New Books!

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Salam Alaikum GKBK team!!

This is just to let you know I have started two new books which you should definitely check out!

Golden Storms

A historical fiction novel based on the strange romance and adventure of a cold-blooded assassin and golden-eyed Niqabi warrior

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A historical fiction novel based on the strange romance and adventure of a cold-blooded assassin and golden-eyed Niqabi warrior.

Highest ranks: #3 in History || #90 in Spiritual || #1 in Urdu || #6 in Arabic

"Who are you?" he murmured as he stalked toward her, "you, who has broken every feminine ideal?"

She surprised him by tossing her head back and laughing a humourless laugh. The mocking sound made him raise an eyebrow.

"The ideals you speak of have only been imposed on women by vile men like yourself" she responded, eyes ablaze and mirth gone, "you, who has upheld every cruel masculine ideal"

****In which a golden-eyed warrior and cold-hearted assassin warred and loved and warred.****

This book is set a thousand years ago, shortly after Islam spread to most of Asia Minor. Tridari lay nestled between the two great empires of Arabia and Persia, home to the Tridarians who were neither Arab nor Persian but a people of their own.

Respect, Ossani

She's a runaway mafia princess and he's the rising Don

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She's a runaway mafia princess and he's the rising Don. She's spent the last few years hiding and he's been looking for her. She joined a gang and he made a deal. She accidentally saved his father's life. He made the mistake of falling in love with her.

She is Vedette Rosabelle Ossani. He is Don Rafael Moretti.

And this is their story. 


Ossani is a mafia novel but is loosely related to GKBK because Cedochi is involved and perhaps characters from GKBK will emerge in it from time to time.

Sooooo please check them out and share them if you like them! I am open to feedback and suggestions as many of you who have messaged me will know :)

In regards to an epilogue- there will be one inshaAllah but not any time soon I'm assuming because I don't want it to be a typical one but something exciting and different. PLEASE SHARE, VOTE and COMMENT ON GKBK- GET IT UP THERE GUYS!!!

JazakAllah khair

- Sarah <3

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