Chapter 75 EID

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"I'm not so sure about this" Badr said for the hundredth time this morning. I inhaled, trying to keep my cool.
"Look" I replied, gazing at him with so much intensity I hoped the force of it would somehow convince him, "I'm telling you, they'll be okay! And Badr you and I know both know they deserve to know. This is the best time- Bilal's getting engaged tomorrow for goodness sake! Ms Saleh needs you guys- you gave her everything she needs but you need to give her what is already hers"
"I know" he groaned, resting his head against the kitchen wall, "I know...I just..."
"Would you like me to come?"
He smiled crookedly, "I would. But Niha would be offended you bailed on her twice"
I nodded. Niha had invited me to her house for the day for eid because she knew my parents weren't here. The boys were invited too but they would come at night for the big dinner.
That is, if all went well.
"Okay well I'll get ready then" I told Badr awkwardly.
"Make sure you get some rest during the day" he said immediately, "you had fever again last night didn't you?"
"How did you know?!"
"I just do. Now go get changed Mohammed Junior"
Still puzzling over what he said I headed to my room. I had already picked out what to wear for eid and was kind of excited. It was a long, almost ankle length white anarkali which was split down the middle with pearl beads. It had golden and purple work and nice, flowy sleeves I loved. The best part was it complimented my figure perfectly, making me look elegant and willowy rather than scrawny and thin. I decided to wear a purple hijab that was not pashmina or net but something in between chiffon and lace, making sure to double it soy hair didn't show. At the last minute I decided to put a bit of lipstick on, leaving the rest of my face bare because Niha wanted to do my makeup. Fairly satisfied I pulled on sparkly golden heels that only peeked out when I moved, and wore a set of bangles before arranging my dupatta on the side.
I didn't give myself time to think about what it would have been like if Mama was here, I didn't want to start Eid with tears.
"Laila! Niha is here!" Bilal called.
"Okay coming!" I replied, hastily gathering everything and power walking out.
Yassin was standing in the doorframe with a smile and I winked at him cheekily before passing.
"Assalamualaikum Laila!" Niha and her dad said in unison.
"Walaikum Salam!" I replied with a laugh and took to the back seat.
"You look amazing mashaAllah" Niha told me. I blushed slightly, "jazakAllah Khair"
It was then that I noticed Badr, standing by the pool, his body angled toward me, his eyes locked on mine. I wanted to reach out and tell him one more time that it would be okay but Mr Taufeeq was already backing the car out.
I waved at him instead with a small smile and he shook his head ruefully, but I was rewarded with a small curve of his lips as well.

Jamaal AbdulQadir:

"Where are we going Badr?" Bilal's asked again as sped across the highway. Jamaal was equally curious to know, after all, they seemed to be heading out into the country judging by the more spacious green lands flying past.
"Just fucking wait" Badr growled, his jaw clenched. Bilal opened his mouth to argue angrily but Jamaal stopped him with a look.
Badr had been acting strangely ever since the sun rose. He was tense and easily irritated, and there was no sign of his usual carelessness or easy going nature that had enlightened the house over the past few days. Instead he'd ordered them all in the car with little or no explanation. He knew Laila knew what was up because the girl had been looking worried as well, but he also knew not to push them.
Still, he trusted his youngest son with all his heart and knew he would never put them in danger.

They drove in silence for a long time, almost two hours, each lost in their own thoughts. Yassin was gazing outside like himself but Bilal's eyes were closed lightly, his face tilted up to meet the sun. Badr kept going, his eyes focused straight ahead, brow furrowed and hair disheveled from the amount of times he'd run his hands through it.
Finally, Jamaal decided to speak.
"Are we close yet habibi?" He asked gently.
"Very close" Badr replied nonchalantly.
"Will you tell us now where the hell we're going?" Bilal growled, eyes snapping open.
There was silence. Then-
"Mom" Badr sighed, once again running a hand through his hair, "I'm taking you to her"
"What?" Yassin exclaimed, his head shooting up, "are you serious?"
Silence fell in the car- no one really knew what to say but he was sure that there was enough to think about for each member.

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