Chapter 68 (Badr)

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Note: eid Mubarak everyone! enjoy!

I angrily muted my phone. The siren of the alarm was enough to do my head in.
Yawning, I stretched my arms and hauled myself out of bed. I ran a hand over my jaw- I definitely needed to shave. Yassin and Bilal were snoring away peacefully, entangled in their blankets. I'd removed my shirt and was bare chested because it was way too hot, something all of us had avoided because there was a very innocent girl in the house. Speaking of her, Laila was just descending from the stairs, fully ready in a black shirt and cute pink top that had buttons. I stared shamelessly. Laila and skirts? What happened to football tops and pants? She looked cute though, more so then in her football uniform and that was saying something.
She caught sight of me and let out a small yelp, blushing furiously.
"P-put a shirt on!" She whisper shouted. I smirked at her, watching her through my lazy gaze, "like something you see?"
"Ew" she replied in distaste, heading back up the stairs, "when you're fully dressed call me"
"Aw come on!" I followed her, even though I knew she was seconds away from sprinting to her room, "won't you make me breakfast?"
Turning around and squinting at the clock she replied haughtily, "hmm let's see...breakfast was around four am, you're just a few hours late. Maybe you could try fasting instead?"
"Ahh" I nodded to myself, "Ramadan"
But she was already gone, glancing at me angrily before shutting her door. I smirked to myself. She sooo liked what she saw. Who could resist this body? No one I knew.

Feeling better about the morning I got ready for school, shaving, showering, and pulling on sporty gear. I shoved my half done homework and books in my bag and sent a quick text to Zaid, the guy in my physics class who usually saved me from forgetting deadlines.
Bro was there anything due today?
His reply was quick:
Just that nuclear physics practice paper. Bro Ramadan Kareem!
Oh dammit. I realized everyone would be fasting today...therefore there was no lunch for me.
Shit didn't do it. Ramadan Kareem man
I hoped that was normal to say.
Swinging my bag over my shoulder I jogged downstairs where Laila had grudgingly prepared a few oval pancakes with cream on top.
"Thanks" I told her earnestly.
"Just hurry up" she replied, but I caught that half smile as she turned away.
"What's with the new outfit?" I asked while adding chocolate sauce. Laila blushed slightly, "does it look weird?"
"Looks cute"
"What do you want me to say?!"
"Ugh...thanks" she acknowledged grudgingly with a smile, "well, I have my speech today for guess I should look decent"
"But no make up?"
"No thanks" she touched her face self consciously.
"Good" I winked, "because you don't need it"
She blushed fully then, furiously, trying not to, but pink spread in her cheeks anyway. Trying to look annoyed she busied herself with something in the kitchen.
"If I asked you to do something would you do it?" I called
"Like?" She replied incredulously.
"Here" I pulled out my physics file and tossed it to her. Looking bewildered as she caught it and flicked through. Understanding dawned on her face.
"No way!" She exclaimed, throwing it back to me, "you do your own homework!"
"At least let me borrow your notes" I batted my eyelashes like a girl, "please"
Furiously she rummaged through her bag and pulled out her book, glaring at me as she handed it over.
"Do you have any idea how annoying you are?"
"Naw Laila you don't mean that"
"Try me"

Bilal decided to drop us off to school, and watched amusedly as we bickered all the way there. Even though we were half joking, by the time we got there Laila had snatched her notes back and I had to set foot in the place I'd never set foot in before.
The library.
As soon as I stepped through the doors every single girl within eyesight peered over her glasses. Okay maybe that was an overstatement, but you get the gist. I was met with shameless stares as I hurriedly walked through the aisles and tried to find a secluded spot to study. Two nerdy guys from my chemistry class sniggered loudly as I passed them, but one glare from me was all it took to shut them up.
"Yo Yusuf!"
I jerked back a few steps and caught sight of Hassan and Talha on their own table. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank The Lord for these two.
"Assalamualaikum bro" Talha greeted.
"Walaikum Salam guys" I replied with a grin, "Ramadan Kareem"
"Oh yeah! Almost forgot I was fasting!" Hassan exclaimed, tapping his stomach. I settled down in the chair next to him and pulled out my work which they observed, not bothering to be subtle.
"Physics" Hassan groaned pulling his own book forward, "thanks for reminding me bro"
"No worries" I replied, equally 'happy'.
"You idiots, we had a whole week to do that" Talha rolled his eyes.
"You and Laila should talk sometimes" I told him, "she said exactly the same thing"
"Well-" he began but Hassan cut across.
"Bro you giving us a hand or are you going to lecture us? Because I heard enough of that by Rana and Zahra this morning"
We both laughed and Talha grudgingly grinned. I was lost in the normalcy of it all for a few brief moments. Not a worry in the world, a life that just revolved between the triangle of school, family and romance. Mine was all over the place, a mess I only just managed to handle.
"Are you goin to the game on Saturday?" Hassan asked us. I raised an eyebrow.
"What game?"
"Laila's football game! It's the second one at home so a lot of senior year will be going to watch"
"Oh" I replied, confused, "she didn't say anything about a match"
"That's because it just came up on the notice board today" Hassan replied casually.
"He would know" Talha grinned, "he checks up on girls football at least twice a day right akhi?"
"What?! No"
I felt a Cheshire Cat smile slowly spread on my face. Did Hassan have a thing for Laila? There was no better news. I could tease her for eternity.
"We'll go together bro" I told him, punching his arm lightly and sharing a secret wink with Talha. Understanding dawned on his face and he replied with a grin.
The bell rang and we started to pack our stuff for first period. I checked my time table, something I hadn't memorized yet.
"I have REC...niiiice"
Rec was gym class for seniors, and needless to stay I was the centre of attention.
"Sweet as, so do I" Talha said, "Hassan you have-?"
"Physics" he groaned as we sniggered.

REC was my favorite class by far. The coach loved me, the girls couldn't have enough of me in my gear, and the boys were naturally drawn toward the best player on the pitch. We were playing volleyball today and Talha and I were already mutually agreed to a team. We took our bags to the boys changing rooms and began to change into our gear. I was too busy replying to Jax's updates on the Green Snake to notice almost everyone had changed and was leaving.
"Er Yusuf?" Talha asked, gently interrupting me.
"I'll head in and tell coach you're coming, otherwise we're both toast"
"Oh yeah" I nodded to him, "I'll get changed"
Make sure there's three of you outside his cell. Wire up the place, I'll be watching-
The sound of the door slamming made me jerk my head up- did my texting piss Talha off or something? What a-
But no. The changing rooms were deserted save for a couple of guys who hung out together; Brandon, Jules, someone and someone. Brandon had slammed the door shut. He was taller than me, well built, with pasty white skin and a wad of yellow hair, and obviously the ringleader. I raised an eyebrow at him as he glared at me and pulled my shirt off over my head, preparing to get changed.
But clearly they were having none of that.
One of them, Curtain or someone, grabbed my bag and threw it across the floor, the contents spilling out. Thank god I hadn't packed a gun.
"That's not very nice" I said calmly even though I was sure my blood pressure was rising.
"We're not here to play nice" Brandon growled, flexing his arms.
I fought the urge to laugh as I suddenly understood. They were going to fight me? Me? I was amazed at the nerve, but then again did they know I could make them cry within seconds?
"Thank God" I replied with a ghost of a smile, "at least it'll be fair. I never play nice"
With that I eagerly waited for the first blow, and the lion that had been in slumber for so long within me stretched and yawned, ready to roar everything else into oblivion.

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