Chapter 26 (Niha)

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Note: wink wink nudge nudge ;)

Niha had just read and replied okay to Laila's message when a red ford pulled up the Taufeeq's driveway. She saw it from her window and quickly spared herself a glance in the mirror to make sure she looked okay. She was dressed in a burbury coat on a dark blue shirt, white jeans and coffee colored boots. After minutes of contemplation she'd thrown on a dark brown hijab- the kind that she thought suited her golden tones best. Quickly shouting "Assalamualaikum!" To no one in particular as the whole family was out at their cousin's place, she quickly activated the alarm and ran outside, locking the door behind her.
"Assalamualaikum Niha! Wow you look really nice" Laila stepped out of the car in greeting. She looked the same as she did at school- football shirt and jeans- Laila Classic.
"Walaikum Salam Laila" Niha replied with a smile, embracing her lightly, "and JazakAllah Khair!"
"Sorry we're a bit late" Laila apologized, "hey, sorry- this is my erm cousin, Badr. I'm staying at his house for a few weeks"
"Where?" Niha asked but then Laila moved and she saw Badr.
Okay wow.
So she'd come across attractive- mild and super, but Badr was on a whole 'nother level. He was so striking she couldn't believe such a guy existed in real life and not in male model world. And this was Laila's cousin?! He seemed to be making her nervous too because the smile he gave Niha spelt trouble.
"Er- let's get going" Laila said hastily ushering Niha into the car.

The car ride back was long but they didn't run out of things to talk about thanks to her. She knew Laila wasn't the kind of person who could keep the conversation alive and thriving but she really tried, and Niha was a natural with making people feel comfortable. Badr was hard to ignore. Even though he said nothing the entire time. She'd occasionally catch his lips curve at something they said and then return to their line.

Finally they reached the house and Niha tried hard not to gape at the place. It was like, four stories high and magnificent, sprawling over all this land and around it a football field's worth of lawn and were those...peacocks?
There were two gates you passed on your way in, each which required a special code from Badr, and outside them Niha didn't miss the guards.
"Um Laila, what does your uncle do?"
"He's a banker" her friend winced, "I know, this was my reaction too"
Phew that's two of us. They made their way inside and it was no surprise the interior of the house seemed to surpass the exterior, wide and lavish with comfortable furniture, carpets, pristine and clean. Badr disappeared up a staircase and Laila led Niha to the living area with a coffee table that was perfect to spread out their work on. It was only then as Laila unnecessarily fluffed up the pillows that she realized how excited her friend was. Her cheeks were kind of red and her eyes bright.
"I've never seen someone so excited to study" Niha laughed, getting excited herself.
"Ohmigod Niha I've been looking forward to this all week! I'll get us some snacks then we can start!"

They spent the morning and some of the afternoon with Niha explaining Chemistry, drawing diagram after diagram on refill- the one thing missing in this house was ironically a white board. They then moved on to calculus and by the time it was Asr both Niha and Laila were too full of facts and learning to do anything more.
"Wow that was the most productive I've been this whole month" Laila said once they cleared their stuff away, "thank you so much Niha. You are a legend"
Niha shook her head blushing very slightly, "I think we both worked pretty hard"
They were silent for a few moments, feeling very satisfied with themselves. Then Laila bolted upright.
"Want to see my temporary room?"
"I was wondering when you were going to ask!" Niha laughed, standing up. Laila led her to the stairs but she stopped in her tracks when she noticed someone staring at them, his arms crossed over the railing.
If Badr was attractive, this guy was indescribably attractive.
He was tall, lean, and had a neat cut to everything about him. His hair, his black Canterbury trackpants with white v-neck full sleeved shirt, his chiseled chest which was clear through the fabric...all of it made him look unreal and perfect. Something about his jet black eyebrows and dark lashes made him look badass, as did the muscle in his jaw and his noble nose. Those eyes were the same amber brown of Badr's but keen and intelligent in a calmer way.
And they were fixed on her.
Intently, slightly embarrassingly, making her forget how to walk straight.
Laila's voice broke her out of her reverie and she tore her eyes away from him.
"This is Yassin, Yassin- Niha"
"Assalamualikum Niha" the boy- Yassin- said in a musical voice, springing off the railing and making his way downstairs with a graceful gait.
"W-Walaikum Salam"
she blushed when he walked past, close enough to almost brush her shoulder. She caught his lips curve slightly when she stepped sideways involuntarily but soon he'd disappeared inside the kitchen, his footsteps swallowed away by his noiseless way of movement.

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