Chapter 67 (Ethan)

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Note: just catching up with Ethan!

"Dad there is no fucking way I'm going back to that school"
Lucian Evendale looked up from the documents he'd been reading and glared at his son. Ethan tried not to cower before those sharp eyes, and willed himself to stand his ground.
"And why is that Ethan?" Lucian asked icily, "is it you grades? Last time I checked you received straight A's- or were those forged documents?"
"No" He replied through gritted teeth. He hadn't told his father about that almost kidnapping of Badr, or that he'd clearly seen his face or the fact that, according to a few Buria initiates at New Forest he'd been seen around campus a few times this week- all in all going back would be like suicide.
"Then what is it?" Lucian growled, "as you may or may not have noticed Ethan , neither I nor your mother left education without a high class degree. It's how this whole thing works- with brains. You want to live in a cardboard box in the streets? Fine with me"
"Dad- "
"As it is we're in a bad position. The Green Snake is under his custody, and he has all the possible leads to Laila Muhammed"
"I could help you get him back" Ethan said desperately even though his father did not know he knew the agree Snake's real identity, "I'll give it my all, Dad. I need to do something- I can't jus sit behind a desk and watch everyone else go in field"
His father stared at him thoughtfully, as if he were actually considering it. Finally he sighed and said, "okay"
"You will check up on Badr for me" he snapped, "see if the poison is working. Bastard could have sniffed it out for all we know. None of my sources have given the slightest hint of it working- by now he should have fainted a few times, had serious head pain or something. How he managed to take Harrison with that in his system is beyond me"
Ethan swallowed. He had the weirdest feeling that Badr wasn't under the effect of poison. Hell, when he'd been whipped and drugged he'd managed to take on three of them- who knew what he could do when he was fully alert?
"Sure" he answered, trying to look confident, "I have a few guys at school I could call up"
"You have a week Ethan, after that it's break, and after that it's back to school"
Ethan nodded respectfully and backed out of his father's study. On his way out he noticed the same stunning woman he'd seen in the same place so long ago. Today she was dressed in an elegant pale green dress that flowed around her ankles, and her honey colored hair was pinned up in a pretty bun. She was so stunning it was as if she'd walked straight out of a modeling magazine. She didn't even look at him as she passed- her eyes fixated on where she wanted to go with purpose and confidence.
"Sheesh" he heard one of the guards mutter.

Once outside Ethan set to work immediately. He called up Brandon, Jules, Tyrone and Curtis, the Buria guys at New Forest. They were to arrive at his house to organize what was going down tomorrow. While waiting for them he quickly sent a message to Ellie, who was currently on a PhysEd trip to Houston about his day which they always exchanged, lying about a boring calculus class. He didn't feel good at all about lying to her, but she couldn't know anything about Buria, and he wasn't going to let anything shatter that illusion of a normal couple. His heart burned with longing for her. She was so sweet, cared for him so much. She wasn't the typical sporty Barbie perfect bitch most of her friends had turned out to be.
As well as her, he missed Harrison. He'd had him back for such a short time only to lose him to Badr. Was he even alive? It wasn't like Badr to leave people alive after he'd caught them, but he'd seen him being dragged away by the beast. I'll get you back Ethan promised, and we'll take a Badr down together.

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