it remained that way. That's probably why he was mainly put to the jobs of looking over transportation of goods- no one wanted to mess with him. Apart from that, my eldest bro had done half a degree in architecture.
And he loved Amu Faris's house.
"Seriously, Bilal, we need you here" Yassin said in what was supposed to be that tone you use when you want to make someone feel important, "besides, you have Chloe to keep you company"
I snorted, "hard to miss us when she's around"
"Shut up Badr" he snapped, "fine. Go off you two. How long is this for?"
"Not sure exactly, I'm thinking maybe two to three weeks?"
He relaxed visible, "that's okay then. Remember, if Baba's lawyer gets his stuff done he could be out pretty soon. That means you two will have to be here"
Yassin and I exchanged glances. Baba coming back in the middle of our assignment was going to be kind of difficult to manage. I nodded anyway.

We made it to amu's house and were let in by his butler.
"Is Sir home yet?" Yassin asked the guy.
"No, he will be back shortly. Shall I show you to your rooms?"
I shook my head, "we know where the guest rooms are"
The butler guy smiled slightly, "Mr Waleed had two suites prepared as you will be staying here for a while, now shall I show you to them?"
For the second time, Yassin and I exchanged glances, but these were to share our surprise. I jerked a hand in gesture for him to go on.

Yeah. Bilal would have died of envy.

My suite was awesome to say the least. It had a clothes room, a whole cupboard which only opened by scanning my palm, lined with guns and blades, a room with a desk and laptop and a bedroom in itself. Amu Faris had also installed a fridge with drinks and tubs of icecream, and there was also a packed bag of tandoori chicken for some reason. There was a large TV in the mini living area, complete with a play station and that Wii thing. I'd never had much time or interest in games, but now that I was going to be stuck here I was eager to try these things out. All the semi rooms were interconnected in the suite- there were only two doors, one for entrance and exit, and one for the bathroom.
Yaasin's place was similar, on the top most floor. No doubt we were spread to be able to hear anything around the house, and sandwiching the floor on which Laila's room was.
Speaking of Laila, she and Amu Faris arrived just as Yassin and I were rummaging around the kitchen downstairs for chips- Transformers 2 was going to start in a few minutes.

"Assalamualaikum Yassin, Badr," Amu Faris said in his deep, king like voice.
"Walaikum salam Amu" I replied and Yassin followed the suit. Laila stepped inside behind her father, her eyes sweeping the place before it settled on me. The eyes narrowed.
"Assalamualaikum Laila" I called in a mock sweet voice as one would to a child.
Yassin rolled his eyes and stepped forward, "Assalamualikum Laila, I'm Yassin, Badr's older brother"
"Walaikum Salam" she smiled and my jaw dropped. So I-who had saved her from a band of thugs AND sacrificed my shirt for her did not get even a twitch of the lips but Yassin got a whole smile?! This girl was unvelievable.
"We were just waiting for you" Yassin told amu, "when are you off? One of us can accompany you to the airport"
"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning inshaAllah, and it's alright Yassin habibi, I will have protection" Amu looked around, particularly between Laila and I who'd been glaring at each other behind his back.
"I'll be in my office. Let me know if you need anything" he spoke to Laila directly. She nodded, her hard expression melting away.
"Of course Baba. I'm going to go do trig homework now"
I snickered at that and she noticed, obviously.
"What?" She glared at me again, "do you even know anything about trig?"
I shrugged, "I know I definitely won't need to summon the power of triangles at any one point of my life"
Yassin turned away, hiding a grin.
"Oh shut up"
"Hey, you're the one who asked"
She rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't expect you to understand that this house, it's roof, every corner in the world, every single piece of construction is actually evidence of the power of triangles. Yeah Badr, triangles"


With that she left, smirking.

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