Chapter 4 (Badr)

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Killing the engine of my black BMW convertible I shrugged my jacket off my shoulders and spun the keys around my finger. The sun had risen well above the horizon now, and I was ready to catch up on some sleep. My body felt warm despite the pre-winter chill - dragging Ronan around until we found a decent place to dispose of him- had done my head in. Yawning, I made my way up the pristine marble steps to our house, unlocked the heavy mahogany door with a swipe of my card, and sauntered inside. 

Although I didn't spend so much time looking around the place anymore I was still not completely used to the huge house which only me, Yassin and Bilal lived in, and for five hours early morning the cleaners and cook. There were two stories and a smaller third one right up the top where we kept all our weapons and gear. We didn't want to openly display our guns and Cedochi stuff for obvious reasons. 

On the ground floor was a huge living room area and a kitchen ingrained to it's side, as well as two guest rooms with their own bathrooms each. Upstairs were five bedrooms, one for each of us, one ready for Baba when he returned, and one for any of our close mates which was mostly Jax. Outside was a large pool, and a bit of lawn for football and target practice. It was a nice place to say the least, warm and welcoming, and all from our own hard earned money thanks to Cedochi.

"Back little bro?"
Yassin was lying comfortably on one of the sofas in the living room, three laptops surrounding him. He'd studied computer science at university and was in charge of surveillance for places Cedochi kept an eye on or hacking into servers we needed information from. He was tall, taller then me, with lean build, dark green eyes and jet black hair, sharp eyebrows. He was famous with the ladies.
"Yep" I replied, settling onto another large sofa with that thing you can pull up for your legs, "where's Bilal?"
"What? When did he leave?"
Yassin grinned, "relax little bro, he'll be back soon just had to escort some cargo back here. It was kinda last minute"
"Oh" I stretched out with another yawn, "Who's with him?"
Yassin laughed and I guessed the answer.
"Chloe isn't it? Oh god..." I shook my head with exasperation but I couldn't help grinning. Chloe and Bilal were like the badass criminal couple you saw in movies, and the talk of the younger kids in the group.
"You guessed it" chuckled my brother.
"I'm always right" I replied mockingly and he snickered, "I'm going to sleep, any messages left for me?"
Yassin paused a moment then he shook his head, "no...not for now anyway"
I grunted and rolled onto my stomach, suddenly too tired to ask what that "not now" was for.

One hour later Yassin was shaking me awake.
"Badr! Badr you idiot wake up! You have to see this!"
I blinked, bleary eyed, and turned to glare at him. I had a pistol in my pocket and I was not afraid to use it.
"What?" I growled and he quickly brought over one of his laptops, pointing at the screen.
"Why are we watching Genesis reception?" I asked in irritation. Genesis was a electricity company, and their global headquarters was in New Forest. A few months ago one of the guys we were after worked there so we'd wired up the place. On Yassin's screen now was a surveillance window, looking down at the people who walked in and out of the double glass doors. Yassin pointed at a figure seated in the waiting area and I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer look. She was a woman wearing a coat style grey abaya and matching hijab. She was tall and firm looking with golden-white skin and noble features. In her hands were a few documents and she watched passing customers and staff keenly.
"What about her?" I asked although something tingled at the back of my mind. Yassin pulled out a piece of paper from his note book and shoved it under my nose. It was a picture of a women who bore striking resemblance to the one in Genesis. I remembered then, as I looked up at Yassin. A few weeks ago we'd been issued this picture, a photograph of my father's best friend's wife. Faris Bin Waleed, one of the top guys in Cedochi and head of all business interaction for the gang. Yassin flipped out his phone, and we both stood silent as it rang. Finally it was answered.
"Assalam'alaikum Yassin" the deep voice emanated at the other end.
"Walaikum salaam Sir" he stumbled a bit over the greeting we barely used, "Sir, I believe we have found your wife. She is here, in New Forest"

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