Chapter 56 (Jax)

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Note: please continue to leave comments!!! I am particularly excited about this chapter as it is the first time we see in Jax's head! :) chapter pic is Christina. Just briefly, tere-liye is my friend Niha whom the character Niha is named after, in case you were confused :) also I was going to made this a chapter with both Badr and Jax but I think Badr's POV is better suited for next chapter. Enjoy!

"Unload section B first, it will go straight to the warehouse I told you about"
"Sure, is there anything else we need my truck for?"
"Yeah we have more cargo coming in but I'm waiting for back up to get here"
"Sure boss"
"Any doubt?"
Roden, the truck driver snickered and walked off. Jax sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It was a mess to say the least but after having no sleep for virtually three nights in a row he couldn't care less.
The first night he'd been at a party at Fankour's- drinking enough stuff to ruin his liver. It had been fun though, and he'd met a fair few pretty faces. But the next day Badr had asked him to cover for him at the Bin Waleed mansion while he was gone somewhere and Jax had spent the day making sure no one came within the vicinity of the place.
The second night he'd been after a few initiates who'd gotten themselves in a tricky spot with the police, utilizing his posh English to get them out of the situation.
And tonight he was overseeing the arrival of their shipments from Russia, containers full of various items- gear, drugs, weapons mainly guns, and other supplies to stock Cedochi for a good while. A shipment like this came around every six months and that too if it made it through Cuban ports. From there on it arrived to New Forest harbour at a location brought by the Cedochi, conveniently ignored by the police- it was too big a problem for them to deal with.
A few others like Jax- Vitaly, Alec and Kristina were overlooking the arrival of the goods, and they were all certain Buria were going to poke their nose in as they were liable to do- this shipment was no secret. Cedochi hired workers worked fast, running from here to there with cargo. There were larger, room sized metal containers which were securely locked in place and would be unloaded tomorrow when the proper machinery to left them arrived.

Jax sighed.

Vitaly, Alec and Christina didn't know about the Green Snake. In fact he was certain no one but Badr, himself and Derek were the only ones who were familiar with that name. Badr had told him to keep it a secret...
"Why?" Jax had asked, raising his eyebrows. Badr's eyebrows were knit together, his face an expression of pain. He was still standing upright with endless lashes after all.
"Because the name will make people hesitant and distracted- we need to show him we don't give a fuck about him or his title- we are Cedochi, not Buria and those tricks don't work on us"
A surge of pride filled Jax. He loved that about Badr, that sense of power and pride in him, his loyalty to Cedochi.

"Ser ve aare dis loading section A now" a Russian Cedochi who'd escorted the ship told Jax. His English made him wince and he held up a hand.
"Hold it" checking his watch, "back up should be here in a few minutes-"
"Eez it them?" He pointed to somewhere elevated behind Jax, the crescent dagger of Cedochi on his wrist gleaming in the setting sun.
"No it's..." Jax turned around, raising his palm to his head to shield the sun, squinting in the direction the Russian guy pointed. There were guys assembled, watching them from a the terrace of the now deserted ferry and  yacht hire registration office. They'd clearly just arrived and made no effort to hide themselves. Jax could smell Buria from their appearance- they liked to make a scene and acted the part. Vitaly and Alec moved in behind Jax, following his gaze.
"Buria" Alec muttered, stating the obvious for the Russian guy. He was the same height as Jax, had dark brown, almost black hair which hung over his green-blue eyes, and had clearly not shaved for a few days too. Vitaly on the other hand was tall and brooding, dressed accordingly, and was a close friend of Badr's. He'd only arrived from Switzerland a few days ago.
"Tell them to lock up" Jax said slowly, noticing the guy clad in black, familiarly hooded. He had a feeling that figure had green eyes like that of a snake.
Vitaly ordered something to the Russian guy in his native tongue who then carried out the order, snapping into motion.
"Where's Christina?" Vitaly asked sharply, which was fair enough as they were dating.
"I'm here darling" Christina called, jumping off a container and landing perfectly in her stilettos. Most Cedochi women really looked the part and Christina was no exception. She wasn't tall but her six inch needle sharp heels helped that. She wore body fitting gear, mostly leather, and her blond hair was straightened to perfection. She'd painted her lips a berry red and eyes spiked up with mascara. Jax looked away. It would not do to feel any inclination of any sort toward Vitaly's girlfriend.
"Stay close" Vitaly murmured, taking her hand. She smirked, "Vit relaaax they're  just a bunch of Buria shit- nothing to worry about"
I don't think so Jax thought uneasily. He quickly sent a text to Badr, come to the dock asap bc your man is here
Please check your phone Badr....
The Buria started making their way down the terrace and one of their men shouted unintelligible orders at them.
"Get the ship out!" Jax shouted, turning to their own men, "get out of line of fire- Vitaly for goodness sake translate!"
The guy shouted Jax's order in his deep voice and the Russian Cedochi quickly began boarding the ship to get it ready for withdrawal. With a vessel that size it would move incredibly slow which meant they'd have to hold off Buria until it was well out of line of fire.
"Come on" he muttered to the rest, grabbing a bigger gun out of his backpack which lay at his feet. They followed the suit, as did the Cedochi who were not part of unloading.
"Get out of here" Alec told their hired crew, which were Philipino and had absolutely no idea about what was about to go down, "Go- leave- out"
They obeyed, their eyes wide at the sight of guns. Jax sighed. They could have acted as something to stall but no, Alex's humanitarian cause took greater priority.
"This is just insane" Christina said angrily, "why do we always have to play this game? It's such a waste of time!"
"It's a waste of our time" Jax corrected, "for them it's more of exercise"
"We are wasting time here" Vitaly growled, "I am eager for some Buria blood"
"So am I" Jax agreed, "tell the boys to arm themselves, and let me take care of the guy in black"
"Oooh keeping the real treat to yourself babe how selfish is that?" Christina teased. Jax shook his head ruefully, "Badr's orders"
"Oh say hello to that hottie from me!" She laughed at Vitaly's expression which made it soften. Jax rolled his eyes, Badr seemed to have a universal soft spot in ladies hearts.

There was a loud bang and Jax whipped his head in anger, "who told you to fire?" He shouted into the assembled Cedochi but they hadn't moved an inch.
"What the-"
The ground beneath them trembled and Vitaly shouted "Fall back!" In alarm- just in time because a second later there was an explosion, slamming bits of wood and concrete everywhere.
The Cedochi scattered, running for cover. They didn't shoot blindly into the billowing smoke, but Jax saw some fall as a result of Buria gunfire.
Smart he thought angrily, an asset the Buria never had.
"Tell everyone to retreat!" Alec yelled from somewhere to his right, "We don't have the numbers!"
He was right, Jax reluctantly admitted to himself as he rolled in behind a stack of empty wooden storage boxes, lodging his gun over them. He allowed himself a quick look at their ship which was making progress. Just a few more minutes...
His phone vibrated, announcing a call. Flipping it open he saw with a surge of relief it was Badr.
"Jax what's going on?" His voice came through as soon he'd answered it.
"Badr- Buria are here- and he's here-"
"The Green Snake?"
"Yeah-" Jax's voice stuck in his throat as he witnessed what happened in the swirl of dissipating smoke.
Christina, all a fury of heels and flashes of a revolver was in the thick of it, but she didn't notice the devil stalk up to her, his green eyes piercingly fixated on her form. Before Jax could fire, he'd grabbed her by her hair, pulled her head down and slid a thin blade through her ribs.
Christina didn't even scream, slumping down as he released her, tears streaming down her face.
A roar of rage and pain sounded from afar and Jax knew it was Vitaly.
Pain...loss...his head spun slightly, this is what you signed up for. This is what it means to be Cedochi.

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